< 2 Chronicles 8 >
1 Now at the end of the twenty years during which Solomon had built the house of the LORD and his own palace,
Un pēc divdesmit gadiem, kad Salamans bija uztaisījis Tā Kunga namu un savu namu,
2 Solomon rebuilt the cities Hiram had given him and settled Israelites there.
Tad Salamans izbūvēja tās pilsētas, ko Hirams Salamanam bija devis, un lika Israēla bērniem tur dzīvot.
3 Then Solomon went to Hamath-zobah and captured it.
Pēc tam Salamans cēlās uz HamatCovu un to pārvarēja.
4 He built Tadmor in the wilderness, in addition to all the store cities that he had built in Hamath.
Viņš arī uztaisīja Tadmoru tuksnesī un visas labības pilsētas, ko viņš Hamatā būvēja.
5 He rebuilt Upper and Lower Beth-horon as fortified cities with walls, gates, and bars,
Viņš arī uztaisīja kalna- un Lejas-BetOronu, stipras pilsētas ar mūriem, vārtiem un aizšaujamiem,
6 as well as Baalath, all the store cities that belonged to Solomon, and all the cities for his chariots and horses —whatever he desired to build in Jerusalem, Lebanon, and throughout the land of his dominion.
Un Baēlatu un visas labības pilsētas, kas Salamanam piederēja, un visas ratu un jātnieku pilsētas un visas Salamana prieka pilis, ko tam bija prieks taisīt Jeruzālemē un uz Lībanus un visās zemēs viņa valstībā.
7 As for all the people who remained of the Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites (the people who were not Israelites)—
Visus atlikušos ļaudis no Hetiešiem un Amoriešiem un Fereziešiem un Hiviešiem un Jebusiešiem, kas nebija no Israēla,
8 their descendants who remained in the land, those whom the Israelites were unable to destroy—Solomon conscripted these people to be forced laborers, as they are to this day.
Šo bērnus, kas pēc tiem tai zemē bija atlikuši, ko Israēla bērni nebija izdeldējuši, tos Salamans spieda pie klausības līdz šai dienai.
9 But Solomon did not consign any of the Israelites to slave labor, because they were his men of war, his officers and captains, and the commanders of his chariots and cavalry.
Bet no Israēla bērniem Salamans neņēma kalpus pie sava darba, bet tie bija karavīri un virsnieki pār viņa bruņiniekiem un viņa ratu un jātnieku virsnieki.
10 They were also the chief officers for King Solomon: 250 supervisors.
Un virsuzraugu ķēniņam Salamanam bija divsimt un piecdesmit, kas pār tiem ļaudīm valdīja.
11 Solomon brought the daughter of Pharaoh up from the City of David to the palace he had built for her. For he said, “My wife must not live in the house of David king of Israel, because the places the ark of the LORD has entered are holy.”
Un Salamans veda Faraona meitu no Dāvida pils tai namā, ko viņš tai bija taisījis. Jo viņš sacīja: manai sievai nebūs Israēla ķēniņa Dāvida namā dzīvot, tāpēc ka tā vieta ir svēta, kur Tā Kunga šķirsts nācis.
12 At that time Solomon offered burnt offerings to the LORD on the altar of the LORD he had built in front of the portico.
Tad Salamans upurēja Tam Kungam dedzināmos upurus uz Tā Kunga altāra, ko viņš priekšnama priekšā bija uztaisījis,
13 He observed the daily requirement for offerings according to the commandment of Moses for Sabbaths, New Moons, and the three annual appointed feasts—the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles.
Ikkatrā dienā savu tiesu upurēdams, itin kā Mozus bija pavēlējis, svētdienās un jaunos mēnešos un svētkos, trīs reiz gadskārtā, neraudzētās maizes svētkos un nedēļu svētkos un lieveņu svētkos.
14 In keeping with the ordinances of his father David, Solomon appointed the divisions of the priests over their service, and the Levites for their duties to offer praise and to minister before the priests according to the daily requirement. He also appointed gatekeepers by their divisions at each gate, for this had been the command of David, the man of God.
Un viņš iestādīja pēc sava tēva Dāvida likuma priesteru kārtas, kā tiem bija kalpot, un Levitus, kopt savu kopjamo, slavēt un kalpot priesteru priekšā, kas katrai dienai piekrita, arī vārtu sargus pēc savas kārtas pie ikkatriem vārtiem, jo tā bija Dāvida, Tā Dieva vīra, pavēle.
15 They did not turn aside from the king’s command regarding the priests or the Levites or any matter concerning the treasuries.
Un no ķēniņa pavēles par priesteriem un Levitiem viņi neatkāpās ne kādā lietā, arī ne pie tām mantām.
16 Thus all the work of Solomon was carried out, from the day the foundation was laid for the house of the LORD until it was finished. So the house of the LORD was completed.
Tā Salamans pabeidza visu savu darbu, no tās dienas, kad Tā Kunga namam lika pamatu, līdz kamēr to pabeidza un Tā Kunga nams pavisam bija gatavs.
17 Then Solomon went to Ezion-geber and to Eloth on the coast of Edom.
Tad Salamans gāja uz EceonĢeberu un uz Elotu jūrmalā, Edoma zemē.
18 So Hiram sent him ships captained by his servants, along with crews of experienced sailors. They went with Solomon’s servants to Ophir and acquired from there 450 talents of gold, which they delivered to King Solomon.
Un Hirams tam sūtīja caur saviem kalpiem lielas laivas, un kalpus, kas jūru pārzināja, un tie gāja ar Salamana kalpiem uz Ofiru un atveda no turienes četrsimt un piecdesmit talentus zelta un to nesa ķēniņam Salamanam.