< 1 Kings 2 >

1 As the time drew near for David to die, he charged his son Solomon,
Ary rehefa antomotra ny andro hahafatesan’ i Davida, dia nandidy an’ i Solomona zananilahy izy hoe:
2 “I am about to go the way of all the earth. So be strong and prove yourself a man.
Izaho efa handeha amin’ ny lalan-kalehan’ ny tany rehetra; koa mahereza ianao, ary misehoa ho lehilahy.
3 And keep the charge of the LORD your God to walk in His ways and to keep His statutes, commandments, ordinances, and decrees, as is written in the Law of Moses, so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you turn,
Ary tandremo izay asain’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrao hotandremana handehananao amin’ ny lalany hitandremanao ny lalàny sy ny didiny sy ny fitsipiny ary ny teni-vavolombelony, araka ny voasoratra ao amin’ ny lalan’ i Mosesy, mba hataonao lavorary avokoa izay rehetra hataonao sy izay rehetra halehanao,
4 and so that the LORD may fulfill His promise to me: ‘If your descendants take heed to walk faithfully before Me with all their heart and soul, you will never fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.’
mba hanatanterahan’ i Jehovah ny teny izay nilazany ahy hoe: Raha ny taranakao hitandrina ny alehany ka handeha eo anatrehako amin’ ny fahamarinana amin’ ny fony rehetra sy amin’ ny fanahiny rehetra (hoy Izy), dia tsy ho diso zanakalahy ho eo amin’ ny seza fiandrianan’ ny Isiraely ianao.
5 Moreover, you know what Joab son of Zeruiah did to me—what he did to Abner son of Ner and Amasa son of Jether, the two commanders of the armies of Israel. He killed them in peacetime to avenge the blood of war. He stained with the blood of war the belt around his waist and the sandals on his feet.
Ary ianao koa mahalala izay nataon’ i Joaba, zanak’ i Zeroia, tamiko, dia ilay nataony tamin’ izy roa lahy komandin’ ny miaramilan’ ny Isiraely, dia tamin’ i Abnera, zanak’ i Nera, sy tamin’ i Amasa, zanak’ i Jatera, izay novonoiny sady nalatsany rà toy ny amin’ ny ady, nefa tsy nisy ady tsinona, ka nasiany rà toy ny amin’ ny ady ny fehin-kibony teny am-balahany sy ny kapany teny an-tongony.
6 So act according to your wisdom, and do not let his gray head go down to Sheol in peace. (Sheol h7585)
Koa manaova araka ny fahendrenao, ary aza avela hidina any amin’ ny fiainan-tsi-hita amin’ ny fiadanana ny volo fotsiny. (Sheol h7585)
7 But show loving devotion to the sons of Barzillai the Gileadite, and let them be among those who eat at your table, because they stood by me when I fled from your brother Absalom.
Fa ny zanak’ i Barzilay Gileadita kosa dia asio soa, ka avelao mba ho isan’ izay mihinana eo amin’ ny latabatrao izy; fa hanao soa toy izany no nankanesan’ ireo tany amiko, fony nandositra an’ i Absaloma rahalahinao aho.
8 Keep an eye on Shimei the son of Gera, the Benjamite from Bahurim who is with you. He called down bitter curses against me on the day I went to Mahanaim, but when he came down to meet me at the Jordan, I swore to him by the LORD: ‘I will never put you to the sword.’
Ary indro fa ao aminao koa Simey, zanak’ i Gera, Benjamita avy any Bahorima loza loatra ny nanozonany ahy tamin’ ny andro nankanesako tany Mahanaima, nefa izy mba nidina hitsena ahy tao Jordana ihany, ary Jehovah no manianako taminy hoe: Tsy hovonoiko amin’ ny sabatra ianao.
9 Now therefore, do not hold him guiltless, for you are a wise man. You know what you ought to do to him to bring his gray head down to Sheol in blood.” (Sheol h7585)
Koa aza ataonao afa-tsiny izy; fa lehilahy hendry ianao, ka fantatrao izay tokony hanaovanao azy, ka amin’ ny fandatsahan-drà no hampidinanao ny volo fotsiny ho any amin’ ny fiainan-tsi-hita. (Sheol h7585)
10 Then David rested with his fathers and was buried in the City of David.
Ary Davida dia lasa nodi-mandry any amin’ ny razany ka nalevina ao an-Tanànan’ i Davida.
11 The length of David’s reign over Israel was forty years—seven years in Hebron and thirty-three years in Jerusalem.
Ary ny andro nanjakan’ i Davida tamin’ ny Isiraely dia efa-polo taona; tao Hebrona no nanjakany fito taona, ary tao Jerosalema no nanjakany telo amby telo-polo taona.
12 So Solomon sat on the throne of his father David, and his kingdom was firmly established.
Ary Solomona nipetraka teo amin’ ny seza fiandrianan’ i Davida rainy; ary ny fanjakany dia niorina tsara
13 Now Adonijah son of Haggith went to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon, and she asked, “Do you come in peace?” “Yes, in peace,” he replied.
Ary Adonia, zanakalahin’ i Hagita, nankany amin’ i Batseba, renin’ i Solomona. Ary hoy ravehivavy: Moa fihavanana va no ahatongavanao? Dia hoy izy: Eny, fihavanana.
14 Then he said, “I have something to tell you.” “Say it,” she answered.
Ary hoy koa izy: Misy teny kely holazaiko aminao. Ary hoy ravehivavy: Lazao ary.
15 “You know that the kingship was mine,” he said. “All Israel expected that I should reign, but the kingship has turned to my brother, for it has come to him from the LORD.
Dia hoy izy: Hianao mahalala fa ahy ny fanjakana, ary ny Isiraely rehetra nanandrandra ahy hanjaka, kanjo tafahodina ny fanjakana ka lasan’ ny rahalahiko, fa azony avy tamin’ i Jehovah.
16 So now I have just one request of you; do not deny me.” “State your request,” she told him.
Koa ankehitriny zavatra iray loha no mba angatahiko aminao; ka aza dia lavinao aho. Ary hoy ravehivavy taminy: Lazao ary.
17 Adonijah replied, “Please speak to King Solomon, since he will not turn you down. Let him give me Abishag the Shunammite as my wife.”
Dia hoy izy: Masìna ianao, mitenena amin’ i Solomona mpanjaka (fa tsy handà anao izy), mba homeny ho vadiko Abisaga Sonemita.
18 “Very well,” Bathsheba replied. “I will speak to the king for you.”
Ary hoy Batseba: Eny ary, fa izaho dia hilaza ny teninao amin’ ny mpanjaka.
19 So Bathsheba went to King Solomon to speak to him for Adonijah. The king stood up to greet her, bowed to her, and sat down on his throne. Then the king had a throne brought for his mother, who sat down at his right hand.
Ary Batseba nankany amin’ i Solomona mpanjaka hilaza aminy ny tenin’ i Adonia. Ary ny mpanjaka nitsangana hitsena an’ i Batseba sady niankohoka teo anatrehany, dia nipetraka teo amin’ ny seza fiandrianany, ary nasainy nisy nitondra seza fiandrianana koa ho an’ ny renin’ ny mpanjaka; ka dia nipetraka teo amin’ ny ankavanany izy.
20 “I have just one small request of you,” she said. “Do not deny me.” “Make your request, my mother,” the king replied, “for I will not deny you.”
Ary hoy izy: Misy zavatra kely iray loha mba hangatahiko aminao, ka aza dia lavinao aho. Ary hoy ny mpanjaka: Angataho ary, ry ineny, fa tsy handà anao aho.
21 So Bathsheba said, “Let Abishag the Shunammite be given to your brother Adonijah as his wife.”
Dia hoy izy: Aoka Abisaga Sonemita homena ho vadin’ i Adonia rahalahinao.
22 King Solomon answered his mother, “Why do you request Abishag the Shunammite for Adonijah? Since he is my older brother, you might as well request the kingdom for him and for Abiathar the priest and for Joab son of Zeruiah!”
Fa Solomona mpanjaka namaly ka nanao tamin-dreniny hoe: Nahoana ianao no mangataka an’ i Abisaga Sonemita ho an’ i Adonia; angataho ho azy koa ary ny fanjakana, fa izy no zokiko, dia ho azy sy Abiatara mpisorona ary ho an’ i Joaba, zanak’ i Zeroia.
23 Then King Solomon swore by the LORD: “May God punish me, and ever so severely, if Adonijah has not made this request at the expense of his life.
Ary Solomona mpanjaka dia nianiana tamin’ i Jehovah hoe: Hataon’ Andriamanitra amiko anie izany, eny, mihoatra noho izany aza, raha tsy hatao maty Adonia noho ny nanaovany izany teny izany.
24 And now, as surely as the LORD lives—the One who established me, who set me on the throne of my father David, and who founded for me a dynasty as He promised—surely Adonijah shall be put to death today!”
Koa ankehitriny, raha velona koa Jehovah, Izay nampitoetra sy nametraka ahy teo amin’ ny seza fiandrianan’ i Davida raiko sady nanome ahy fara handimby araka izay nolazainy, dia hatao maty anio ihany Adonia.
25 So King Solomon sent the order to Benaiah son of Jehoiada, who struck down Adonijah, and he died.
Ary Solomona mpanjaka naniraka an’ i Benaia, zanak’ i Joiada; ary izy namely azy ho faty.
26 Then the king said to Abiathar the priest, “Go back to your fields in Anathoth. Even though you deserve to die, I will not put you to death at this time, since you carried the ark of the Lord GOD before my father David, and you suffered through all that my father suffered.”
Ary Abiatara mpisorona dia nilazan’ ny mpanjaka hoe: Mandehana ianao hankany Anatota ho any an-tambohonao, fa olona tokony hatao maty ianao; nefa tsy hataoko maty amin’ izao andro izao, satria nitondra ny fiaran’ i Jehovah Tompo teo alohan’ i Davida raiko ianao sady niara-nitondra fahoriana tamin’ ny raiko tamin’ izay rehetra nampahoriana azy.
27 So Solomon banished Abiathar from the priesthood of the LORD and thus fulfilled the word that the LORD had spoken at Shiloh against the house of Eli.
Ary Solomona dia nanongana an’ i Abiatara tsy ho mpisoron’ i Jehovah, ka dia nahatanteraka ny tenin’ i Jehovah, ilay nolazainy tao Silo ny amin’ ny taranak’ i Ely, izy.
28 When the news reached Joab, who had conspired with Adonijah but not with Absalom, he fled to the tent of the LORD and took hold of the horns of the altar.
Ary ren’ i Joaba izany (fa Joaba efa niodina nanaraka an’ i Adonia, kanefa tsy niodina nanaraka an’ i Absaloma izy), dia nandositra nankao amin’ ny trano-lain’ i Jehovah izy ka nangia ny tandroky ny alitara.
29 It was reported to King Solomon: “Joab has fled to the tent of the LORD and is now beside the altar.” So Solomon sent Benaiah son of Jehoiada, saying, “Go, strike him down!”
Ary nambara tamin’ i Solomona mpanjaka fa Joaba efa lasa nandositra ho ao amin’ ny trano-lain’ i Jehovah, ka, indro, eo anilan’ ny alitara izy. Dia nirahin’ i Solomona Benaia, zanak’ i Joiada, ka nilazany hoe: Andeha, asio izy.
30 And Benaiah entered the tent of the LORD and said to Joab, “The king says, ‘Come out!’” But Joab replied, “No, I will die here.” So Benaiah relayed the message to the king, saying, “This is how Joab answered me.”
Ary Benaia tonga tao amin’ ny tranolain’ i Jehovah ka nanao tamin’ i Joaba hoe: Izao no lazain’ ny mpanjaka: Mivoaha ianao. Fa hoy izy: Tsia, fa eto ihany aho no ho faty. Ary Benaia nitondra teny tany amin’ ny mpanjaka indray hoe: Izany no lazain’ i Joaba, ary izany no navaliny ahy.
31 And the king replied, “Do just as he says. Strike him down and bury him, and so remove from me and from the house of my father the innocent blood that Joab shed.
Ary hoy ny mpanjaka taminy: Ataovy araka izay nolazainy, ka asio izy, dia aleveno, mba hanesoranao amiko sy amin’ ny taranaky ny raiko ny rà marina izay nalatsak’ i Joaba.
32 The LORD will bring his bloodshed back upon his own head, for without the knowledge of my father David he struck down two men more righteous and better than he when he put to the sword Abner son of Ner, commander of Israel’s army, and Amasa son of Jether, commander of Judah’s army.
Dia hatsingerin’ i Jehovah ho amin’ ny lohany ihany ny ràny, satria izy namely olona roa lahy izay marina sady tsara noho izy ka namono azy tamin’ ny sabatra, dia Abnera, zanak’ i Nera, komandin’ ny miaramilan’ ny Isiraely sy Amasa, zanak’ i Jatera, komandin’ ny miaramilan’ ny Joda, nefa Davida raiko tsy nahalala izany akory
33 Their blood will come back upon the heads of Joab and his descendants forever; but for David, his descendants, his house, and his throne, there shall be peace from the LORD forever.”
Eny, ny ran’ izy roa lahy ireo hitsingerina amin’ ny lohan’ i Joaba sy ny lohan’ ny taranany mandrakizay; fa amin’ i Davida sy ny taranany sy ny mpianakaviny ary amin’ ny seza fiandrianany kosa dia hisy fiadanana mandrakizay avy amin’ i Jehovah.
34 So Benaiah son of Jehoiada went up, struck down Joab, and killed him. He was buried at his own home in the wilderness.
Dia niakatra Benaia, zanak’ i Joiada, ka namely azy ho faty; ary nalevina tao amin’ ny fonenany tany an-efitra izy.
35 And the king appointed Benaiah son of Jehoiada in Joab’s place over the army, and he appointed Zadok the priest in Abiathar’s place.
Ary Benaia, zanak’ i Joiada, no notendren’ ny mpanjaka ho solony ho komandin’ ny miaramila; ary Zadota mpisorona no notendren’ ny mpanjaka ho solon’ i Abiatara.
36 Then the king summoned Shimei and said to him, “Build a house for yourself in Jerusalem and live there, but do not go anywhere else.
Ary ny mpanjaka naniraka naka an’ i Simey ka nanao taminy hoe: Manaova trano ato Jerosalema ianao ka mitoera ao, ary aza miala ao ianao na ho aiza na ho aiza akory.
37 On the day you go out and cross the Kidron Valley, know for sure that you will die; your blood will be on your own head.”
Fa amin’ izay andro hivoahanao mita ny lohasahan-driaka Kidrona, dia aoka ho fantatrao marina fa hatao maty tokoa ianao; ny rànao ho amin’ ny lohanao ihany.
38 “The sentence is fair,” Shimei replied. “Your servant will do as my lord the king has spoken.” And Shimei lived in Jerusalem for a long time.
Ary hoy Simey tamin’ ny mpanjaka: Tsara izany teny izany; araka izany nolazain’ ny mpanjaka tompoko Izany no hataon’ ny mpanomponao. Ary Simey nitoetra ela tany Jerosalema.
39 After three years, however, two of Shimei’s slaves ran away to Achish son of Maacah, king of Gath. And Shimei was told, “Look, your slaves are in Gath.”
Ary nony afaka telo taona mipaka, dia nisy roa lahy mpanompon’ i Simey, nandositra ho any amin’ i Akisy, zanak’ i Maka mpanjakan’ i Gata. Ary nisy nanambara tamin’ i Simey hoe: Indreo, any Gata ny mpanomponao.
40 So Shimei saddled his donkey and set out to Achish at Gath in search of his slaves, and he brought them back from Gath.
Dia nitsangana Simey nanisy lasely ny borikiny ka nankany Gata ho any amin’ i Akisy hitady ny mpanompony, dia lasa nody Simey nitondra ny mpanompony avy tany Gata.
41 When Solomon was told that Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to Gath and had returned,
Ary nambara tamin’ i Solomona ny nialan’ i Simey tany Jerosalema hankany Gata sy ny niveranany indray.
42 the king summoned Shimei and said to him, “Did I not make you swear by the LORD and warn you, ‘On the day you leave and go elsewhere, know for sure that you will die’? And you told me, ‘The sentence is fair; I will comply.’
Ary ny mpanjaka naniraka naka an’ i Simey ka nanao taminy hoe: Tsy efa nampianiana anao tamin’ i Jehovah va aho ka nilaza taminao marimarina hoe: Aoka ho fantatrao marina fa amin’ izay andro hivoahanao sy handehananao na ho aiza na ho aiza akory dia hatao maty tokoa ianao? Ary hoy ianao tamiko: Tsara izany teny reko any.
43 So why have you not kept your oath to the LORD and the command that I gave you?”
Koa nahoana ianao no tsy nitandrina ny fianianana tamin’ i Jehovah sy ny didy izay nandidiako anao?
44 The king also said, “You know in your heart all the evil that you did to my father David. Therefore the LORD will bring your evil back upon your head.
Ary hoy koa ny mpanjaka tamin’ i Simey: ianao mahalala ny ratsy rehetra nataonao tamin’ i Davida raiko, eny, tsaroan’ ny fonao izany, ka dia hatsingerin’ i Jehovah amin’ ny lohanao ny haratsianao.
45 But King Solomon will be blessed and David’s throne will remain secure before the LORD forever.”
Fa hotahina kosa Solomona mpanjaka, ary ny seza fiandrianan’ i Davida hampitoerina eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah mandrakizay.
46 Then the king commanded Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and he went out and struck Shimei down, and he died. Thus the kingdom was firmly established in the hand of Solomon.
Ary ny mpanjaka nandidy an’ i Benaia, zanak’ i Joiada, dia nivoaka izy ka namely an’ i Simey ho faty. Ary ny fanjakana dia naorina teo an-tànan’ i Solomona.

< 1 Kings 2 >