< 1 Chronicles 1 >

1 Adam, Seth, Enosh,
Adama, Seta, Enosy,
2 Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared,
Kenana, Mahalalila, Jareda,
3 Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech.
Enoka, Metosela, Lameka,
4 The sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Noa, Sema, Hama ary Jafeta.
5 The sons of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras.
Ny zanakalahin’ i Jafeta dia Gomera sy Magoga sy Maday sy Javana sy Tobala sy Maseta ary Tirasa.
6 The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah.
Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Gomera dia Askenaza sy Rifata ary Togarma.
7 And the sons of Javan: Elishah, Tarshish, the Kittites, and the Rodanites.
Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Javana dia Elisaha sy Tarsisy sy ny Kitima ary ny Dodanita.
8 The sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put, and Canaan.
Ny zanakalahin’ i Hama dia Kosy sy Mizraima sy Pota ary Kanana.
9 The sons of Cush: Seba, Havilah, Sabta, Raamah, and Sabteca. The sons of Raamah: Sheba and Dedan.
Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Kosy dia Seba sy Havila sy Sabta sy Ragarna ary Sabteka. Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Ragama dia Seba sy Dedana.
10 Cush was the father of Nimrod, who began to be a mighty one on the earth.
Ary Kosy niteraka an’ i Nimroda; izy no voalohany izay tonga olona mahery teo ambonin’ ny tany.
11 Mizraim was the father of the Ludites, the Anamites, the Lehabites, the Naphtuhites,
Ary Mizraima niteraka ny Lodita sy ny Anamita sy ny Lehabita sy ny Naftohita
12 the Pathrusites, the Casluhites (from whom the Philistines came), and the Caphtorites.
sy ny Patrosita sy ny Kaslohita (izay nihavian’ ny Filistina) ary ny Kaftorita.
13 And Canaan was the father of Sidon his firstborn, and of the Hittites,
Ary Kanana niteraka an’ i Sidona, lahimatoany, sy Heta
14 the Jebusites, the Amorites, the Girgashites,
ary ny Jebosita sy ny Amorita sy ny Girgasita
15 the Hivites, the Arkites, the Sinites,
sy ny Hivita sy ny Arkita sy ny Sinita
16 the Arvadites, the Zemarites, and the Hamathites.
sy ny Arvadita sy ny Zemarita ary ny Harnatita.
17 The sons of Shem: Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram. The sons of Aram: Uz, Hul, Gether, and Meshech.
Ny zanakalahin’ i Sema dia Elama sy Asyra sy Arpahada sy Loda sy Arama sy Oza sy Hola sy Gatera ary Maseka.
18 Arphaxad was the father of Shelah, and Shelah was the father of Eber.
Ary Arpaksada niteraka an’ i Sela; ary Sela niteraka an’ i Ebera.
19 Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg, because in his days the earth was divided, and his brother was named Joktan.
Ary Ebera niteraka roa lahy: ny anaran’ ny iray natao hoe Palega, satria tamin’ ny androny no nizarana ny tany; ary Joktana no anaran’ ny rahalahiny.
20 And Joktan was the father of Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah,
Ary Joktana niteraka an’ i Almodada sy Salefa sy Hazarmaveta sy Jera
21 Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah,
sy Hadorama sy Ozala sy Dikla
22 Obal, Abimael, Sheba,
sy Ebala sy Abimaela sy Sheba
23 Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab. All these were sons of Joktan.
sy Ofira sy Havila ary Jobaba; ireo rehetra ireo no zanakalahin’ i Joktana.
24 So from Shem came Arphaxad, Shelah,
Sema, Arpaksada, Sela,
25 Eber, Peleg, Reu,
Ebera, Palega, Reo,
26 Serug, Nahor, Terah,
Seroga, Nahora, Tera,
27 and Abram (that is, Abraham).
Abrama (dia Abrahama izany).
28 The sons of Abraham were Isaac and Ishmael.
Ny zanakalahin’ i Abrahama dia Isaka sy Isimaela.
29 These are their genealogies: Nebaioth the firstborn of Ishmael, then Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,
Izao no taranany: Nebaiota, lahimatoan’ Isimaela, dia Kedara sy Abdela sy Mibsama
30 Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema,
sy Misma sy Doma sy Masa sy Hadada sy Tema
31 Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah. These were the sons of Ishmael.
sy Jetora sy Nafisy ary Kedma. Ireo no zanakalahin’ Isimaela.
32 The sons born to Keturah, Abraham’s concubine: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah. The sons of Jokshan: Sheba and Dedan.
Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Ketora, vaditsindranon’ i Abrahama. Izy no niteraka an’ i Zimrama sy Joksana sy Medana sy Midiana sy Jisbaka ary Soaha. Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Joksana dia Sheba sy Dedana.
33 The sons of Midian: Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abida, and Eldaah. All of these were Keturah’s sons.
Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Midiana dia Efaha sy Efera sy Hanoka sy Abida ary Eldaha. Ireo rehetra ireo no zanakalahin’ i Ketora.
34 Abraham was the father of Isaac. The sons of Isaac: Esau and Israel.
Ary Abrahama niteraka an’ Isaka. Ny zanakalahin’ i Isaka dia Esao sy Isiraely.
35 The sons of Esau: Eliphaz, Reuel, Jeush, Jalam, and Korah.
Ny zanakalahin’ i Esao dia Elifaza sy Regoela sy Jeosy sy Jalama ary Kora.
36 The sons of Eliphaz: Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, and Kenaz; and by Timna, Amalek.
Ny zanak’ i Elifaza dia Temana sy Omara sy Zefo sy Gatama sy Kenaza sy Timna ary Amaleka.
37 The sons of Reuel: Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah.
Ny zanakalahin’ i Regoela dia Nahata sy Zera sy Sama ary Miza.
38 The sons of Seir: Lotan, Shobal, Zibeon, Anah, Dishon, Ezer, and Dishan.
Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Seïra dia Lotana sy Sobala sy Zibona sy Ana sy Disona sy Ezera ary Disana.
39 The sons of Lotan: Hori and Homam. Timna was Lotan’s sister.
Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Lotana dia Hory sy Homama; ary Timna no anabavin’ i Lotana.
40 The sons of Shobal: Alvan, Manahath, Ebal, Shepho, and Onam. The sons of Zibeon: Aiah and Anah.
Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Sobala dia Aliana sy Manahata sy Ebala sy Sefy ary Onama. Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Zibona dia Aia sy Ana.
41 The son of Anah: Dishon. The sons of Dishon: Hemdan, Eshban, Ithran, and Cheran.
Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Ana dia Disona. Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Disona dia Hamrana sy Esbana sa Jitrana ary Kerana.
42 The sons of Ezer: Bilhan, Zaavan, and Akan. The sons of Dishan: Uz and Aran.
Ary ny zanakalahin i Ezera dia Bilana sy Zavana ary Jakana. Ny zanakalahin’ i Disana dia Oza sy Arana.
43 These are the kings who reigned in the land of Edom before any king reigned over the Israelites: Bela son of Beor. His city was named Dinhabah.
Ary izao no mpanjaka izay nanjaka tany amin’ ny tany Edoma, fony tsy mbola nisy mpanjaka nanjaka tamin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely: Bela, zanak’ i Beora; ary Dinaba no anaran’ ny tanànany.
44 When Bela died, Jobab son of Zerah from Bozrah reigned in his place.
Ary maty Bela, dia nanjaka nandimby azy Jobaba, zanak’ i Zera, avy any Bozra.
45 When Jobab died, Husham from the land of the Temanites reigned in his place.
Ary maty Jobaba, dia nanjaka nandimby azy Hosama, avy any amin’ ny tanin’ ny Temanita.
46 When Husham died, Hadad son of Bedad, who defeated Midian in the country of Moab, reigned in his place. And the name of his city was Avith.
Ary maty Hosama, dia nanjaka nandimby azy Hadada, zanak’ i Bedada, izay namely ny Midianita tany amin’ ny tany Moaba; ary Avita no anaran’ ny tanànany.
47 When Hadad died, Samlah from Masrekah reigned in his place.
Ary maty Hadada, dia nanjaka nandimby azy Samla avy any Masreka.
48 When Samlah died, Shaul from Rehoboth on the Euphrates reigned in his place.
Ary maty Samla, dia nanjaka nandimby azy Saoly avy any Rehobota eo amoron’ ny Ony.
49 When Shaul died, Baal-hanan son of Achbor reigned in his place.
Ary maty Saoly, dia nanjaka nandimby azy Bala-hanana, zanak’ i Akbora.
50 When Baal-hanan died, Hadad reigned in his place. His city was named Pau, and his wife’s name was Mehetabel daughter of Matred, the daughter of Me-zahab.
Ary maty Bala-hanana, dia nanjaka nandimby azy Hadada; ary Pao no anaran’ ny tanànany; ary ny anaran’ ny vadiny dia Mehetabela, zanakavavin’ i Matreda, zanakavavin’ i Me-zahaba.
51 Then Hadad died. Now the chiefs of Edom were Timna, Alvah, Jetheth,
Dia maty koa Hadada. Ary ny loham-pirenen’ i Edoma dia Timna loham-pireneny, Alva loham-pireneny, Jetata loham-pireneny,
52 Oholibamah, Elah, Pinon,
Oholibama loham-pireneny, Elaha loham-pireneny, Pinona loham-pireneny,
53 Kenaz, Teman, Mibzar,
Kenaza loham-pireneny, Temana loham-pireneny, Mibzara loham-pireneny,
54 Magdiel, and Iram. These were the chiefs of Edom.
Magdiela loham-pireneny, Irama loham-pireneny. Ireo no loham-pirenen’ i Edoma.

< 1 Chronicles 1 >