< 2 Chronicles 6 >

1 Then Solomon declared: “The LORD has said that He would dwell in the thick cloud;
Ipapo Soromoni akati, “Jehovha akati achagara mugore dema.
2 and I have built You an exalted house, a place for You to dwell forever.”
Ndakuvakirai temberi yakanaka kwazvo, nzvimbo yokuti mugare nokusingaperi.”
3 And as the whole assembly of Israel stood there, the king turned around and blessed them all
Ungano yose yaIsraeri ichakamirapo, mambo akatendeukira kwavari akavaropafadza.
4 and said: “Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who has fulfilled with His own hand what He spoke with His mouth to my father David, saying,
Ipapo akati: “Ngaarumbidzwe Jehovha, Mwari waIsraeri iye azadzisa namaoko ake zvaakavimbisa nomuromo wake kuna baba vangu Dhavhidhi. Nokuti akati,
5 ‘Since the day I brought My people out of the land of Egypt, I have not chosen a city from any tribe of Israel in which to build a house so that My Name would be there, nor have I chosen anyone to be ruler over My people Israel.
‘Kubva pazuva randakaburitsa vanhu vangu muIjipiti, handina kumbosarudza guta murudzi rupi norupi rwaIsraeri kuti Zita rangu rivakirwe temberi kuti rivepo, uye handina kumbosarudza mumwe munhu kuti ave mutungamiri wavanhu vangu vaIsraeri.
6 But now I have chosen Jerusalem for My Name to be there, and I have chosen David to be over My people Israel.’
Asi zvino ndasarudza Jerusarema nokuda kweZita rangu kuti rivepo uye ndasarudza Dhavhidhi kuti atonge vanhu vangu vaIsraeri.’
7 Now it was in the heart of my father David to build a house for the Name of the LORD, the God of Israel.
“Baba vangu Dhavhidhi vaiva nazvo mumwoyo mavo kuti vavakire Zita raJehovha Mwari waIsraeri temberi.
8 But the LORD said to my father David, ‘Since it was in your heart to build a house for My Name, you have done well to have this in your heart.
Asi Jehovha akati kuna baba vangu Dhavhidhi, ‘nokuti zvaiva mumwoyo mako kuti uvakire Zita rangu temberi wakaita zvakanaka ukava nazvo mumwoyo mako.
9 Nevertheless, you are not the one to build it; but your son, your own offspring, will build the house for My Name.’
Asi kunyange zvakadaro, hausi iwe uchavaka temberi asi mwanakomana wako, anova nyama yako neropa rako, ndiye achavakira Zita rangu temberi.’
10 Now the LORD has fulfilled the word that He spoke. I have succeeded my father David, and I sit on the throne of Israel, as the LORD promised. I have built the house for the Name of the LORD, the God of Israel.
“Jehovha akachengeta chivimbiso chavakaita. Ini ndakatevera Dhavhidhi baba vangu uye zvino ndava kugara pachigaro choushe chaIsraeri sokuvimbisa kwakaita Jehovha, uye ndakavakira zita raJehovha Mwari waIsraeri temberi.
11 And there I have provided a place for the ark, which contains the covenant of the LORD that He made with the children of Israel.”
Imomo ndakaisa areka ine sungano yaJehovha yaakaita navanhu veIsraeri.”
12 Then Solomon stood before the altar of the LORD in front of the whole assembly of Israel and spread out his hands.
Ipapo Soromoni akamira pamberi pearitari yaJehovha pamberi peungano yose yaIsraeri akatambanudza maoko ake.
13 Now Solomon had made a bronze platform five cubits long, five cubits wide, and three cubits high, and had placed it in the middle of the courtyard. He stood on it, knelt down before the whole assembly of Israel, spread out his hands toward heaven,
Zvino akanga agadzira pokumira pakakwirira nendarira, pakanga pakareba makubhiti mashanu, pane upamhi hwamakubhiti mashanu uye pakakwirira makubhiti matatu, uye akanga apaisa pakati pechivanze chokunze. Akamira pokumira paya akapfugama pamberi peungano yose yaIsraeri akatambanudzira maoko ake kudenga.
14 and said: “O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like You in heaven or on earth, keeping Your covenant of loving devotion with Your servants who walk before You with all their hearts.
Akati: “Haiwa Jehovha, Mwari waIsraeri, hakuna mumwe Mwari akaita semi kudenga kana panyika. Imi munochengeta sungano yorudo navaranda venyu vanoramba vachifamba munzira yenyu nomwoyo wose.
15 You have kept Your promise to Your servant, my father David. What You spoke with Your mouth You have fulfilled with Your hand this day.
Makachengeta chivimbiso chenyu kumuranda wenyu Dhavhidhi baba vangu; nomuromo wenyu makavimbisa uye noruoko rwenyu makazadzisa sezvazvakaita nhasi.
16 Therefore now, O LORD, God of Israel, keep for Your servant, my father David, what You promised when You said: ‘You will never fail to have a man to sit before Me on the throne of Israel, if only your descendants guard their way to walk in My law as you have walked before Me.’
“Zvino Jehovha, Mwari waIsraeri, chengeterai muranda wenyu Dhavhidhi baba vangu zvivimbiso zvamakaita kwaari pamakati, ‘Haungatongokundikani kuti uve nomunhu achagara pamberi pangu pachigaro choushe chaIsraeri, kana chete vanakomana vako vakachenjerera mune zvose zvavanoita kuti vafambe pamberi pangu maererano nomurayiro, sezvawakaita iwe.’
17 And now, O LORD, God of Israel, please confirm what You promised to Your servant David.
Uye zvino, haiwa Jehovha Mwari waIsraeri, itai kuti shoko renyu ramakavambisa muranda wenyu Dhavhidhi rizadziswe.
18 But will God indeed dwell with man upon the earth? Even heaven, the highest heaven, cannot contain You, much less this temple I have built.
“Asi zvechokwadi, Mwari angagare panyika navanhu here? Hamungakwani mumatenga kunyange matenga okumusoro-soro, ko, kuzoti temberi yandavaka!
19 Yet regard the prayer and plea of Your servant, O LORD my God, so that You may hear the cry and the prayer that Your servant is praying before You.
Kunyange zvakadaro teererai munyengetero womuranda wenyu nokukumbira kwake kuti anzwirwe tsitsi, imi Jehovha Mwari wangu. Inzwai kuchema nomunyengetero uri kunyengeterwa nomuranda wenyu pamberi penyu.
20 May Your eyes be open toward this temple day and night, toward the place where You said You would put Your Name, so that You may hear the prayer that Your servant prays toward this place.
Meso enyu ngaatarire kutemberi iyi masikati nousiku, nzvimbo iyi yamakati muchaisa Zita renyumo. Inzwai munyengetero womuranda wenyu waanonyengetera akatarisa kunzvimbo ino.
21 Hear the plea of Your servant and of Your people Israel when they pray toward this place. May You hear from heaven, Your dwelling place. May You hear and forgive.
Inzwai mikumbiro yomuranda wenyu neyavanhu venyu Israeri pavanenge vachinyengetera vakatarisa kunzvimbo ino. Inzwai kubva kudenga kwamunogara uye kana manzwa muregerere.
22 When a man sins against his neighbor and is required to take an oath, and he comes to take an oath before Your altar in this temple,
“Kana munhu akatadzira muvakidzani wake uye kana akanzi aite mhiko uye kana akauya akazopika mhiko pamberi pearitari yenyu mutemberi ino,
23 then may You hear from heaven and act. May You judge Your servants, condemning the wicked man by bringing down on his own head what he has done, and justifying the righteous man by rewarding him according to his righteousness.
ipapo inzwai muri kudenga uye mugoita chimwe chinhu. Tongai pakati pavaranda venyu, muchimuripisa ane mhosva nokuburutsa pamusoro wake izvo zvaakaita. Ratidzai pachena uyo asina mhosva kuti haana zvaakatadza uye musimbise kusatadza kwake.
24 When Your people Israel are defeated before an enemy because they have sinned against You, and they return to You and confess Your name, praying and pleading before You in this temple,
“Kana vanhu venyu Israeri vakakundwa nomuvengi nokuti vakakutadzirai uye kana vakatendeuka vakapupura zita renyu, vachinyengetera uye vachikumbira pamberi penyu mutemberi muno,
25 then may You hear from heaven and forgive the sin of Your people Israel. May You restore them to the land You gave to them and their fathers.
ipapo inzwai kubva kudenga uye muregerere chivi chavanhu venyu Israeri uye mugovadzosera kunyika yamakavapa ivo namadzibaba avo.
26 When the skies are shut and there is no rain because Your people have sinned against You, and they pray toward this place and confess Your name, and they turn from their sins because You have afflicted them,
“Kana matenga akazarirwa uye kukasanaya mvura nokuti vanhu venyu vakutadzirai uye kana vakanyengetera vakatarira kunzvimbo ino vakapupura zita renyu uye vakatendeuka kubva muchivi chavo nokuti imi mavarwadzisa,
27 then may You hear from heaven and forgive the sin of Your servants, Your people Israel, so that You may teach them the good way in which they should walk. May You send rain on the land that You gave Your people as an inheritance.
ipapo inzwai kubva kudenga muregerere chivi chavaranda venyu, vanhu venyu Israeri. Vadzidzisei nzira kwayo yokururama, uye tumirai mvura inaye panyika yamakapa vanhu venyu senhaka.
28 When famine or plague comes upon the land, or blight or mildew or locusts or grasshoppers, or when their enemies besiege them in their cities, whatever plague or sickness may come,
“Kana nzara kana denda zvikauya panyika, kana nyunje, kana kuvhuvha kana mhashu kana magutaguta kana kuti vavengi vakavakomba mumaguta avo, ringava dambudziko ripi zvaro kana chirwere chorudzi rupi chingauya,
29 then may whatever prayer or petition Your people Israel make—each knowing his own afflictions and spreading out his hands toward this temple—
uye kana munyengetero kana chikumbiro chikaitwa noupi zvake wavanhu venyu Israeri, mumwe nomumwe achinyatsonzwisisa matambudziko namarwadzo ake, uye kana akatambanudzira maoko ake kunzvimbo ino,
30 be heard by You from heaven, Your dwelling place. And may You forgive and repay each man according to all his ways, since You know his heart—for You alone know the hearts of men—
ipapo inzwai kubva kudenga kwamunogara. Regererai uye muitire mumwe nomumwe sezvaanoita, sezvo muchiziva mwoyo wake (nokuti imi moga ndimi munoziva mwoyo yavanhu),
31 so that they may fear You and walk in Your ways all the days they live in the land that You gave to our fathers.
kuitira kuti vagokutyai uye vagofamba munzira dzenyu panguva dzose dzavachararama munyika yamakapa kumadzibaba edu.
32 And as for the foreigner who is not of Your people Israel but has come from a distant land because of Your great name and Your mighty hand and outstretched arm—when he comes and prays toward this temple,
“Kana ari mutorwa asati ari mumwe wavanhu venyu Israeri asi akabva kunyika iri kure nokuda kwezita renyu guru noruoko rwenyu rune simba noruoko rwenyu rwakatambanudzwa kana akauya akanyengetera akatarisa kutemberi ino,
33 then may You hear from heaven, Your dwelling place, and do according to all for which the foreigner calls to You. Then all the peoples of the earth will know Your name and fear You, as do Your people Israel, and they will know that this house I have built is called by Your Name.
ipapo inzwai kubva kudenga, kwamunogara uye muitire mutorwa chipi nechipi chaanokumbira kwamuri kuitira kuti vanhu vose vapanyika vazive zita renyu uye vakutyei sezvinoitwa navanhu venyu Israeri, uye kuti vagoziva kuti imba ino yandavaka ine Zita renyu.
34 When Your people go to war against their enemies, wherever You send them, and when they pray to You in the direction of the city You have chosen and the house I have built for Your Name,
“Kana vanhu venyu vakaenda kundorwisana navavengi vavo, kwose kwose kwamunenge mavatuma, uye kana vakanyengetera kwamuri vakatarira kuguta rino ramakasarudza nokutemberi yandavakira Zita renyu,
35 then may You hear from heaven their prayer and their plea, and may You uphold their cause.
ipapo inzwai ikoko kudenga munamato wavo nechikumbiro chavo, mutsigire mhaka yavo.
36 When they sin against You—for there is no one who does not sin—and You become angry with them and deliver them to an enemy who takes them as captives to a land far or near,
“Kana vakakutadzirai, nokuti hapana munhu asingatadzi, uye kana mukavatsamwira mukavapa kumuvengi, anovatapa achivaendesa kunyika iri kure kana pedyo;
37 and when they come to their senses in the land to which they were taken, and they repent and plead with You in the land of their captors, saying, ‘We have sinned and done wrong; we have acted wickedly,’
uye kana vakashandura mwoyo vari kunyika yavanenge vari nhapwa, vakatendeuka vakakumbira kwamuri vari munyika youtapwa vakati, ‘Takatadza, takakanganisa uye takaita zvakaipa,’
38 and when they return to You with all their heart and soul in the land of the enemies who took them captive, and when they pray in the direction of the land that You gave to their fathers, the city You have chosen, and the house I have built for Your Name,
uye kana vakadzokerazve kwamuri nomwoyo wavo wose, nomweya wose munyika youtapwa kwavakaendeswa, uye vakanyengetera vakatarisa kunyika yamakapa madzibaba avo, vakatarisa kuguta ramakasarudza uye vakatarisa kutemberi yandakavakira Zita renyu;
39 then may You hear from heaven, Your dwelling place, their prayer and petition, and may You uphold their cause. May You forgive Your people who sinned against You.
ipapo kubva kudenga, kwamunogara, inzwai munyengetero wavo nemikumbiro yavo uye muvatsigire muvakundise pamhaka yavo. Uye muregerere vanhu venyu vanenge vakutadzirai.
40 Now, my God, may Your eyes be open and Your ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.
“Zvino Mwari wangu, dai meso enyu aona uye nzeve dzenyu dzateerera minyengetero ichanyengeterwa panzvimbo iyi.
41 Now therefore, arise, O LORD God, and enter Your resting place, You and the ark of Your might. May Your priests, O LORD God, be clothed with salvation, and may Your godly ones rejoice in goodness.
“Zvino simukai imi Jehovha Mwari, muuye panzvimbo yenyu yokuzorora,
42 O LORD God, do not reject Your anointed one. Remember Your loving devotion to Your servant David.”
Haiwa Jehovha Mwari, musaramba muzodziwa wenyu.

< 2 Chronicles 6 >