< Psalms 7 >

1 A meditation by David, which he sang to the LORD, concerning the words of Cush, the Benjamite. LORD, my God, I take refuge in you. Save me from all those who pursue me, and deliver me,
Господе, Боже мој! У Тебе се уздам, сачувај ме од свих који ме гоне, и избави ме.
2 lest they tear apart my soul like a lion, ripping it in pieces, while there is no one to deliver.
Да ми непријатељ не ишчупа душу као лав. Чупа, а нема ко да избави.
3 LORD, my God, if I have done this, if there is iniquity in my hands,
Господе, Боже мој! Ако сам то учинио, ако је неправда у рукама мојим,
4 if I have rewarded evil to him who was at peace with me (yes, I have plundered him who without cause was my adversary),
Ако сам зло вратио пријатељу свом, или криво учинио онима који на ме на правди нападаху;
5 let the enemy pursue my soul, and overtake it; yes, let him tread my life down to the earth, and lay my glory in the dust. (Selah)
Нека гони непријатељ душу моју, и нека је стигне, и погази на земљу живот мој и славу моју у прах обрати.
6 Arise, LORD, in your anger. Lift up yourself against the rage of my adversaries. Awake for me. You have commanded judgment.
Устани, Господе, у гневу свом; дигни се на жестину непријатеља мојих; пробуди се мени на помоћ, и отвори суд.
7 Let the congregation of the peoples surround you. Rule over them on high.
И људство ће се слећи око Тебе; изнад њега изађи у висину.
8 The LORD administers judgment to the peoples. Judge me, LORD, according to my righteousness, and to my integrity that is in me.
Господ суди народима. Суди ми, Господе, по правди мојој, и по безазлености мојој нека ми буде.
9 Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous; their minds and hearts are searched by the righteous God.
Нек се прекине злоћа безбожничка, а праведника потпомози, јер Ти испитујеш срца и утробе, Боже праведни!
10 My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart.
Штит је мени у Бога, који чува оне који су правог срца.
11 God is a righteous judge, yes, a God who has indignation every day.
Бог је праведан судија, и Бог је сваки дан готов на гнев.
12 If a man does not repent, he will sharpen his sword; he has bent and strung his bow.
Ако се неће безбожник да обрати, Он оштри мач свој, натеже лук свој, и наперује га;
13 He has also prepared for himself the instruments of death. He makes ready his flaming arrows.
И запиње смртну стрелу, чини стреле своје да пале.
14 Behold, he travails with iniquity. Yes, he has conceived mischief, and brought out falsehood.
Гле, безбожник заче неправду, трудан беше злочинством, и роди себи превару.
15 He has dug a hole, and has fallen into the pit which he made.
Копа јаму и ископа, и паде у јаму коју је начинио.
16 The trouble he causes shall return to his own head. His violence shall come down on the crown of his own head.
Злоба његова обрати се на његову главу, и злочинство његово паде на теме његово.
17 I will give thanks to the LORD according to his righteousness, and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.
Хвалим Господа за правду Његову, и певам имену Господа Вишњег.

< Psalms 7 >