< 1 Corinthians 9 >

1 Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? Are you not my work in the Lord?
Taani yeda de7iya asi gidikkinaa? Ta hawaare gidikkinaa? Taani nu Godaa Yesuus Kiristtoosa be7abiikkina? Hintte Godan ta daabura ayfe gidekketii?
2 If I am not an apostle to others, yet certainly I am to you; for the seal of my apostleship are you in the Lord.
Hintte Godaaba gidiya gisho ta haratas hawaare gidonna ixxikokka, hinttew hawaare gideyssas hintte markka.
3 My answer to those who examine me is this:
Tana hawaare gidenna geyssatas ta immiya zaaroy hayssa.
4 Have we not the right to eat and drink?
Nu hinttefe maanawunne uyanaw tuma nuus maati baawe?
5 Have we not the right to lead about a sister wife, as the other apostles, and the brothers of the Lord, and Cephas?
Hankko hawaaretada, Godaa ishatadanne Phexiroosada, ammaniyaa nu machcheta ekki hamuttanaw nuus maati baawe?
6 Or, have I only, and Barnabas, no right to leave off working?
Woykko oothidi maanaw bessey taaranne Barnnabaasa xalaalee?
7 What man ever serves as a soldier, at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard, and eats not of its fruit? Or who tends a flock, and eats not of the milk of the flock?
Ba miishen wotaaddaretathi oothey oonee? Woykko woyne tokkidi, iya ayfe moonnay oonee? Woykko wude heemmishe, he wudiyappe maathi uyonnay oonee?
8 Do I speak these things as a man? Or does not the law, also, say the same?
Taani hessa asa qofatho gaynayye? Higgey qassi hessa geenne?
9 For it is written in the law of Moses: You shall not muzzle the ox that treads out the grain? Has God a care for oxen?
Muse Higgiyan, “Wudumman kathaa yedhdhiya booraa doona qachchofa” geetettidi xaafettis. Yaatin Xoossay hessa booras qoppidi gidee?
10 or does he say it wholly for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, it was written: that he that plows should plow in hope, and that he that thrashes should thrash in hope of partaking.
Xoossay hessa giday nuus qoppidi gidennee? Ee nu gishossa. Goyeysika, kathaa geeshsheysika bana gakkeyssa ekkana gidi ufayssan oothanaw bessees geetettidi tuma nu gisho xaafettis.
11 If we have sown, for your benefit, things that are spiritual, is it a great thing that we reap your carnal things?
Nuuni hintte giddon ayyaana zerethi zerida gidikko ashos koshshiyabaa nu hinttefe ekkiko, hessi gitabaye?
12 If others partake of this right over you, should not we rather? But we have not used this right: but we endure all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of the Christ.
Harati hessa hinttefe ekkanaw enttaw maati de7ikko, nuus enttayssafe aadhdhiya maati de7ees. Shin nuuni Kiristtoosa Wonggelaas dhube gidonna mela, ubbaa genccoosippe attin he maatan go7ettibookko.
13 Do you not know that those who are engaged about sacred rites have their living from the temple? and that those who attend upon the altar are partakers with the altar?
Xoossaa keethan oothiya asati bantta kathaa Xoossa Keethafe ekkeyssa erekketii? Qassi yarshsho bessan ootheyssati yarshshuwafe ekkeyssa erekketii?
14 So, also, the Lord has ordained that those who preach the gospel should live by the gospel.
Hessadakka, Wonggelaa markkatteyssati duussas koshshiyabaa Wonggelaappe ekkana mela Goday kiittis.
15 But I have availed myself of none of these things; nor do I write these things that it should be so done to me. For it would be better for me to die, than that any one should make my boasting vain.
Shin taani ha maata ubban aykkoka go7ettabiikke. Taani hessa xaafiday ta maata bonchchisanaw koyada gidenna. Oonikka ta ceequwa hada oothanayssafe hayqoy taw lo77o.
16 For though I preach the gospel, I have no cause for boasting; for a necessity is laid upon me; yes, alas for me, if I preach not the gospel.
Taani Wonggelaa odey kiitettida gishossafe attin tana ceeqisiyabaa gidenna. Wonggelaa odonna ixxiko, tana ayye.
17 For if I do this willingly, I have a reward; but if unwillingly, an apostolic stewardship has been intrusted to me.
Taani Wonggelaa dosada sabbakikko taw woytoy de7ees. Shin taani Wonggelaa dosonna kiitettada sabbakiyabaa gidikko hessa Xoossay taw hadara immis.
18 What, then, is my reward? That, while I preach, I may make the gospel of Christ to be without charge, in order that I may not abuse my authority in the gospel.
Yaatin, ta woytoy aybee? Taani Wonggelaa sabbakiya wode ta maatan go7ettonna Wonggelaa coo sabbakeyssi taw woyto.
19 For, though I am free from all men, yet have I made myself a servant to all, that I may gain the more.
Taani oodeskka aylle gidikke, shin darota ashshanaw ubbaas aylle gidas.
20 And to the Jews, I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews: to those who are under law, as under law, (not being myself under law, ) that I might gain those who are under law;
Taani Ayhudeta ashshanaw enttara entta gidas. Ta huu7en higgefe garssan de7ikke, shin higgefe garssan de7eyssata ashshanaw higgefe garssan de7iya asi gidas.
21 to those who are without law, as without law, (not being myself without law to God, but under law to Christ, ) that I might gain those who are without law:
Xoossaa higgiyafe kare keyonna, Kiristtoosa higgiyas kiitettashe, higgey baynnayssata ashshanaw higgey baynna asada gidas.
22 to the weak I became like one who was weak, that I might gain the weak: I have become all things to all men, that I may, by all means, save some.
Taani daaburanchchota ashshanaw daaburanchcho gidas. Taani guuthata ashshanaw ubbaara ubbaa hanas.
23 And this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may share its benefits with you.
Taani Wonggelaa anjjuwaa shaakettanaw, ha ubbaa Wonggelaa gisho, hanas.
24 Know you not that all the runners in the race-course run the race, but that one receives the prize? So run, that you may obtain the prize.
Wothan gaaddetiya ubbay woxxees, shin issuwa xalaali woyto ekkeyssa erekketii? Hessada hintteka woytuwa ekkanaw woxxite.
25 Every combatant in the public games is temperate in all things: they, indeed, that they may obtain a corruptible, but we, that we may obtain an incorruptible crown.
Gaaddetiya asa ubbay ubbaban banttana haarees. Entti hessa daaburey dhayiya kallachcha woyto ekkanaassa. Shin nuuni daaburey merinaa kallachcha woytuwa ekkanaassa.
26 I, therefore, so run, not as with uncertainty; I so aim my blows, not as one that beats the air;
Hessa gisho, taani qofi baynna asada woxxike. Carkko yimppiya asada coo kushe yeddike.
27 but I put my body under severe discipline, and bring it into subjection, lest, after I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected.
Shin taani haratas Wonggelaa sabbakidaappe guye ta huu7en yeggettida asi gidonna mela ta asatethaa wolqqan haarada taw kiitettana mela oothays.

< 1 Corinthians 9 >