< 2 Chronicles 1 >

1 Now Solomon son of David established himself securely over his kingdom, and the LORD his God was with him and highly exalted him.
Oo Sulaymaan ina Daa'uud boqortooyadiisuu ku xoogaystay, oo Rabbigii Ilaahiisa ahaa waa la jiray oo aad iyo aad buuna u weyneeyey.
2 Then Solomon spoke to all Israel, to the commanders of thousands and of hundreds, to the judges, and to every leader in all Israel—the heads of the families.
Oo Sulaymaan baa la hadlay reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan oo ahaa kuwii kun kun u talin jiray, iyo kuwii boqol boqol u talin jiray, iyo xaakinnadii, iyo amiir kasta oo dalka reer binu Israa'iil joogay kuwaasoo ahaa madaxdii reeraha.
3 And Solomon and the whole assembly went to the high place at Gibeon because it was the location of God’s Tent of Meeting, which Moses the servant of the LORD had made in the wilderness.
Markaasaa Sulaymaan iyo shirkii isaga la jiray oo dhammu waxay tageen meeshii sare oo Gibecoon ku tiil, waayo, halkaas waxaa tiil teendhadii shirka oo Rabbiga, taasoo Muuse oo ahaa Rabbiga addoonkiisii uu cidlada ku sameeyey.
4 Now David had brought the ark of God from Kiriath-jearim to the place he had prepared for it, because he had pitched a tent for it in Jerusalem.
Laakiinse sanduuqii axdiga Ilaah Daa'uud baa ka soo qaaday Qiryad Yecaariim oo wuxuu keenay meeshii Daa'uud u diyaariyey, waayo, isagu Yeruusaalem ayuu teendho uga dhisay.
5 But the bronze altar made by Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, was in Gibeon before the tabernacle of the LORD. So Solomon and the assembly inquired of Him there.
Oo weliba meeshii allabariga ee naxaasta ahayd oo uu Besaleel ina Uurii oo ahaa reer Xuur sameeyey halkaasay tiil taambuugga Rabbiga hortiisa. Oo halkaasay Sulaymaan iyo shirkiiba Rabbiga ka doonayeen.
6 Solomon offered sacrifices there before the LORD on the bronze altar in the Tent of Meeting, where he offered a thousand burnt offerings.
Markaasaa Sulaymaan kor ugu baxay meeshii allabariga ee naxaasta ahayd oo Rabbiga hor tiil, taasoo teendhadii shirka hor qotontay, oo wuxuu ku dul bixiyey kun qurbaan oo la gubo.
7 That night God appeared to Solomon and said, “Ask, and I will give it to you!”
Oo habeenkaas ayaa Ilaah Sulaymaan u muuqday oo ku yidhi, I bari waxaad doonaysid aan ku siiyee.
8 Solomon replied to God: “You have shown much loving devotion to my father David, and You have made me king in his place.
Markaasaa Sulaymaan Ilaah ku yidhi, Aabbahay Daa'uud si weyn baad ugu naxariisatay, anigana boqor baad igaga dhigtay meeshiisii.
9 Now, O LORD God, let Your promise to my father David be fulfilled. For You have made me king over a people as numerous as the dust of the earth.
Haddaba Rabbiyow Ilaahow, ballankaagii aad aabbahay Daa'uud u ballanqaadday ha dhismo, waayo, waxaad boqor iiga dhigtay dad tiradiisu tahay sida ciidda dhulka.
10 Now grant me wisdom and knowledge, so that I may lead this people. For who is able to govern this great people of Yours?”
Haddaba waxaad i siisaa xigmad iyo aqoon si aan dadkan hortooda ugu baxo oo ugu soo galo, waayo, dadkaagan tirada badan bal yaa xukumi kara?
11 God said to Solomon, “Since this was in your heart instead of requesting riches or wealth or glory for yourself or death for your enemies—and since you have not even requested long life but have asked for wisdom and knowledge to govern My people over whom I have made you king—
Markaasaa Ilaah wuxuu Sulaymaan ku yidhi, Waxyaalaha qalbigaaga ku jiray aawadood oo ah adigoo aan i weyddiisan maal, iyo hodan, amase sharaf, amase kuwa adiga ku neceb noloshooda, ama aadan i weyddiisan cimri dheer, laakiinse aad i weyddiisatay xigmad iyo aqoon aad ku xukuntid dadkayga aan boqorka kaaga dhigay,
12 therefore wisdom and knowledge have been granted to you. And I will also give you riches and wealth and honor unlike anything given to the kings before you or after you.”
ayaa xigmad iyo aqoonba lagu siiyey, oo anna waxaan ku siinayaa maal, iyo hodan, iyo sharaf ayan lahaan jirin boqorradii kaa horreeyey oo dhammu, oo ayan kuwa kaa dambeeya oo dhammuna taasoo kale lahaan doonin.
13 So Solomon went to Jerusalem from the high place in Gibeon before the Tent of Meeting, and he reigned over Israel.
Markaasaa Sulaymaan ka soo noqday meeshii sare oo Gibecoon ku tiil iyo teendhadii shirka, oo yimid Yeruusaalem, reer binu Israa'iil buuna boqor u noqday.
14 Solomon accumulated 1,400 chariots and 12,000 horses, which he stationed in the chariot cities and also with him in Jerusalem.
Sulaymaanna wuxuu urursaday gaadhifardood iyo rag fardooley ah, oo wuxuu lahaa kun iyo afar boqol oo gaadhifaras, iyo laba iyo toban kun oo nin oo fardooley ah, oo wuxuu fadhiisiyey magaalooyinkii gaadhifardoodka, oo qaarna boqorkay Yeruusaalem la joogeen.
15 The king made silver and gold as common in Jerusalem as stones, and cedar as abundant as sycamore in the foothills.
Oo boqorku wuxuu lacag iyo dahabba Yeruusaalem kaga dhigay sida dhagaxyo oo kale. Oo geedo kedar ahna wuxuu u soo badiyey oo ka dhigay sida geedaha darayga ah oo dhulka hoose ka baxa oo kale.
16 Solomon’s horses were imported from Egypt and Kue; the royal merchants purchased them from Kue.
Oo Sulaymaan farduhuu haystayna waxaa laga keenay dalka Masar, oo boqorka baayacmushtariyaashiisii ayaa raxan raxan u soo kaxeeyey iyagoo raxanba iib gaar ah siiyey.
17 A chariot could be imported from Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver, and a horse for a hundred and fifty. Likewise, they exported them to all the kings of the Hittites and to the kings of Aram.
Oo gaadhifaras wuxuu Masar kaga soo bixi jiray lix boqol oo sheqel oo lacag ah, farasna boqol iyo konton sheqel; oo saasoo kalay ugu wada keeni jireen boqorradii reer Xeed oo dhan iyo boqorradii reer Suuriyaba.

< 2 Chronicles 1 >