< Song of Solomon 7 >

1 How beautiful are your feet in sandals, prince’s daughter! Your rounded thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a skillful workman.
Lee ka ụkwụ gị si dị mma nʼime akpụkpọụkwụ gị ada nwa eze. Apata ụkwụ gị abụọ dị ezi mma dịka nkume oke ọnụahịa, ọrụ aka nke ezigbo onye ọkwa ǹka.
2 Your body is like a round goblet, no mixed wine is wanting. Your waist is like a heap of wheat, set about with lilies.
Otubo gị mara mma dịka iko nke a gbajuru mmanya. Ukwu gị dị ka ukwu ọka e ji okoko urodi gbaa gburugburu.
3 Your two breasts are like two fawns, that are twins of a roe.
Ara gị abụọ dị ka ụmụ mgbada abụọ nke otu nne mụrụ nʼotu oge.
4 Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are like the pools in Heshbon by the gate of Bathrabbim. Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon which looks toward Damascus.
Olu gị guzo kwem dị ka ụlọ elu e ji ọdụ wuo. Anya gị abụọ dị ka ọdọ mmiri Heshbọn nke dị nʼakụkụ ọnụ ụzọ ama Bat-Rabim. Imi gị mara mma dị ka ụlọ elu Lebanọn nke chere Damaskọs ihu.
5 Your head on you is like Carmel. The hair of your head like purple. The king is held captive in its tresses.
Isi gị guzo nʼahụ gị ka ugwu Kamel. Agịrị isi nke isi gị dịkwa ogho odo odo. Ịma mma nke agịrị isi gị emela eze onye a dọtara nʼagha.
6 How beautiful and how pleasant you are, love, for delights!
Lee ka i si maa mma nke ukwuu, nʼezie, ị mara mma. Ị dịkwa ụtọ nke ukwuu, gị onye m hụrụ nʼanya.
7 This, your stature, is like a palm tree, your breasts like its fruit.
Ị dị ogologo dịka osisi nkwụ; ara gị abụọ dịkwa ka ụyọkọ mkpụrụ osisi.
8 I said, “I will climb up into the palm tree. I will take hold of its fruit.” Let your breasts be like clusters of the vine, the smell of your breath like apples.
Ekwuru m sị, “Aga m arịgoro elu osisi nkwụ ahụ, jidekwa mkpụrụ ya aka.” Ugbu a, ka ara gị abụọ dịkwa ka ụyọkọ mkpụrụ vaịnị, ka isisi nke iku ume gị dịkwa ka mkpụrụ osisi apụl,
9 Your mouth is like the best wine, that goes down smoothly for my beloved, gliding through the lips of those who are asleep.
ka okpo ọnụ gị dịka mmanya makarịsịrị na mma. Onye a hụrụ nʼanya Ka mmanya ahụ gbadaa nwayọọ nye onye m hụrụ nʼanya, na-asọda nwayọọ nʼelu egbugbere ọnụ ya na eze ya.
10 I am my beloved’s. His desire is toward me.
Abụ m nke onye ahụ m hụrụ nʼanya, ọ bụkwa m ka ọ chọrọ.
11 Come, my beloved! Let’s go out into the field. Let’s lodge in the villages.
Bịa, onye m hụrụ nʼanya, ka anyị gaa nʼime obodo, ka anyị nọọ ọnọdụ abalị nʼobodo nta.
12 Let’s go early up to the vineyards. Let’s see whether the vine has budded, its blossom is open, and the pomegranates are in flower. There I will give you my love.
Ka anyị bilie ngwangwa nʼisi ụtụtụ pụọ jee nʼubi lee ma osisi vaịnị ha amaala ifuru, ma okoko ya agbawaala, ma osisi pomegranet agbawaala okoko. Nʼebe ahụ ka m ga-egosi gị ịhụnanya m.
13 The mandrakes produce fragrance. At our doors are all kinds of precious fruits, new and old, which I have stored up for you, my beloved.
Nʼebe ahụ ka ị ga-anọ nụ isi nke mandreki na-ewepụta; mkpụrụ osisi niile na-atọ ụtọ ga-adịkwa nʼọnụ ụzọ anyị, ma ndị ọhụrụ ma ndị ochie, nʼihi na edokọtaala m ha maka onye m hụrụ nʼanya.

< Song of Solomon 7 >