< Psalms 52 >

1 For the Chief Musician. A contemplation by David, when Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul, “David has come to Ahimelech’s house.” Why do you boast of mischief, mighty man? God’s loving kindness endures continually.
in finem intellectus David cum venit Doec Idumeus et adnuntiavit Saul et dixit venit David in domo Achimelech quid gloriatur in malitia qui potens est iniquitate
2 Your tongue plots destruction, like a sharp razor, working deceitfully.
tota die iniustitiam cogitavit lingua tua sicut novacula acuta fecisti dolum
3 You love evil more than good, lying rather than speaking the truth. (Selah)
dilexisti malitiam super benignitatem iniquitatem magis quam loqui aequitatem diapsalma
4 You love all devouring words, you deceitful tongue.
dilexisti omnia verba praecipitationis linguam dolosam
5 God will likewise destroy you forever. He will take you up, and pluck you out of your tent, and root you out of the land of the living. (Selah)
propterea Deus destruet te in finem evellet te et emigrabit te de tabernaculo et radicem tuam de terra viventium diapsalma
6 The righteous also will see it, and fear, and laugh at him, saying,
videbunt iusti et timebunt et super eum ridebunt et dicent
7 “Behold, this is the man who did not make God his strength, but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his wickedness.”
ecce homo qui non posuit Deum adiutorem suum sed speravit in multitudine divitiarum suarum et praevaluit in vanitate sua
8 But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in God’s house. I trust in God’s loving kindness forever and ever.
ego autem sicut oliva fructifera in domo Dei speravi in misericordia Dei in aeternum et in saeculum saeculi
9 I will give you thanks forever, because you have done it. I will hope in your name, for it is good, in the presence of your saints.
confitebor tibi in saeculum quia fecisti et expectabo nomen tuum quoniam bonum in conspectu sanctorum tuorum

< Psalms 52 >