< 1 Samuel 25 >

1 When Samuel died, all Israel gathered to mourn for him; and they buried him at his home in Ramah. Then David set out and went down to the Wilderness of Paran.
शमूएल मरे । सबै इस्राएल भेला भए र तिनको निम्ति विलाप गरे र तिनलाई आफ्नै घर रामामा दफन गरे । त्यसपछि दाऊद उठे र पारानको उजाड-स्‍थानमा तल झरे ।
2 Now there was a man in Maon whose business was in Carmel. He was a very wealthy man with a thousand goats and three thousand sheep, which he was shearing in Carmel.
माओनमा एक जना मानिस थिए जसको सम्‍पत्ति कार्मेलमा थियो । त्यो मानिस धेरै धनी थियो । उसको तिन हजार भेडा र एक हजार बाख्राहरू थिए । उसले कार्मेलमा भेडाको ऊन कत्रँदै थियो ।
3 His name was Nabal, and his wife’s name was Abigail. She was an intelligent and beautiful woman, but her husband, a Calebite, was harsh and evil in his dealings.
त्यो मानिसको नाउँ नाबाल थियो । उसकी पत्‍नीको नाउँ अबीगेल थियो । ती स्‍त्री बुद्धिमती र देख्‍नमा सुन्दरी थिइन् । तर त्यो मानिस आफ्‍नो व्यावहारमा कठोर र खराब थियो । ऊ कालेबको घरानाको सन्तान थियो ।
4 While David was in the wilderness, he heard that Nabal was shearing sheep.
नाबालले उजाड-स्‍थानमा भेडाको ऊन कत्रँदैछन् भनी दाऊदले सुने ।
5 So David sent ten young men and instructed them, “Go up to Nabal at Carmel. Greet him in my name
त्यसैले दाऊदले दस जना जवान मानिसलाई पठाए । दाऊदले ती जवान मानिसहरूलाई भने, “कार्मेलमा माथि जाओ, नाबालकहाँ जाओ र मेरो नाउँमा तिनलाई अभिवादन गर ।
6 and say to him, ‘Long life to you, and peace to you and your house and to all that belongs to you.
तिमीहरूले तिनलाई भन्‍नु, “समृद्धिमा जिउनुहोस् । तपाईंलाई शान्ति मिलोस्, तपाईंका घरानामा शान्ति छाओस् र तपाईंसँग भएका सबैलाई शान्‍ति होस् ।
7 Now I hear that it is time for shearing. When your shepherds were with us, we did not harass them, and nothing of theirs was missing the whole time they were in Carmel.
तपाईंसँग ऊन कत्रनेहरू छन् भनी म सुन्छु । तपाईंका गोठालाहरू हामीसँग छन् र हामीले तिनीहरूलाई कुनै हानि गरेनौं र तिनीहरू कार्मेलमा हुँदा तिनीहरूले कुनै पनि कुरा गुमाएनन् ।
8 Ask your young men, and they will tell you. So let my young men find favor with you, for we have come on the day of a feast. Please give whatever you can afford to your servants and to your son David.’”
तपाईंका जवान मानिसहरूलाई सोध्‍नुहोस् र तिनीहरूले तपाईंलाई भन्‍नेछन् । अब मेरा जवानहरूले तपाईंको दृष्‍टिमा निगाह पाऊन्, किनकि हामी आज उत्सवको समयमा आएका छौं । कृपया तपाईंको हातमा जे छ सो तपाईंका सेवकहरू र तपाईंका छोरा दाऊदलाई दिनुहोस् ।”
9 When David’s young men arrived, they relayed all these words to Nabal on behalf of David. Then they waited.
जब दाऊदका जवान मानिसहरू आइपुगे, तिनीहरूले यी सबै कुरा दाऊदको तर्फबाट नाबाललाई भने र प्रतिक्षा गरे ।
10 But Nabal asked them, “Who is David? Who is this son of Jesse? Many servants these days are breaking away from their masters.
नाबालले दाऊदका सेवकहरूलाई जवाफ दिए, “दाऊद को हुन् र यिशैका छोरा को हुन्? आजभोलि आफ्ना मालिकहरूबाट भाग्‍ने धेरै जना सेवकहरू छन् ।
11 Why should I take my bread and water and the meat I have slaughtered for my shearers, and give them to these men whose origin I do not know?”
के मैले आफ्‍ना ऊन कत्रनेहरूका निम्ति काटेका मासु, मेरो रोटी र मेरो पानी कहाँबाट आएका हुन् भनी मैले नचिनेको मानिसहरूलाई दिनुपर्छ?”
12 So David’s men turned around and went back, and they relayed to him all these words.
त्यसैले दाऊदका मानिसहरू फर्केर आए र भनिएका हरेक कुरा तिनलाई बताए ।
13 And David said to his men, “Strap on your swords!” So David and all his men put on their swords, and about four hundred men followed David, while two hundred stayed with the supplies.
दाऊदले तिनका मानिसहरूलाई भने, “हरेक मानिसले आ‍-आफ्नो तरवार भिर ।” त्यसैले हरेक मानिसले आ-आफ्नो तरवार भिरे । दाऊदले पनि आफ्नो तरवार भिरे । झण्डै चार सय मानिसहरू दाऊदको पछि लागे र दुई सय जनाचाहिं सरसामानसँगै बसे ।
14 Meanwhile, one of Nabal’s young men informed Nabal’s wife Abigail, “Look, David sent messengers from the wilderness to greet our master, but he scolded them.
तर ती जवान मानिसहरूमध्ये एक जनाले नाबालकी पत्‍नी अबीगेललाई भने । तिनले भने, “दाऊदले उजाड-स्‍थानबाट हाम्रा मालिकसँग भेट गर्न दूतहरू पठाए र तिनले उनीहरूको अपमान गरे ।
15 Yet these men were very good to us. When we were in the field, we were not harassed, and nothing of ours went missing the whole time we lived among them.
तापनि ती मानिसहरू हामीप्रति धेरै असल थिए । हामी बाहिर चरनमा हुँदा तिनीहरूसँग जाँदा र हामीलाई कुनै हानि भएन र कुनै कुरा पनि गुामएनौं ।
16 They were a wall around us, both day and night, the whole time we were herding our sheep near them.
हामीले तिनीहरूसँगै भेडाहरू चराउँदा तिनीहरू हाम्रा निम्ति दिन र रात दुवै समयमा पर्खाल नै भएका थिए ।
17 Now consider carefully what you must do, because disaster looms over our master and all his household. For he is such a scoundrel that nobody can speak to him!”
यसकारण यो कुरा जान्‍नुहोस् र तपाईंले के गर्नुपर्ने हो सो विचार गर्नुहोस्, किनकि हाम्रा मालिक र उहाँका सारा घरानाका विरुद्ध खराब षड्यन्त्र रचिएको छ । उहाँ यस्तो वेकामको मानिस हुनुहुन्‍छ, उहासँग कसैले वहस गर्न सक्दैन ।”
18 Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five butchered sheep, five seahs of roasted grain, a hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs. She loaded them on donkeys
अनि अबीगेलले हतार गरिन् र दुई सय रोटी, दुई मशक दाखमद्य, पहिले नै तयार पाँच वटा भेडा, आठ पाथी सुकेको अन्‍न, एक सय झुप्‍पा किशमिश, दुई सय डल्ला सुकेको नेभारा लिए र तिनलाई गधामाथि राखिन् ।
19 and said to her young men, “Go ahead of me. I will be right behind you.” But she did not tell her husband Nabal.
तिनले आफ्ना जवान मानिसहरूलाई भनिन्, “मेरो अगिअगि जाओ र म तिमीहरूको पछिपछि आउनेछु ।” तर तिनले आफ्नो पति नाबाललाई यो कुरा भनिनन् ।
20 As Abigail came riding her donkey into a mountain ravine, she saw David and his men coming down toward her, and she met them.
जसै तिनी आफ्‍नो गधामा चढिन् र पहाडको बिचतिर आइपुगिन्, दाऊद र तिनका मानिसहरू तिनीकहाँ तल आए र तिनले तिनीहरूलाई भेटिन् ।
21 Now David had just finished saying, “In vain I have protected all that belonged to this man in the wilderness. Nothing that belongs to him has gone missing, yet he has paid me back evil for good.
दाऊदले भनेका थिए, “निश्‍चय नै यो मानिसँग उजाड-स्‍थानमा भएका सबै थोकलाई मैले व्यार्थमा सुरक्षा दिएको रहेछु, ताकि उसँग भएका कुनै पनि कुरा हराएनन् र उसले मलाई असलको सट्टामा खराब फिर्ता दिएको छ ।
22 May God punish David, and ever so severely, if I let one of Nabal’s men survive until morning.”
भोलि बिहानसम्म यससँग भएका सबै पुरुषहरूमध्ये एक जनालाई पनि मैले छोडें भने म दाऊदलाई यस्‍तै र यो भन्दा बढ्ता होस् ।”
23 When Abigail saw David, she quickly got off the donkey, fell facedown, and bowed before him.
जब अबीगेलले दाऊदलाई देखिन्, तिनी हतार गरिन् र आफ्नो गधाबाट ओर्लिन् र दाऊदको सामु तिनले शिर तल गरिन् र जमिनमा घोप्टो परिन् ।
24 She fell at his feet and said, “My lord, may the blame be on me alone, but please let your servant speak to you; hear the words of your servant.
तिनी दाऊदको पाउमा परिन् र भनिन्, “हे मेरो मालिक, सारा दोष ममाथि नै परोस् । कृपया आफ्नो दासीलाई तपाईंसँग बोल्न दिनुहोस् र आफ्‍नो दासीको कुरा सुन्‍नुहोस् ।
25 My lord should pay no attention to this scoundrel Nabal, for he lives up to his name: His name means Fool, and folly accompanies him. I, your servant, did not see my lord’s young men whom you sent.
मेरो मालिकले यो वेकामको मानिस नाबालको ख्याल नगर्नुहोस्, किनकि जस्‍तो उसको नाम छ ऊ त्यस्तै छ । उसको नाम नाबाल हो र उससँग मूर्खता छ । तर मेरो मालिकले पठाउनुभएका हजुरका जवान मानिसहरूलाई म तपाईंकी दासीले देखिन ।
26 Now, my lord, as surely as the LORD lives and you yourself live, the LORD has held you back from coming to bloodshed and avenging yourself with your own hand. May your enemies and those who seek harm for my lord be like Nabal.
अब, हे मेरा मालिक, जस्तो परमप्रभु जीवित हुनुहुन्छ र हजूर जीवित हुनुहुन्छ, किनकि परमप्रभुले तपाईंलाई रक्‍तपात गर्न र आफ्नो शत्रुमाथि आफ्‍नै हातले बद्‍ला लिनबाट रोक्‍नुभएको छ, अब हे मेरा मालिक, तपाईंका सत्रुहरू र तपाईंको खराबी गर्न खोज्‍ने सबै नाबालजस्तै होऊन् ।
27 Now let this gift your servant has brought to my lord be given to the young men who follow you.
अब तपाईंकी दासीले ल्याएकी यो उपहार मेरो मालिकका पछि हिंड्‍ने जवान मानिसहरूलाई दिइयोस् ।
28 Please forgive your servant’s offense, for the LORD will surely make a lasting dynasty for my lord, because he fights the LORD’s battles. May no evil be found in you as long as you live.
कृपया आफ्‍नो दासीको अपराध क्षमा गर्नुहोस्, किनकि परमप्रभुले निश्‍चय नै मेरो मालिकको निम्ति अटल घराना बनाउनुहुनेछ, किनकि मेरो मालिकले परमप्रभुको युद्ध लडिरहनुभएको छ । र तपाईं जिवित बएसम्‍म तपाईंमा कुनै खराबी भेट्टाइने छैन ।
29 And should someone pursue you and seek your life, then the life of my lord will be bound securely by the LORD your God in the bundle of the living. But He shall fling away the lives of your enemies like stones from a sling.
तपाईंको ज्यान लिनलाई मानिसहरूले तपाईंलाई लखेटे तापनि मेरो मालिकको जीवनलाई परमप्रभु तपाईंका परमेश्‍वरले जीवितहरूको मुट्ठामा बाँध्‍नुहुनेछ । अनि उहाँले तपाईंका शत्रुहरूको जीवनलाई घुँयत्रोको पाकेटबाट फालेझैं फाल्‍नुहुनेछ ।
30 When the LORD has done for my lord all the good He promised, and when He has appointed you ruler over Israel,
परमप्रभुले तपाईंलाई प्रतिज्ञा गर्नुभएको हरेक कुरा उहाँले मेरो मालिकको निम्ति पुरा गर्नुहुनेछ, र तपाईंलाई इस्राएलमाथि अगुवा नियुक्‍त गर्नुभएको छ ।
31 then my lord will have no remorse or guilt of conscience over needless bloodshed and revenge. And when the LORD has dealt well with my lord, may you remember your maidservant.”
तपाईंले निर्दोष रगत बगाउनुभएको वा मेरो मालिकले आफ्‍नो उद्धार आफैले गरेकोले यो तपाईंको निम्ति पछुताउनुपर्ने बोझ हुनेछैन । किनकि परमप्रभुले मेरो मालिकको निम्ति असल गर्नुहुँदा आफ्नो दासीलाई पनि सम्झनुहोस् ।”
32 Then David said to Abigail, “Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who sent you to meet me this day!
दाऊदले अबीगेललाई भने, “इस्राएलका परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वरले तिमीलाई आशिष् देऊन्, जसले आज मलाई भेट्न तिमीलाई पठाउनुभयो ।
33 Blessed is your discernment, and blessed are you, because today you kept me from bloodshed and from avenging myself by my own hand.
तिम्रो बुद्धि धन्यको होस् र तिमी धन्यकी हौ, किनभने तिमीले आज मलाई रक्‍तपात र आफ्नो निम्ति आफ्नै हातले बद्‍ला लिनबाट बचाएकी छ्यौ!
34 Otherwise, as surely as the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, who has restrained me from harming you, if you had not come quickly to meet me, then surely no male belonging to Nabal would have been left alive by morning light.”
किनकि साँचो भन्दा, जस्तो परमप्रभु इस्राएलका परमेश्‍वर जीवित हुनुहुन्छ, जसले मलाई तिमीलाई चोट पुर्‍याउनबाट बचाउनुभयो, तिमी मलाई भेट्‍न नआएको भए भोलि बिहानसम्ममा नाबालसँग एउटा पुरुष बालक पनि बाँकी रहने थिएन ।”
35 Then David accepted from her hand what she had brought him, and he said to her, “Go home in peace. See, I have heeded your voice and granted your request.”
त्यसैले तिनले जे ल्याएकी थिइन् सो तिनको हातबाट दाऊदले ग्रहण गरे । तिनले उनलाई भने, “आफ्नो घरमा शान्तिसँग जाऊ । हेर, मैले तिम्रो कुरा सुनेको छु र तिमीलाई स्वीकार गरेको छु ।”
36 When Abigail returned to Nabal, there he was in the house, holding a feast fit for a king, in high spirits and very drunk. So she told him nothing until morning light.
अबीगेल नाबालकहाँ फर्केर गइन् । हेर, उसले आफ्नो घरमा राजाको भोजजस्तै भोज दिइरहेको थियो । नाबालको हृदय आफैमा हर्षित थियो, किनकि उसले धेरै पिएको थियो । त्यसैले तिनले भोलिपल्‍ट बिहान नभएसम्म उसलाई केही पनि भनिनन् ।
37 In the morning when Nabal was sober, his wife told him about these events, and his heart failed within him and he became like a stone.
बिहान यसो भयो, जब नाबाललाई मद्यले छोडेको थियो, तब उसकी पत्‍नीले उसलाई यी कुराहरू भनिन् । उसको हृदय आफैभित्र मर्‍यो र ऊ ढुङ्गाजस्तो भयो ।
38 About ten days later, the LORD struck Nabal dead.
दस दिनपछि परमप्रभुले नाबाललाई प्रहार गर्नुभयो ताकि ऊ मर्‍यो ।
39 On hearing that Nabal was dead, David said, “Blessed be the LORD, who has upheld my cause against the reproach of Nabal and has restrained His servant from evil. For the LORD has brought the wickedness of Nabal down upon his own head.” Then David sent word to Abigail, asking for her in marriage.
जब नाबाल मर्‍यो भन्‍ने दाऊदले सुने, तिनले भने, “परमप्रभु धन्यको होऊन्, जसले नाबालको हातबाट आएको मेरो अपमानको मामला लिनुभएको छ र आफ्नो दासलाई खराबी गर्नबाट बचाउनुभएको छ । उहाँले नाबालको दुष्‍ट कामलाई उसैको आफ्‍नै शिरमा खन्‍याउनुभएको छ ।” तब दाऊदले अबीगेललाई आफ्‍नी पत्‍नीको रूपमा लिन कुरा गर्न मानिसहरू पठाए ।
40 When his servants came to Abigail at Carmel, they said, “David has sent us to take you as his wife.”
जब दाऊदका सेवकहरू कार्मेलमा अबीगेलकहाँ आए, तब तिनीहरूले उनीसँग कुरा गरे र भने, “दाऊदले तपाईंलाई आफ्‍नो पत्‍नीको रूपमा लिन हामीलाई पठाउनुभएको छ ।”
41 She arose, then bowed facedown and said, “Here is your maidservant, ready to serve and to wash the feet of my lord’s servants.”
उनी उठिन्, आफ्‍नो अनुहार जमिनमा घोप्टो पारिन् र भनिन्, “हेर्नुहोस्, तपाईंकी दासी मेरो मालिकको सेवकहरूका खुट्टा धुने दासी हुँ ।”
42 So Abigail hurried and got on a donkey, and attended by five of her maidens, she followed David’s messengers and became his wife.
अबीगेलले हतार गरिन् र उठिन् र आफूसँगै लान आफ्‍ना पाँच जना दासीहरूसँगै गधामा बसिन्, अनि उनी दाऊदको दूतहरूको पछि लागिन् र तिनकी पत्‍नी भइन् ।
43 David had also married Ahinoam of Jezreel. So she and Abigail were both his wives.
यति बेला दाऊदले यिजरेलकी अहीनोमलाई पनि पत्‍नीको रूपमा लिएका थिए । ती दुवै जना तिनकी पत्‍नीहरू भए ।
44 But Saul had given his daughter Michal, David’s wife, to Palti son of Laish, who was from Gallim.
साथै शाऊलले आफ्नी छोरी, दाऊदकी पत्‍नी मीकललाई गलीमका लेशका छोरा पल्तिएललाई दिएका थिए ।

< 1 Samuel 25 >