< 1 Kings 7 >

1 Solomon, however, took thirteen years to complete the construction of his entire palace.
På sit Palads byggede Salomo i tretten År; så fik han hele sit Palads færdigt.
2 He built the House of the Forest of Lebanon a hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide, and thirty cubits high, with four rows of cedar pillars supporting the cedar beams.
Han byggede Libanonskovhuset, hundrede Alen langt, halvtredsindstyve Alen bredt og tredive Alen højt, hvilende på tre Rækker Cedersøjler med Skråstøtter af Cedertræ.
3 The house was roofed with cedar above the beams that rested on the pillars—forty-five beams, fifteen per row.
Det var oven over Rummene tækket med Cederbjælker, der hvilede på fem og fyrretyve Søjler, femten i hver Række.
4 There were three rows of high windows facing one another in three tiers.
Der var tre Lag Bjælker, og Lysåbning sad over for Lysåbning tre Gange.
5 All the doorways had rectangular frames, with the openings facing one another in three tiers.
Alle Døre og Lysåbninger havde firkantede Bjælkerammer, og Lysåbning sad over for Lysåbning tre Gange.
6 Solomon made his colonnade fifty cubits long and thirty cubits wide, with a portico in front of it and a canopy with pillars in front of the portico.
Fremdeles opførte han Søjlehallen, halvtredsindstyve Alen lang og tredive Alen bred, med en Hal, Søjler og Trappe foran.
7 In addition, he built a hall for the throne, the Hall of Justice, where he was to judge. It was paneled with cedar from floor to ceiling.
Fremdeles opførte han Tronhallen, hvor han holdt Rettergang, Domhallen; den var dækket med Cedertræ fra Gulv til Loft,
8 And the palace where Solomon would live, set further back, was of similar construction. He also made a palace like this hall for Pharaoh’s daughter, whom he had married.
Hans eget Hus, det, han boede i, i den anden Forgård inden for Hallen, var bygget på samme Måde. Og til Faraos Datter, som Salomo havde ægtet, opførte han et Hus i Lighed med denne Hal.
9 All these buildings were constructed with costly stones, cut to size and trimmed with saws inside and out from the foundation to the eaves, and from the outside to the great courtyard.
Det hele var af kostbare Sten, tilhugget efter Mål, tilsavet både indvendig og udvendig, lige fra Grunden til Murkanten, hvilket også gjaldt den store Forgård uden om Templets Forgård.
10 The foundations were laid with large, costly stones, some ten cubits long and some eight cubits long.
Grunden blev lagt med kostbare, store Sten, nogle på ti, andre på otte Alen.
11 Above these were high-grade stones, cut to size, and cedar beams.
Ovenpå lagdes kostbare Sten, tilhugget efter Mål, og Cederbjælker.
12 The great courtyard was surrounded by three rows of dressed stone and a row of trimmed cedar beams, as were the inner courtyard and portico of the house of the LORD.
Den store Forgård var hele Vejen rundt omgivet af tre Lag tilhugne Sten og et Lag Cederbjælker, ligeledes HERRENs Huss Forgård, den indre, og Forgården om Paladsets Forhal.
13 Now King Solomon sent to bring Huram from Tyre.
Kong Salomo sendte Bud til Tyrus efter Hiram.
14 He was the son of a widow from the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a craftsman in bronze. Huram had great skill, understanding, and knowledge for every kind of bronze work. So he came to King Solomon and carried out all his work.
Han var Søn af en Enke fra Naftalis Stamme, men hans Fader var en Kobbersmed fra Tyrus. Han sad inde med Visdom, Forstand og Indsigt i at udføre alskens Kobberarbejde; og han kom til Kong Salomo og udførte alt det Arbejde, han skulde have udført.
15 He cast two pillars of bronze, each eighteen cubits high and twelve cubits in circumference.
Han støbte de to kobbersøjler foran Forhallen. Den ene var atten Alen høj; den målte tolv Alen i Omkreds; den var hul, og Kobberet var fire Fingerbredder tykt. Ligeså den anden Søjle.
16 He also made two capitals of cast bronze to set on top of the pillars, each capital five cubits high.
Og han lavede to Søjlehoveder til at sidde oven på Søjlerne, støbt af Kobber, hvert Søjlehoved fem Alen højt.
17 For the capitals on top of the pillars he made a network of lattice, with wreaths of chainwork, seven for each capital.
Og han lavede to Fletværker, flettet Arbejde, Snore, kædeformet Arbejde, til at dække Søjlehovederne oven på Søjlerne, et Fletværk fil hvert Søjleboved;
18 Likewise, he made the pillars with two rows of pomegranates around each grating to cover each capital atop the pillars.
og han lavede Granatæblerne, to Rækker rundt om det ene Fletværk; der var 200 Granatæbler i Rækker rundt om det ene Søjlehoved; på samme Måde gjorde han også ved det andet.
19 And the capitals atop the pillars in the portico were shaped like lilies, four cubits high.
Søjlehovedeme på de to Søjler var liljeformet Arbejde.
20 On the capitals of both pillars, just above the rounded projection next to the network, were the two hundred pomegranates in rows encircling each capital.
Søjlehovederne sad på de to Søjler.
21 Thus he set up the pillars at the portico of the temple. The pillar to the south he named Jachin, and the pillar to the north he named Boaz.
Derpå opstillede han Søjlerne ved Templets Forhal; den Søjle, han opstillede til højre, kaldte han Jakin, og den, han opstillede til venstre, kaldte han Boaz.
22 And the tops of the pillars were shaped like lilies. So the work of the pillars was completed.
Øverst på Søjlerne var der liljeformet Arbejde. Således blev Arbejdet med Søjlerne færdigt.
23 He also made the Sea of cast metal. It was circular in shape, measuring ten cubits from rim to rim, five cubits in height, and thirty cubits in circumference.
Fremdeles lavede han Havet i støbt Arbejde, ti Alen fra Rand til Rand, helt rundt, fem Alen højt; det målte tredive Alen i Omkreds.
24 Below the rim, ornamental buds encircled it, ten per cubit all the way around the Sea, cast in two rows as a part of the Sea.
Under Randen var det hele Vejen rundt omgivet af agurklignende Prydelser, der nåede helt omkring Havet, tredive Alen; i to Rækker sad de agurklignende Prydelser, støbt i eet dermed.
25 The Sea stood on twelve oxen, three facing north, three facing west, three facing south, and three facing east. The Sea rested on them, with all their hindquarters toward the center.
Det stod på tolv Okser, således at tre vendte mod Nord, tre mod Vest, tre mod Syd og tre mod Øst; Havet stod oven på dem; de vendte alle Bagkroppen indad.
26 It was a handbreadth thick, and its rim was fashioned like the brim of a cup, like a lily blossom. It could hold two thousand baths.
Det var en Håndsbred tykt, og Randen var formet som Randen på et Bæger, som en udsprungen Lilje. Det tog 2000 Bat.
27 In addition, he made ten movable stands of bronze, each four cubits long, four cubits wide, and three cubits high.
Fremdeles lavede han de ti Vognstel af Kobber; hvert Stel var fire Alen langt, fire Alen bredt og tre Alen højt.
28 This was the design of the stands: They had side panels attached to uprights,
Og Stellene var indrettet så ledes: De havde Mellemstykker, og Mellemstykkerne sad mellem Rammestykkerne.
29 and on the panels between the uprights were lions, oxen, and cherubim. On the uprights was a pedestal above, and below the lions and oxen were wreaths of beveled work.
På Mellemstykkerne mellem Rammestykkerne var der Løver, Okser og Keruber, ligeledes på Rammestykkerne. Over og under Løverne og Okserne var der Kranse, lavet således, at de hang ned.
30 Each stand had four bronze wheels with bronze axles and a basin resting on four supports, with wreaths at each side.
Hvert Stel havde fire Kobber hjul og Kobberaksler. De fire Hjørner havde Bærearme; under Bækkenet var Bærearmene faststøbt, og midt for hver af dem var der Kranse.
31 The opening to each stand inside the crown at the top was one cubit deep, with a round opening like the design of a pedestal, a cubit and a half wide. And around its opening were engravings, but the panels of the stands were square, not round.
Dets Rand var inden for Bærearmene, een Alen høj, og den var rund: også på Randen var der udskåret Arbejde. Mellemstykkerne var firkantede, ikke runde.
32 There were four wheels under the panels, and the axles of the wheels were attached to the stand; each wheel was a cubit and a half in diameter.
De fire Hjul sad under Mellemstykkerne, og Hjulenes Akselholdere sad på Stellet; hvert Hjul var halvanden Alen højt.
33 The wheels were made like chariot wheels; their axles, rims, spokes, and hubs were all of cast metal.
Hjulene var indrettet som Vognhjul, og deres Akselholdere, Fælge, Eger og Nav var alle støbt.
34 Each stand had four handles, one for each corner, projecting from the stand.
Der var en Bæream på hvert Stels fire Hjørner, og Bærearmene var i eet med Stellet;
35 At the top of each stand was a circular band half a cubit high. The supports and panels were cast as a unit with the top of the stand.
og oven på Stellet var der en Slags Fatning, en halv Alen høj og helt rund; og Akselholdere og Mellemstykker sad fast på Stellet.
36 He engraved cherubim, lions, and palm trees on the surfaces of the supports and panels, wherever each had space, with wreaths all around.
På Fladerne indgraverede han Keruber, Løver og Palmer, efter som der var Plads til, omgivet af Kranse.
37 In this way he made the ten stands, each with the same casting, dimensions, and shape.
Således lavede han de ti Stel; de var alle støbt på samme Måde, med samme Mål og af samme Form.
38 He also made ten bronze basins, each holding forty baths and measuring four cubits across, one basin for each of the ten stands.
Tillige lavede han ti Kobberbækkener; fyrretyve Bat tog hvert Bækken, og hvert Bækken målte fire Alen, et Bækken til hvert af de ti Stel.
39 He set five stands on the south side of the temple and five on the north, and he put the Sea on the south side, at the southeast corner of the temple.
Og han satte fem af Stellene ved Templets Sydside, fem ved Nordsiden; og Havet opstillede han ved Templets Sydside, ved det sydøstre Hjørne.
40 Additionally, Huram made the pots, shovels, and sprinkling bowls. So Huram finished all the work that he had undertaken for King Solomon in the house of the LORD:
Fremdeles lavede Hirom Karrene, Skovlene og Skålene. Der med var Hiram færdig med alt sit Arbejde for Kong Salomo til HERRENs Hus:
41 the two pillars; the two bowl-shaped capitals atop the pillars; the two sets of network covering both bowls of the capitals atop the pillars;
De to Søjler, og de to kuglefornede Søjlehoveder ovenpå, de to Fletværker til at dække de to kugleformede Søjlehoveder på Søjlerne,
42 the four hundred pomegranates for the two sets of network (two rows of pomegranates for each network covering both the bowl-shaped capitals atop the pillars);
de 400 Granatæbler til de to Fletværker, to Rækker Granatæbler til hvert Fletværk til at dække de to kugleformede Søjlehoveder på de to Søjler,
43 the ten stands; the ten basins on the stands;
de ti Stel med de ti Bækkener på,
44 the Sea; the twelve oxen underneath the Sea;
Havet med de tolv Okser under,
45 and the pots, shovels, and sprinkling bowls. All the articles that Huram made for King Solomon in the house of the LORD were made of burnished bronze.
Karrene, Skovlene og Skålene. Alle disse Ting, som Hiram lavede for Kong Salomo til HERRENs Hus, var af blankt Kobber.
46 The king had them cast in clay molds in the plain of the Jordan between Succoth and Zarethan.
I Jordanegnen lod Kongen dem støbe, ved Adamas Vadested mellem Sukkot og Zaretan.
47 Solomon left all these articles unweighed, because there were so many. The weight of the bronze could not be determined.
Salomo lod alle Tingene uvejet på Grund af deres såre store Mængde, Kobberet blev ikke vejet.
48 Solomon also made all the furnishings for the house of the LORD: the golden altar; the golden table on which was placed the Bread of the Presence;
Og Salomo lod alle Tingene, som hørte til HERRENs Hus, lave: Guldalteret, Guldbordet, som Skuebrødene lå på,
49 the lampstands of pure gold in front of the inner sanctuary, five on the right side and five on the left; the gold flowers, lamps, and tongs;
Lysestagerne, fem til højre og fem til venstre, foran Inderhallen, af purt Guld, med Blomsterbægrene, Lamperne og Lysesaksene af Guld,
50 the pure gold basins, wick trimmers, sprinkling bowls, ladles, and censers; and the gold hinges for the doors of the inner temple (that is, the Most Holy Place ) as well as for the doors of the main hall of the temple.
Fadene, Knivene, Skålene, Kanderne og Panderne af fint Guld, Hængslerne til Dørene for den inderste Hal, det Allerhelligste, og til Dørene for den yderste Hal, det Hellige, af Guld.
51 So all the work that King Solomon had performed for the house of the LORD was completed. Then Solomon brought in the items his father David had dedicated—the silver, the gold, and the furnishings—and he placed them in the treasuries of the house of the LORD.
Da hele Arbejdet, som Salomo lod udføre ved HERRENs Hus, var færdigt, bragte Salomo sin Fader Davids Helliggaver, Sølvet og Guldet, derind og lagde alle Tingene i Skatkamrene i HERRENs Hus.

< 1 Kings 7 >