< Revelation 13 >
1 Then I stood on the sand of the sea. I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads. On his horns were ten crowns, and on his heads, blasphemous names.
Nomba cinjoka calakemana mulombe lwa lwenje. Kayi ndalabona cinyama kacitumpunuka mu lwenje, calikukute meca likumi ne mitwi isanu ne ibili. Pa lica lili lyonse palikuba ngowani, kayi pamutwi uliwonse palikuba pa lembwa lina lya kusebanya Lesa.
2 The beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.
Ico cinyama calikubeti kankonongo, myendo yalikubeti ya malama kayi mulomo walikubeti wa nkalamu. Cishinshimwe cisa calayaba ngofu yaco ne cipuna kayi ne bwendeleshi ku cinyama.
3 One of his heads looked like it had been wounded fatally. His fatal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled at the beast.
Mutwi umo wa cinyama walikuboneketi cilonda cinene cakufwa naco, nsombi cilondeco calapola, palashalowa mubata. Bantu bonse pa cishi capanshi balikukonkela cinyama balakankamana.
4 They worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”
Muntu uli yense walikukambilila cishinshimwe cisa, pakwinga ecalapa bwendeleshi kucinyama. Kayi naco cinyama balikucikambilila, pakwambeti, “Inga niyani welaneti cinyama? Inga niyani sena wela kulwana naco?”
5 A mouth speaking great things and blasphemy was given to him. Authority to make war for forty-two months was given to him.
Cinyama calasuminishiwa kwamba maswi akutwanga ne kusampula Lesa. Calasuminishiwa kuba ne ngofu sha bwendeleshi kwa myenshi makumi ana ne ibili.
6 He opened his mouth for blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, his dwelling, and those who dwell in heaven.
Calatatika kutukana Lesa ne lina lyakendi ne musena nkwakute kwikala kayi ne bonse bakute kwikala kwilu.
7 It was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. Authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation was given to him.
Calasuminishiwa kulwana ne bantu ba Lesa ne kubakoma, kayi calapewa ngofu sha bwendeleshi pa mishobo yonse ne bishi byonse ne milaka yonse kayi ne pa bantu ba nkanda shapusana shonse.
8 All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been killed.
Bantu bangi bekala cishi capanshi nibakacikambilile cinyama ico. Aba ebantu balabula kulembwa mulibuku lyabuyumi. Nomba abo bakute maina alalembwa mu libuku lya buyumi lya Mwana Mbelele kacitana cilengwa cishi, nteti bakacikambilile.
9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear.
“Na mukute matwi nyumfwani!”
10 If anyone is to go into captivity, he will go into captivity. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, he must be killed. Here is the endurance and the faith of the saints.
“Uyo welela kwikatwa busha nakaikatwe busha.” “Uyo welela kufwa ku cibeshi, cakubinga nakafwe ku cibeshi.” Bantu ba Lesa bela kwikalika cali ne kuba ne lushomo.
11 I saw another beast coming up out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon.
Kayi ndalabona nacimbi cinyama calikufumbuka panshi. Calo calikukute meca abili alyeti meca a mwana mbelele, nomba calikwambeti cishinshimwe.
12 He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. He makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed.
Calo calikukute ngofu shonse shabwendeleshi bwa cinyama cakutanguna cisa. Calikukakatisha cishi capanshi ne bantu bonse mucishi capanshi eti bakambililenga cisa cinyama cakutanguna calikukute mubata wa cilonda.
13 He performs great signs, even making fire come down out of the sky to the earth in the sight of people.
Cinyama ca cibili ici calensa bintu bingi bikankamanisha, calaleta mulilo pa cishi capanshi kufuma mwilu bantu bonse kabebelela.
14 He deceives my own people who dwell on the earth because of the signs he was granted to do in front of the beast, saying to those who dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast who had the sword wound and lived.
Ici cinyama cacibili calabepa bantu pacishi capanshi, pakwinsa bintu bikankamanisha pakusebensesha ngofu nshecalapewa ne cinyama cakutanguna. Calabambileti babambe cikoshano ca cinyama cisa calabula kufwa mpocalayaswa cibeshi, nsombi calapitilisha kuba ciyumi.
15 It was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
Cinyama cacibili balacisuminisha kufubaila muya waco mucikoshano ca cinyama cakutanguna cisa, kwambeti cikonshe kwamba ne kushina bantu bonse balakananga kucikambilila.
16 He causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slave, to be given marks on their right hands or on their foreheads;
Ici cinyama calakakatisha bantu bonse, batwanike ne bamakulene, bakute buboni ne babula buboni, basha kayi ne basunguluka kwambeti badindwe cishibisho pa cikasa ca kululyo nambi pa nkumo.
17 and that no one would be able to buy or to sell unless he has that mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Paliya muntu wela kula nambi kulisha kali wabula cishibisho ico. Ici cishibisho cilemanininga lina lya cinyama, nambi cibelengelo ca lina lyaco.
18 Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is six hundred sixty-six.
Pano epali mano. Muntu wacenjela wela kwinshiba mwine bupandulushi bwa cibelengelo ca cinyama, pakwinga cibelengelo ca 666 cilemanininga lina lya muntu.