< Mark 11 >

1 And when they drew near to Jerusalem, as far as Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples,
Mach ave, Jisasɨv mbɨkɨr sezɨrmen Jerusalem ikwɨm ivi Betfage mach Betani aiampɨraŋ ahevɨkɨrorɨmŋgɨmar. Aiampɨra undɨmaj mbanamb aparɨma Olivɨnd handɨh ñɨhɨranj. Ave Jisasɨv sezɨr undɨmaj hamb ondɨv kamar.
2 and said to them: Go into the village opposite you; and as soon as you enter it, you will find a colt tied, on which no man ever sat. Loose him and bring him.
Ave mbɨ ndɨŋ mbanave kamar. Aiampɨra kehan wawɨmbɨrarɨŋ haŋ ovar amar. Amɨ aiampɨra kehaŋ ŋgwevohe pams haŋon donki nor han wandɨramŋgɨn amar. Mbɨ ndɨn mpamŋgɨz aŋkwañɨñɨmbɨri han, eŋambɨr wɨram emŋgav ndɨn insɨŋ mɨŋgarɨwɨmŋgɨrɨm amar. Mbɨkɨr kɨrɨpa han inɨmbi donki nor kehan ŋe hɨraivar amar.
3 And if any say to you: Why are you doing this? say that the Lord has need of him; and he will immediately send him hither.
Avɨz wɨram emŋgav andɨŋ amarɨmɨr amar. Amɨ utɨndɨv donki nor han ŋe hɨromŋgɨn arar amarɨmɨr amar. Amɨ mbɨkɨr ya enore kavar amar. Anɨŋnsar Ohɨrav ndɨn ntɨŋ mbah, ave mbɨ ekwaŋg pams haŋon eŋgwaz aindari arar kavar amar.
4 And they went and found the colt tied near the door without, in the street. And they loosed him.
Mach, sezɨr undɨmaj hamb omŋgɨmar. Mbɨ aiampɨraŋ ŋgwevohe wamŋgɨz donki nor hamb empasamɨŋ aŋkwañɨmar. Wɨram kɨra emŋgemŋgav donki nor mbanan mpamŋgɨz oram impikŋ ikwɨm handɨh aŋkwañɨmar. Mach, sezɨr undɨmaj hamb ndɨn kɨrɨpa han inɨmbɨmŋgɨmar.
5 And some of those who were standing there, said to them: Why are you loosing the colt?
Avɨz wɨram kɨra ikwɨm aŋkwañɨhɨrɨmŋgɨmar hamb ndɨŋ mbanave amarɨmŋgɨmar. Amɨ undɨmaj utɨzɨŋɨn are donki nor mban inɨmbɨmŋgɨn arɨmŋgɨmar.
6 And they said to them as Jesus had commanded; and they gave them permission.
Avɨz sezɨr undɨmaj hamb Jisasɨv ndɨŋ kamar hanaveonaŋg ndɨŋ kamŋgɨmar. Az wɨram kɨra hamb mpɨ imbɨrvam ñi sezɨr undɨmaj han kamŋgɨmar. Aria, ŋe hɨrovar arɨmŋgɨmar.
7 And they brought the colt to Jesus, and put their mantles upon him, and he sat on him.
Mach, sezɨr undɨmaj hamb donki nor han Jisasɨnd pɨŋ hɨraimŋgɨmar. Ave mbɨ yupɨr hɨrahɨr osapɨr mbɨndɨŋ han donki nor han insɨŋ ŋgamŋgɨmar. Az Jisasɨv hand insɨŋ ŋkañɨmar.
8 And many spread their mantles in the road, and others cut branches from the trees, and spread them in the road.
Wɨram akŋ anchɨ akŋ hambez mbɨndɨŋ yupɨr hɨrahɨr osapɨr han aŋkwapai ore empasamɨŋ empɨramamŋgɨmar. Emŋgemŋgav antaŋ we aiyena akokazɨŋge empasamɨŋ amamŋgɨmar.
9 And those who went before, and those who followed after, cried, saying: Hosanna. Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord.
Ave wɨram akŋ anchɨ akŋ hamb Jisasɨh uhɨmɨŋ ŋaŋgwame hɨromŋgɨmar. Mɨŋamun hanave aware kamŋgɨmar. Ŋɨñɨmbam oŋambam Yakŋ Ohɨrandɨv ñɨm arɨmŋgɨmar. Wɨram hamb Yakŋ Ohɨrand ensaŋ aindai han, eran Yakŋ Ohɨrav ndɨn omanenta sɨz arɨmŋgɨmar.
10 Blessed is the coming kingdom of our Father David. Hosanna in the highest.
Arɨŋɨnd ncha Devit, mbɨkɨr kwɨ haŋ ahevakarɨndari han Yakŋ Ohɨrav omanenta sɨz arɨmŋgɨmar. Yakŋ Ohɨrav Aiampɨra Ohɨra Ñaŋ ñi han, arɨ ndɨndɨv ŋɨñɨmbam oŋambam ñɨm arɨmŋgɨmar.
11 And Jesus entered Jerusalem, and went into the temple; and when he had looked around on all things, the hour being now late, he went out to Bethany with the twelve.
Avɨz Jisasɨv Jerusalemɨŋ ahevakare Yakŋ Ohɨrand marɨvai oram ohɨrand imbɨz unchaŋ ahevomar. Ave mbɨ werer ndamar. Kɨrɨm rapɨrɨv ŋkwuŋɨn azand mbɨ sezɨr oman ŋkiŋkiŋg undɨmaj mbɨkɨrmen Betaniŋ ekwaŋg aimŋgɨmar.
12 And on the morrow, as they were coming from Bethany, he was hungry;
Mach, uiv ŋakaz mbɨ aiampɨra Betani erere ondamŋgɨz, Jisasɨv unsandɨv mamar.
13 and he saw at a distance a fig-tree that had leaves; and he went, if perhaps he might find any thing on it. And when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for it was not the time for figs.
Ave mbɨ waz ai fik hamb taŋɨpɨr kansɨnd ñɨmar. Ai kehan zɨŋɨmp ohɨra. Ave mbɨ ainor han kɨrahɨr ai kehand pɨŋ omar. Kɨrɨm ainor emŋgaŋg mɨwam, nend. Zɨŋɨmbam ñi ainor pamaŋg mɨŋgwɨm. Han ainor ŋgwɨŋgwɨnd iŋgi mah.
14 And he answered and said to it: No more may any one ever eat fruit from you. And his disciples heard it. (aiōn g165)
Az Jisasɨv ai fik han mbanave kamar. Amɨ mɨŋ han wɨndɨv ŋgwɨmɨn avɨn wɨramb namŋgɨmɨnj, nendon mɨŋun amar. Avɨz mbɨkɨr sezɨrɨv ya mban njɨhamŋgɨmar. (aiōn g165)
15 And they came into Jerusalem; and Jesus entered the temple, and began to drive out those who sold, and those who bought in the temple; and he overturned the tables of the money-changers, and the seats of those who sold doves.
Mach, Jisasɨv sezɨrmen we Jerusalemɨŋ ahevɨkɨrorɨmŋgɨmar. Ahevɨkɨrorɨmŋgɨz Jisasɨv Yakŋ Ohɨrand marɨvai oram ohɨrand imbɨz unchaŋ ahevomar. Ahevohe osa anchɨ nsɨham nor ntɨŋ ŋaŋ ñɨmŋgɨmar han mach osa anchɨ hanɨhan uŋkɨ eŋgwamŋgɨmar hanez ondo ake kiaŋgwɨmar. Ave mbɨndɨŋ antɨm nsɨham nor enororɨnd mach ai esa sam haŋ ŋgarɨwi ikŋɨŋgwɨm uŋkɨ eŋgwamŋgɨj han ŋɨmbi akŋɨrɨzɨŋge pazɨmŋgamar.
16 And he suffered no one to carry a vessel through the temple.
Ave mbɨ ndɨŋ erokare kamar. Hanɨhan utuhutuh han Yakŋ Ohɨrand marɨvai oram ohɨrand imbɨz unchaŋ hɨro hɨrai rar hɨrandamŋgɨmɨn amar.
17 And he taught, saying to them: Is it not written, My house shall be called the house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it a den of robbers.
Ave ndɨŋ ya sɨkah kamar. Yakŋ Ohɨrand anɨŋzɨŋ enta ya han mbanave mpamar oh o nend amar. Oram ihɨnd han, han Yakŋ Ohɨrand oram ahaz ororɨnd arar kandɨramŋgi arar mpamar amar. Wɨram akŋ anchɨ akŋ yimbɨm emŋgemŋgand hamb, mbɨ oram mbanaŋ ai yan ahaz orɨndɨramŋgi arar mpamar amar. Kɨrɨm amɨ ndɨn ramŋgɨn ui ŋkwoŋka akɨmɨndɨnd emamp ahevakari amar.
18 And the scribes and the chief priests heard him; and they sought how they might destroy him; for they feared him, because all the multitude were astonished at his teaching.
Avɨz osa anchɨ hamb Jisasɨnd ya han njɨhame ntamŋgɨmar. Az wɨram kɨra anɨŋnsar hanɨhan Yakŋ Ohɨrandɨv ahaz ore ŋgamamɨnd hamb wɨram kɨra ya Mosesɨnd injambɨr ahe sɨkahɨndɨmen han we handɨv mbɨ Jisasɨndɨv ezandɨkŋahambɨmŋgɨmar. Handɨv mbɨ ondo ake empasam Jisas mamta orɨŋgamamɨndiv kɨramŋgɨmar.
19 And when evening had come, he went out of the city.
Mach, nanempand zuh haŋ Jisasɨv sezɨrmen Jerusalem erere omŋgɨmar.
20 And in the morning, as they were passing by, they saw the fig-tree withered from the roots.
Mach ave, uiv ŋakaz mband zuhun Jisasɨv sezɨrmen empasamɨŋ aimŋgɨmar. Ai wamŋgɨz ai fik hamb mɨŋɨnd ntɨrɨnd zɨŋɨnd mɨŋam ndɨh pɨrɨravimar.
21 And Peter, calling his words to mind, said to him: Rabbi, see! the fig-tree which thou didst curse has withered.
Avɨz Pitav hanɨhan Jisasɨv sɨmar han njɨhame kamar. Anɨŋzɨŋ entand, wav amar. Mɨrɨh ai fik mbanamb kɨvah raz arar keman han, irɨh mɨŋam ndɨh pɨrɨri amar.
22 And Jesus answered and said to them: Have faith in God.
Avɨz Jisasɨv ndɨŋ kamar. Amɨ Achakɨñŋam njɨhi aŋkarɨpɨr ŋe njɨhambar amar.
23 For, verily I say to you, that whoever will say to this mountain, Be removed, and be cast into the sea, and will not doubt in his heart, but believe that what he says will come to pass, he shall have whatever he says.
Nzɨ andɨŋ mɨŋun kin amar. Wɨram emŋga hamb aparɨma han imbɨr mbanave kamɨr amar. Amɨ ŋaiahe pɨraŋgore utɨm yambɨŋ ŋkwuv arar kamɨr amar. Mach, wɨram hamb njɨhi undɨmaj mah ñi, hanɨhan kehandɨv njɨhi aŋkarɨpɨr ŋe njɨhamɨz ya mbɨ ki kehamb ndɨndɨv imbɨr ahevakarɨndari han, mbɨ imbɨr ahevakarɨndari amar.
24 For this reason I say to you: All things that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive them, and they shall be yours.
Handɨv nzɨ andɨŋ kin amar. Amɨ hanaveaŋg hanɨhan ŋaŋɨn are njɨhi aŋkarɨpɨr ŋe njɨhame Yakŋ Ohɨra ahaz orɨndɨramŋgɨn han, hanɨhan amɨ amarɨmŋgɨn kehamb andɨŋndɨv imbɨr ahevakarɨndari amar.
25 And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have any thing against any one, that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your offenses.
Mach, andɨŋ wɨram emŋgav enta kɨvah sɨz, mach amɨ aŋkwañɨhɨri Yakŋ Ohɨra ahaz ore mbɨkɨr enta kɨvah han inɨmbɨvar amar. Hanavɨmŋgɨn amandɨŋ Yakŋ mbɨkɨr Aiampɨra Ohɨra Ñaŋ ñi mbanamb mbɨ amandɨŋ enta kɨvah hanez usɨndari amar.
26 But if you do not forgive, your Father who is in heaven will not forgive your offenses.
27 And they came again into Jerusalem; and as he was walking in the temple, there came to him the chief priests and the scribes and the elders,
Mach, Jisasɨv sezɨrmen Jerusalemɨŋ ekwaŋg aimŋgɨmar. Ave Jisasɨv Yakŋ Ohɨrand marɨvai oram ohɨrand imbɨz unchaŋ ŋgwevohe ndazand, wɨram kɨra anɨŋnsar hanɨhan Yakŋ Ohɨrandɨv ahaz ore ŋgamamɨnd, wɨram kɨra ya Mosesɨnd injambɨr ahe sɨkahɨnd, mach wɨram untɨm ohɨra kɨra Judand hamb ndɨn pɨŋ aimŋgɨmar.
28 and said to him: By what authority do you these things? and who gave you this authority to do these things?
Mbɨ ai ndɨn mbanave amarɨmŋgɨmar. Amɨ ensa ohɨra han nzɨhandɨh ŋe ntɨŋ mban ŋan arɨmŋgɨmar. Ave nan ensa ohɨra han uñɨmb eŋgwe nan kaz ntɨŋ mban ŋan arɨmŋgɨmar.
29 And Jesus answered and said to them: I also will ask you one thing, and if you answer me, I will also tell you by what authority I do these things.
Avɨz Jisasɨv ndɨŋ mbanave kamar. Mach, nzez andɨŋ hanɨhan emŋgandɨv amarɨndarin amar. Amɨ ihɨnd amarar han omanenton kamŋgɨn, uñɨmb yan ensa ohɨrand ntɨŋ mban ŋaŋɨndɨv eŋgwar han nzɨ andɨŋ imbɨr kaŋ wandɨramŋgɨn amar.
30 Was the immersion of John from heaven, or from men? answer me.
Eŋambɨr Jonɨmb osa anchɨ han yambɨŋ ŋazɨkŋirɨŋgwi ŋambiahanj amar. Han Yakŋ Ohɨrav ndɨn kaz ranj arar njɨhamŋgɨn oh o wɨram hamb ndɨn kamŋgɨz ranj arar njɨhamŋgɨn amar.
31 And they reasoned with themselves, saying: If we say, From heaven, he will reply, Why, then, did you not believe him?
Mach, mbɨ mbon mbon mbanave kamŋgɨmar. Arɨ Yakŋ Ohɨrav ndɨn kaz ranj arar kamɨrɨŋaŋg kɨrɨm mbɨ kandari arɨmŋgɨmar. Utɨndɨv amɨ ndɨnɨh eŋambɨrun njɨhi aŋkarɨpɨr njɨhamɨmah ramŋgan arar kandari toh arɨmŋgɨmar.
32 But if we say, From men, they feared the people; for all regarded John as a prophet indeed.
Kɨrɨm arɨ kamɨrɨŋ wɨram hamb ndɨn kamŋgɨz ranj arar kamɨrɨŋ arɨmŋgɨmar. Mbɨ wɨram akŋ anchɨ akŋndɨv ezandɨkŋahambɨmŋgɨmar. Wɨram akŋ anchɨ akŋ hamb Jon ndɨnɨh wɨram Yakŋ Ohɨrand ya injambɨr ahe kanj arar njɨhamŋgɨmar.
33 And they answered and said to Jesus: We do not know. And Jesus answering, said to them: Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.
Handɨv Jisasɨnd ya han mbɨŋ ke kamŋgɨmar. Arɨ mɨwarɨm arɨmŋgɨmar. Avɨz Jisasɨv ndɨŋ kamar. Nzez nzɨ andɨŋ mɨkandɨram ensa ohɨra han nzɨhandɨh ŋe ntɨŋ mban ŋin han amar.

< Mark 11 >