< John 7 >

1 And after this Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill him.
Hessafe guye, Ayhudeti Yesuusa wodhanaw koyaa gisho I Yihuda aggidi Galiilan simerettees.
2 Now the feast of tabernacles, a feast of the Jews, was near.
Ayhudeti bonchchiya Shaqara Baaley bonchchettanaw matis.
3 Then his brothers said to him: Depart hence, and go into Judea, that your disciples may see your works which you do;
Hessa gisho, Yesuusa ishati, “Ne tamaareti neeni oothiya malaatata be7ana mela hayssafe denddada Yihuda biittaa ba.
4 for no one does any thing in secret, while he himself seeks to be before the public. If you do these things, show yourself to the world.
Baw erettanaw koya asi oonikka ba oosuwa genthenna. Neeni hayssata oothada nebaa alamiya erisa” yaagidosona.
5 For neither did his brothers believe on him.
Iya ishati hessa giday iyan ammaniboonna gishossa.
6 Then Jesus said to them: My time has not yet come; but your time is always ready.
Yesuusi enttako, “Taw injje wodey gakkibeenna, shin hinttew ubba wodey injjetees.
7 The world can not hate you; but me it hates, because I testify of it, that its works are evil.
Alamey hinttena ixxanaw dandda7enna, shin taani alamiya oosoy iita gideyssa markkattiya gisho tana ixxees.
8 Do you go up to this feast. I go not up now to this feast, because my time has not yet fully come.
Hintte baaliya biite; ta wodey gakkiboonna gisho taani baaliya biikke” yaagis.
9 These things said he to them, and remained in Galilee.
I hessa gidi Galiilan attis.
10 But when his brothers had gone up, then he also went up to the feast, not openly, but, as it were, in secret.
Iya ishati baaliya bonchchanaw bidaappe guye Yesuusi oonakka erisonna qosan he bessaa bis.
11 Then the Jews sought for him at the feast, and said: Where is he?
Ayhudeti baaliya bonchchiya bessan, “I awun de7ii?” yaagidi iya koyidosona.
12 And there was much murmuring among the multitudes concerning him. Some said: He is a good man. Others said: No; but he deceives the multitude.
Asay kalkkashidi iyabaa odettoosona. Baggay, “I lo77o asi” giya wode harati qassi, “Akkay, I asaa balethees” yaagosona.
13 However, no one spoke openly of him, for fear of the Jews.
Shin Ayhude halaqatas yayyida gisho oonikka iyabaa qonccen odettenna.
14 Now in the middle of the feast, Jesus went up into the temple, and taught.
Baaliya bonchchidi giddo gathiya wode Yesuusi Xoossa Keethi bidi tamaarsso oykkis.
15 And the Jews were astonished, and said: How has this man a knowledge of letters, having never been taught?
Ayhudeti, “Ha addey timirtte tamaaronna hayssa ubbaa waati eridee?” yaagidi malaalettidosona.
16 Then Jesus answered and said: My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me.
Yesuusi zaaridi, “Ta tamaarssiya timirttey tana kiittida Xoossaa matappe yaa timirttefe attin tabaa gidenna.
17 If any one will do his will, he shall know with respect to the teaching, whether it is of God, or I speak of myself.
Xoossaa sheniya oothanaw koyaa oonikka ha timirttey Xoossaa matappe yiyaakkonne woykko taani taappe odiyakko erana.
18 He who speaks of himself, seeks his own glory; he who seeks the glory of him that sent him, he is true, and there is no unrighteousness in him.
Babaa odiya oonikka ba huu7e bonchcho koyees. Shin bana kiittidayssa bonchchuwa koyaa oonikka I tumanchcho; iyan worddoy baawa.
19 Did not Moses give you the law? and not one of you keeps the law. Why do you seek to kill me?
Musey hinttew higgiya immis, shin hinttefe oonikka higgiya naagibeenna. Yaatin ays tana wodhanaw koyeetii?” yaagis.
20 The multitude answered and said: You have a demon: who seeks to kill you?
Asay zaaridi, “Nena Xalahey oykkis; nena wodhanaw oonee koyey?” yaagidosona.
21 Jesus answered and said to them: I have done one work, and you are all astonished on account of this.
Yesuusi, “Taani issi malaata oothin hintte ubbay malaalettideta.
22 Moses gave you circumcision, (not that it is of Moses, but of the fathers, ) and you circumcise a man on the sabbath-day.
Hinttee, hintte nayta qaxxarana mela Musey kiittis. Shin qaxxaro hintte mayzati doomidosonappe attin Muse gidenna. Hessa gisho, hintte Sambbaata gallas adde nayta qaxxareeta.
23 If a man receives circumcision on the sabbath-day, that the law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with me, because I have restored the entire man to health on the sabbath-day?
Muse higgey kiittida gisho, hintte Sambbaata gallas qaxxariyabaa gidikko, taani issi asa kumetha asatethaa pathida gisho, taara ays kacceetii?
24 Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
Tuma pirdda pirdditeppe attin asa som77o be7idi pirddofite” yaagis.
25 Then said some of the men of Jerusalem: Is not this he whom they seek to kill?
Yerusalaame asaappe issoti issoti, “Entti wodhanaw koyaa uray hayssa gidennee?
26 and, lo, he is speaking boldly, and they say nothing to him. Have the rulers really learned that this is the Christ?
Hekko, i qonccen I odees; entti iya aykkoka gookkona. I Kiristtoosa gideyssa Ayhude halaqati tuma eridonaashsha?
27 But we know this man, whence he is. But when the Christ comes, no one knows whence he is.
Kiristtoosi yaa wode I awuppe yiyaakko oonikka erenna, shin i awuppe yidaakko nu eroos” yaagidosona.
28 Then Jesus cried out in the temple, as he was teaching, and said: You both know me, and you know whence I am; and I have not come of myself, but he who sent me is true, whom you know not.
Yesuusi Xoossa Keethan tamaarssishe ba qaala dhoqqu oothidi, “Tuma hintte taani ooneekkonne ta awuppe yidaakko ereetii? Taani ta maatan yabiikke, shin tana kiittidayssi tumanchcho; hintte iya erekketa.
29 But I know him, because I am from him, and he has sent me.
Shin taani I kiittin iya matappe yida gisho iya erays” yaagis.
30 Then they sought to take him; yet no one laid his hand on him, because his hour had not yet come.
Hessa gisho, entti iya oykkanaw koyidosona. Shin iya wodey buroo gakkiboonna gisho oonikka iya bolla kushe wothibeenna.
31 And many of the multitude believed on him, and said: When the Christ comes, will he do more signs than these which this man has done?
Shin daro asay Yesuusa ammanidi, “Kiristtoosi yaa wode ha uray oothida malaatatappe dariya malaata oothaneeyye?” yaagidosona.
32 The Pharisees heard the multitude murmuring such things concerning him; and the Pharisees and chief priests sent attendants to take him.
Farisaaweti daro asay Yesuusabaa kalkkasheyssa si7idosona. Kahine halaqatinne Farisaaweti iya oythidi qashisanaw Xoossa Keethi naageyssata kiittidosona.
33 Then Jesus said to them: Yet a little while I am with you, and I go away to him that sent me.
Yesuusi, “Taani hinttera guutha wode gam77ana; hessafe guye tana kiittidayssako baana.
34 You will seek me, and shall not find me; and where I am, you can not come.
Hintte tana koyana, shin demmeketa. Taani de7iyasuwa hintte yaanaw dandda7ekketa” yaagis.
35 Then the Jews said among themselves: Whither is this man about to go, that we shall not find him? Is he about to go to those who are dispersed among the Greeks, and to teach the Greeks?
Ayhudeti issoy issuwara, “Hayssi nuuni demmonnaso aw baana hanii? Girike kataman de7iya Ayhudetakko bidi Giriketa tamaarssanaw haniyye?
36 What means this saying which he uttered, You will seek me, and will not find me; and, Where I am you can not come?
‘Hintte tana koyana, shin demmeketa’ qassi, ‘Taani de7iyasuwa hintte yaanaw dandda7ekketa’ guussay ay guussee?” yaagidosona.
37 On the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying: If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink.
Baaliya bonchchiya gallasatappe wolqqaamanne wurssetha gallasan Yesuusi denddidi, ba qaalaa dhoqqu oothidi, “Saamottida oonikka taakko yidi uyo.
38 He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, from his inner self shall flow rivers of living water.
Tana ammaniyaa oonikka Geeshsha Maxaafay gidayssada de7o immiya pultto haathay iyappe goggana” yaagis.
39 But this he spoke of the Spirit, which those who believe on him were about to receive; for the Holy Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.
I hessa giday iya ammanidayssati ekkanaw de7iya Geeshsha Ayyaanabaa. Yesuusi buroo bonchchettiboonna gisho, he wode Geeshsha Ayyaanay imettibeenna.
40 Therefore, many of the multitude, when they had heard this word, said: This is, in truth, the prophet.
He asaappe daroti I geyssa si7idi, “Tuma hayssi nabiya” yaagidosona.
41 Others said: This is the Christ. But others said: Does the Christ come out of Galilee?
Harati qassi, “Hayssi Kiristtoosa” yaagidosona. Shin harati qassi, “Kiristtoosi Galiilappe waanidi keyi?
42 Has not the scripture said that the Christ comes from the posterity of David, and from Bethlehem, the town where David was?
Geeshsha Maxaafay, ‘Kiristtoosi Dawite sheeshaappe Dawitey de7ida Beeteleme katamaappe yaana’ yaagenneyye?” yaagidosona.
43 So there was a division among the multitude because of him.
Hessa gisho, Yesuusa gaason asay bantta giddon shaakettidosona.
44 And some of them desired to take him; but no one laid hands on him.
He asaappe issoti issoti iya oykkanaw koyidosona, shin oonikka iya bolla kushe wothibeenna.
45 Then came the attendants to the chief priests and the Pharisees; and they said to them: Why have you not brought him?
Xoossa Keetha naageyssati kahine halaqatakkonne Farisaawetakko guye simmi yin entti, “Ays iya ehibeekketii?” yaagidi oychchidosona.
46 The attendants answered: Never did man speak like this man.
Xoossa Keetha naageyssati enttako, “Ha addey odetteyssatho oonikka odettenna” yaagidi zaaridosona.
47 Then the Pharisees answered them: Are you also deceived?
Farisaaweti zaaridi, “I hinttenakka balethidee?
48 Has any one of the rulers, or of the Pharisees believed on him?
Ayhude halaqatappe woykko Farisaaweteppe iya ammanida asi de7ii?
49 But this multitude that know not the law are cursed.
Muse higgiya eronna ha asay qanggettidabaa” yaagidosona.
50 Nicodemus said to them (he that came to Jesus by night, being one of them):
Farisaawetappe issoy qamma Yesuusakko bida Niqodimoosi enttako,
51 Does our law condemn a man unless it first hear from him, and know what he does?
“Issi asi giyabaa si7onna woykko I ay oothidaakko eronna de7ishe koyrottidi iya bolla pirddeyssi nu higgiyan de7ii?” yaagis.
52 They answered and said to him: Are you also from Galilee? Search, and see that out of Galilee arises no prophet.
Entti zaaridi, “Neenikka qassi Galiila biitta ase? Galiila biittaafe nabey keyonnayssa Geeshsha Maxaafaappe pilggada demma” yaagidosona.
53 And every one departed to his own house.

< John 7 >