< Psalms 70 >

1 For the Chief Musician. [A Psalm] of David; to bring to remembrance. [Make haste], O God, to deliver me; Make haste to help me, O Jehovah.
Wɔde ma dwomkyerɛfoɔ. Dawid adesrɛ dwom. Ao Onyankopɔn, yɛ ntɛm gye me nkwa; Ao Awurade bra ntɛm bɛboa me.
2 Let them be put to shame and confounded That seek after my soul: Let them be turned backward and brought to dishonor That delight in my hurt.
Ma wɔn a wɔhwehwɛ me kra no anim ngu ase na wɔnyɛ basaa; ma wɔn a wɔhwehwɛ me sɛeɛ no nyinaa mfa animguaseɛ nsane wɔn akyi.
3 Let them be turned back by reason of their shame That say, Aha, aha.
Ma wɔn a wɔka, “Ɔtwea! Ɔtwea!” kyerɛ me no nsane wɔn akyi ɛsiane wɔn aniwuo enti.
4 Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee; And let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified.
Nanso ma wɔn a wɔhwehwɛ wo nyinaa nsɛpɛ wɔn ho na wɔn ani nnye wɔ wo mu; ma wɔn a wɔdɔ wo nkwagyeɛ no nka da biara sɛ, “Onyankopɔn yɛ kɛseɛ!”
5 But I am poor and needy; Make haste unto me, O God: Thou art my help and my deliverer; O Jehovah, make no tarrying.
Meyɛ ohiani a menni ɔboafoɔ; Ao Onyankopɔn, bra me nkyɛn ntɛm. Wo ne me ɔboafoɔ ne me gyefoɔ; Ao Awurade, ntwentwɛn wo nan ase.

< Psalms 70 >