< 2 Chronicles 9 >

1 Now when the queen of Sheba heard about the fame of Solomon, she came to test him with difficult questions. She arrived in Jerusalem with a very large caravan—with camels bearing spices, gold in abundance, and precious stones. So she came to Solomon and spoke with him about all that was on her mind.
A, i te rongonga o te kuini o Hepa ki te rongo o Horomona, ka haere mai ki te whakamatau i a Horomona ki nga kupu pakeke ki Hiruharama. Nui atu hoki te tira, he kamera ano e waha ana i nga mea kakara, i tona nui o te koura, i te kohatu utu nui. A, no tona taenga mai ki a Horomona, ka korerotia e ia ki a ia nga mea katoa i tona ngakau.
2 And Solomon answered all her questions; nothing was too difficult for him to explain.
A whakaaturia ana e Horomona ki a ia te tikanga o ana kupu katoa; kahore he kupu i ngaro i a Horomona, i kore te whakaatu ki a ia.
3 When the queen of Sheba saw the wisdom of Solomon, the palace he had built,
A, no te kitenga o te kuini o Hepa i te mohio o Horomona, i te whare hoki i hanga e ia,
4 the food at his table, the seating of his servants, the service and attire of his attendants and cupbearers, and the burnt offerings he presented at the house of the LORD, it took her breath away.
I te kai o tana tepu, i te nohoanga o ana tangata, i te turanga o ana kaimahi, i o ratou kakahu, i ana kairiringi waina, i o ratou kakahu; i tona pikitanga i piki atu ai ia ki te whare o Ihowa; kore ake he wairua i roto i a ia.
5 She said to the king, “The report I heard in my own country about your words and wisdom is true.
Na ka mea ia ki te kingi, Pono tonu nga mea i rongo ai ahau i toku whenua mo au mahi, mo tou mohio.
6 But I did not believe the reports until I came and saw with my own eyes. Indeed, not half of the greatness of your wisdom was told to me. You have far exceeded the report I heard.
Otiia kihai ahau i whakapono ki a ratou korero, a tae noa mai ahau, kite noa oku kanohi. Nana, kihai te hawhe o te nui o tou mohio i korerotia mai ki ahau: nui atu tau i te rongo i rongo ai ahau.
7 How blessed are your men! How blessed are these servants of yours who stand continually before you and hear your wisdom!
Ano te hari o au tangata, te hari o enei pononga au e tu tonu nei i tou aroaro, e whakarongo nei ki tou mohio!
8 Blessed be the LORD your God, who has delighted in you to set you on His throne to be king for the LORD your God. Because your God loved Israel enough to establish them forever, He has made you king over them to carry out justice and righteousness.”
Kia whakapaingia a Ihowa, tou Atua, i ahuareka nei ki a koe, i homai nei i a koe ki runga ki tona torona, hei kingi ma Ihowa, ma tou Atua; he aroha na tou Atua ki a Iharaira, he mea ano kia whakapumautia ai ratou ake ake, koia koe i meinga ai e i a hei kingi mo ratou, hei mahi i te whakawa, i te tika.
9 Then she gave the king 120 talents of gold, a great quantity of spices, and precious stones. There had never been such spices as those the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.
Na homai ana e ia ki te kingi kotahi rau e rua tekau taranata koura, tona tini ano o nga mea kakara, me nga kohatu utu nui; kahore ano he mea kakara hei rite mo enei i homai nei e te kuini o Hepa ki a Kingi Horomona.
10 (The servants of Hiram and of Solomon who brought gold from Ophir also brought algum wood and precious stones.
Na, ko nga tangata a Hurama, ratou ko nga tangata a Horomona, i kawea mai ai te koura i Opira, i kawea mai ano e ratou he rakau aramuka, he kohatu utu nui hoki.
11 The king made the algum wood into steps for the house of the LORD and for the king’s palace, and into lyres and harps for the singers. Never before had anything like them been seen in the land of Judah.)
Na ka hanga e te kingi aua rakau aramuka hei huarahi ki te whare o Ihowa, ki te whare hoki o te kingi, a hei hapa, hei hatere, hei mea ma nga kaiwaiata: kahore i kitea he pera i mua, i te whenua o Hura.
12 King Solomon gave the queen of Sheba all she desired—whatever she asked—far more than she had brought the king. Then she left and returned to her own country, along with her servants.
Na ka hoatu e Kingi Horomona ki te kuini o Hepa nga mea katoa i pai ai ia, ana hoki i tono ai, haunga nga mea i mauria mai e ia ki te kingi. Na ko tona tahuritanga, ka haere ki tona ake whenua, ratou ko ana tangata.
13 The weight of gold that came to Solomon each year was 666 talents,
Na, ko te taimaha o te koura i tae mai ki a Horomona i te tau kotahi, e ono rau e ono tekau ma ono taranata koura;
14 not including the revenue from the merchants and traders. And all the Arabian kings and governors of the land also brought gold and silver to Solomon.
Haunga nga mea i mauria mai e nga kairapu taonga, e nga kaihokohoko. I kawea mai ano he koura, he hiriwa, e nga kingi katoa o Arapia, e nga kawana o te whenua, ki a Horomona.
15 King Solomon made two hundred large shields of hammered gold; six hundred shekels of hammered gold went into each shield.
Na ka hanga e Kingi Horomona etahi pukupuku, e rua rau, he mea patu te koura; e ono rau hekere o te koura patu i meatia ki te pukupuku kotahi:
16 He also made three hundred small shields of hammered gold; three hundred shekels of gold went into each shield. And the king put them in the House of the Forest of Lebanon.
Me etahi pukupuku iti iho, e toru rau, he mea patu ano te koura: e toru rau hekere koura i meatia ki te pukupuku kotahi: a whakatakotoria ana e te kingi ki te whare o te ngahere o Repanona.
17 Additionally, the king made a great throne of ivory and overlaid it with pure gold.
I hanga ano e te kingi he torona nui ki te rei, whakakikoruatia iho ki te koura parakore.
18 The throne had six steps, and a footstool of gold was attached to it. There were armrests on both sides of the seat, with a lion standing beside each armrest.
A e ono nga kurupae ki te torona, me te turanga waewae, he mea koura, he mea hono ki te torona, me nga okiokinga ano i te wahi e nohoia ana, i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha, e rua hoki nga raiona e tu ana i te taha o nga okiokinga.
19 Twelve lions stood on the six steps, one at either end of each step. Nothing like this had ever been made for any kingdom.
Kotahi tekau ma rua nga raiona i reira e tu ana i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha, i nga kaupae e ono. Kahore he mea pera i hanga i tetahi atu rangatiratanga.
20 All King Solomon’s drinking cups were gold, and all the utensils of the House of the Forest of Lebanon were pure gold. There was no silver, because it was accounted as nothing in the days of Solomon.
Na, ko nga oko inu katoa a Kingi Horomona, he koura kau; me nga oko katoa o te whare o te ngahere o Repanona, he koura parakore; kahore he mea hiriwa; kihai te hiriwa i kiia he mea nui i nga ra o Horomona.
21 For the king had the ships of Tarshish that went with Hiram’s servants, and once every three years the ships of Tarshish would arrive bearing gold, silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks.
He kaipuke hoki a te kingi, rere ai ki Tarahihi me nga tangata a Hurama: kotahi te unga mai i nga tau e toru o nga kaipuke o Tarahihi, me te mau mai i te koura, i te hiriwa, i te rei, i te makimaki, i te pikake.
22 So King Solomon surpassed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom.
Na nui atu a Kingi Horomona i nga kingi katoa o te whenua te whai taonga, te mohio.
23 All the kings of the earth sought an audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom that God had put in his heart.
A i whai nga kingi katoa o te whenua ki a Horomona, kia rongo i tona mohio i homai nei e te Atua ki tona ngakau.
24 Year after year, each visitor would bring his tribute: articles of silver and gold, clothing, weapons, spices, horses, and mules.
A ka mauria mai e tena tana hakari, tana hakari, nga oko hiriwa, nga oko koura, nga kakahu, nga mea mo te whawhai, nga mea kakara, nga hoiho, nga muera, he mea tatau a tau tonu.
25 Solomon had 4,000 stalls for horses and chariots, and 12,000 horses, which he stationed in the chariot cities and also with him in Jerusalem.
Na e wha mano nga turanga a Horomona mo nga hoiho, mo nga hariata, tekau ma rua mano nga kaieke hoiho, waiho ana e ia ki nga pa hariata, ki te kingi ano ki Hiruharama.
26 He reigned over all the kings from the Euphrates to the land of the Philistines, as far as the border of Egypt.
Na ko ia te kingi mo nga kingi katoa, o te awa mai a tae noa ki te whenua o nga Pirihitini, ki te rohe ra ano ki Ihipa.
27 The king made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones, and cedar as abundant as sycamore in the foothills.
Na meinga ana e te kingi te hiriwa o Hiruharama kia rite ki te kohatu; i meinga ano hoki e ia nga hita kia rite ki te hikamora i te raorao te tini.
28 Solomon’s horses were imported from Egypt and from all the lands.
A mauria ana mai e ratou he hoiho mo Horomona i Ihipa, i nga whenua katoa ano hoki.
29 As for the rest of the acts of Solomon, from beginning to end, are they not written in the Records of Nathan the Prophet, in the Prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite, and in the Visions of Iddo the Seer concerning Jeroboam son of Nebat?
Na, ko era atu meatanga a Horomona, o mua, o muri, kahore ianei i tuhituhia ki te pukapuka a Natana poropiti, ki te poropititanga ano a Ahia Hironi, ki nga kitenga ano a Iro matakite i nga mea mo Ieropoama tama a Nepata?
30 Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel forty years.
Na e wha tekau nga tau i kingi ai a Horomona i Hiruharama ki a Iharaira katoa.
31 And Solomon rested with his fathers and was buried in the city of his father David. And his son Rehoboam reigned in his place.
Na ka moe a Horomona ki ona matua, a tanumia ana ki te pa o tona papa, o Rawiri; a ka kingi ko Rehopoama, ko tana tama i muri i a ia.

< 2 Chronicles 9 >