< Revelation 14 >

1 I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him a number, one hundred forty-four thousand, having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.
Buna ndimona; tala Muana dimemi ditelama va mongo wu Sioni ayi khama yimosi ayi makumaya ayi zimili ziya zi batu baba yandi, dizinadiandi ayi dizina di Dise diandi maba masonama mu zimbulu zi batu beni.
2 I heard a sound from heaven like the sound of many waters and like the sound of a great thunder. The sound which I heard was like that of harpists playing on their harps.
Ndiwa mbembo yitotukila ku diyilu, yiba banga mbembo yi minlangu minneni ayi banga mbembo yi dumu kinneni. Mbembo yoyi ndiwa yiba banga yiminsiki mi ngitale, minsika zingitale ziawu.
3 They sing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the one hundred forty-four thousand, those who had been redeemed out of the earth.
Bayimbila nkunga wumona va ntuala kundu, va ntuala bivangu biyabi moyo ayi va ntuala bakulutu. Ayi kadi mutu kalendi longuka ko nkunga beni botula kaka khama yimosi ayi makumaya ayi zimili ziya zi batu bobo bakulu va ntoto.
4 These are those who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are those who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed by Jesus from among men, the first fruits to God and to the Lamb.
Bawu basia kisumuna ko ayi baketo bila basia zaba zinitu zi baketo ko; bawu beti landakananga Muana dimemi koso ku kankuenda; bawubakulu va khatitsika yi batu, bawu mimbutu mitheti mintambuku kuidi Nzambiayi kuidi Muana dimemi.
5 In their mouth was found no lie, for they are blameless.
Luvunu luisia monika ko mu miunu miawu; kadi bila ki tsembolo basi ko.
6 I saw an angel flying in mid heaven, having the consummate (aiōnios g166) Good News to proclaim to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language, and people.
Ndimona mbasi yinkaka yidumuka va khatitsika diyilu, yiba ayi Nsamu Wumboti wuka wusukanga ko mu kuwusamuna kuidi bobo badi va ntoto, kuidi makanda moso, zimvila zioso, zimbembo zioso ayi batu boso. (aiōnios g166)
7 He said with a loud voice, “Fear the Lord, and give him glory, for the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and the springs of waters!”
Wutuba mu mbembo yingolo: —Lukinzika Nzambi ayi lumvana nkembo bila thangu yi tsambusulu andiyizidi; luzitisa mutu wowo wuvanga diyilu ayi ntoto, mbu ayi zitho zi minlangu.
8 Another, a second angel, followed, saying, “Babylon the great has fallen, which has made all the nations to drink of the wine of the wrath of her sexual immorality.”
Ayi mbasi yinkaka; mbasi yimmuadi, yilandakana ayi yituba: —Babiloni dinneni dibuidi, dibuidi; diawu dinuikina makanda mosovinu ki nganzi ki kitsuza kiandi.
9 Another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a great voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand,
Mbasi yinkaka, mbasi yintatu, yilandakana zimbasi zina zizole, yituba mu mbembo yingolo: —Woso mutu wunzitisa bulu ayi mfikulꞌandi ayi tambudi dimbu va mbulu andi voti va koko kuandi
10 he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is prepared unmixed in the cup of his anger. He will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.
buna niandi mamvandi kafueti nua vinu ki nganzi yi Nzambi. Vinu beni, kikambu sobokoso, bela kundukudila kiawu mu mbungu yi nganzi andi. Wela yamusu mu mbazu ayi mu sofolo va ntuala zimbasi zinlongoayi va ntuala Muana dimemi.
11 The smoke of their torment goes up for ages (aiōn g165) of ages (aiōn g165). They have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.
Muisi wu mayama mawu wunkuma mu zikhama-zikhama zi mimvu. Babo bobo banzitisanga bulu ayi mfikulꞌandi va kimosi ayi mutu wowowuntambulanga dimbu ki dizina diandi, builu ayi muini, balendi baka luvundulu ko. (aiōn g165)
12 Here is the perseverance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.”
Vava vadi mvibudulu wu banlongo; bobo beti keba zithumunu zi Nzambi ayi minu mu Yesu.
13 I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write, ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their works follow with them.”
Buna ndiwa mbembo yiba ku diyilu yituba: —Sonika: khini kuidi bobo bamfuilanga mu Pfumu. Nyinga pheve kakembi tona buabu bika bavunda mu bisalu biawu, bila mavanga mawu maku balandakananga.
14 I looked, and saw a white cloud, and on the cloud one sitting like a son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.
Buna ndimona dituti dimosi di phembi; mutu wumosi wuvuanda vanambata dituti beni wudedakana banga Muana Mutu; wuba ayi phu ki nolova ntuꞌandi ayi wusimba va koko kuandi kondolo ki sengo kidi meno.
15 Another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him who sat on the cloud, “Send your sickle and reap, for the hour to reap has come; for the harvest of the earth is ripe!”
Buna mbasi yinkaka yitotuka mu nzo Nzambi, yiyamikina mu mbembo yingolo kuidi mutu wowo wuvuanda va dituti: —Sadila kondolo kiaku kisengo ayi vela makundi bila thangu yi vedila makundi yizidi; bila makundi mayedidi va ntoto.
16 He who sat on the cloud thrust his sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.
Mutu wowo wuvuanda va dituti wuloza kondolo kiandi kisengo va ntoto ayi makundi mavelo va ntoto.
17 Another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven. He also had a sharp sickle.
Mbasi yinkaka yitotuka mu nzo Nzambi yidi mu diyilu, niandi mamvandi wuba ayi kondolo kisengo kiba meno.
18 Another angel came out from the altar, he who has power over fire, and he called with a great voice to him who had the sharp sickle, saying, “Send your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for the earth’s grapes are fully ripe!”
Ayi mbasi yinkaka, yiba lulendo mu mbazu, yitotuka va ntala ayiyiyamikina mu mbembo yingolo; yiyamikina kuidi yoyi yiba kondolokisengo ki meno, yituba: —Sadila kondolo kiaku kisengo kidi meno ayi vela makundi ma nti wuvinu widi va ntoto bila makundi mandi mayedidi.
19 The angel thrust his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vintage of the earth and threw it into the great wine press of the wrath of God.
Mbasi yisadila kondolo kiandi va ntoto ayi yivela makundi ma nti wu vinu widi va ntoto, ayi yiloza makundi mu kamununu kinneni ki nganzi yi Nzambi.
20 The wine press was trodden outside of the city, and blood came out of the wine press, up to the bridles of the horses, as far as one thousand six hundred stadia.
Buna kamununu ki makundi kilozo ku nganda divula; ayi muna kamununu mutotukila menga maba thipula nate mu miunu mi ziphunda; phunda bu yitelimini. Menga momo mayalumuka mu tezo ki zikhama zitatu zi bikilometele.

< Revelation 14 >