< 1 Samuel 11 >

1 Soon Nahash the Ammonite came up and laid siege to Jabesh-gilead. All the men of Jabesh said to him, “Make a treaty with us, and we will serve you.”
Et factum est quasi post mensem, ascendit Naas Ammonites, et pugnare cœpit adversum Iabes Galaad. Dixeruntque omnes viri Iabes ad Naas: Habeto nos fœderatos, et serviemus tibi.
2 But Nahash the Ammonite replied, “I will make a treaty with you on one condition, that I may put out everyone’s right eye and bring reproach upon all Israel.”
Et respondit ad eos Naas Ammonites: In hoc feriam vobiscum fœdus, ut eruam omnium vestrum oculos dextros, ponamque vos opprobrium in universo Israel.
3 “Hold off for seven days,” replied the elders of Jabesh, “and let us send messengers throughout Israel. If there is no one to save us, we will surrender to you.”
Et dixerunt ad eum seniores Iabes: Concede nobis septem dies, ut mittamus nuncios ad universos terminos Israel: et si non fuerit qui defendat nos, egrediemur ad te.
4 When the messengers came to Gibeah of Saul and relayed these words in the hearing of the people, they all wept aloud.
Venerunt ergo nuncii in Gabaa Saulis: et locuti sunt verba hæc, audiente populo: et levavit omnis populus vocem suam, et flevit.
5 Just then Saul was returning from the field, behind his oxen. “What troubles the people?” asked Saul. “Why are they weeping?” And they relayed to him the words of the men from Jabesh.
Et ecce Saul veniebat, sequens boves de agro, et ait: Quid habet populus quod plorat? Et narraverunt ei verba virorum Iabes.
6 When Saul heard their words, the Spirit of God rushed upon him, and he burned with great anger.
Et insilivit Spiritus Domini in Saul, cum audisset verba hæc, et iratus est furor eius nimis.
7 He took a pair of oxen, cut them into pieces, and sent them by messengers throughout the land of Israel, proclaiming, “This is what will be done to the oxen of anyone who does not march behind Saul and Samuel.” Then the terror of the LORD fell upon the people, and they turned out as one man.
Et assumens utrumque bovem, concidit in frustra, misitque in omnes terminos Israel per manum nunciorum, dicens: Quicumque non exierit, et secutus fuerit Saul et Samuel, sic fiet bobus eius. Invasit ergo timor Domini populum, et egressi sunt quasi vir unus.
8 And when Saul numbered them at Bezek, there were 300,000 Israelites and 30,000 men of Judah.
Et recensuit eos in Bezech: fueruntque filiorum Israel trecenta millia: virorum autem Iuda triginta millia.
9 So they said to the messengers who had come, “Tell the men of Jabesh-gilead: ‘Deliverance will be yours tomorrow by the time the sun is hot.’” And when the messengers relayed this to the men of Jabesh, they rejoiced.
Et dixerunt nunciis qui venerant: Sic dicetis viris, qui sunt in Iabes Galaad: Cras erit vobis salus, cum incaluerit sol. Venerunt ergo nuncii, et annunciaverunt viris Iabes: qui lætati sunt.
10 Then the men of Jabesh said to Nahash, “Tomorrow we will come out, and you can do with us whatever seems good to you.”
Et dixerunt: Mane exibimus ad vos: et facietis nobis omne quod placuerit vobis.
11 The next day Saul organized the troops into three divisions, and during the morning watch they invaded the camp of the Ammonites and slaughtered them, until the hottest part of the day. And the survivors were so scattered that no two of them were left together.
Et factum est, cum dies crastinus venisset, constituit Saul populum in tres partes: et ingressus est media castra in vigilia matutina, et percussit Ammon usque dum incalesceret dies: reliqui autem dispersi sunt, ita ut non relinquerentur in eis duo pariter.
12 Then the people said to Samuel, “Who said that Saul should not reign over us? Bring those men here so we can kill them!”
Et ait populus ad Samuelem: Quis est iste qui dixit: Saul num regnabit super nos? Date viros, et interficiemus eos.
13 But Saul ordered, “No one shall be put to death this day, for today the LORD has worked salvation in Israel.”
Et ait Saul: Non occidetur quisquam in die hac, quia hodie fecit Dominus salutem in Israel.
14 Then Samuel said to the people, “Come, let us go to Gilgal and renew the kingship there.”
Dixit autem Samuel ad populum: Venite, et eamus in Galgala, et innovemus ibi regnum.
15 So all the people went to Gilgal and confirmed Saul as king in the presence of the LORD. There they sacrificed peace offerings before the LORD, and Saul and all the Israelites rejoiced greatly.
Et perrexit omnis populus in Galgala, et fecerunt ibi regem Saul coram Domino in Galgala, et immolaverunt ibi victimas pacificas coram Domino. Et lætatus est ibi Saul, et cuncti viri Israel nimis.

< 1 Samuel 11 >