< Psalms 14 >

1 For the Chief Musician. By David. The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt. They have done abominable deeds. There is no one who does good.
Gagaoui dunu da ilisu amane sia: sa, “Gode da hamedafa esala.” Ilia huluane da wadela: i hou hamoi dagoi. Dunu afae hou moloidafa hamosa, amo da hame ba: su.
2 The LORD looked down from heaven on the children of men, to see if there were any who understood, who sought after God.
Hina Gode da Ea Hebene esalebe amoga osobo bagade dunu ba: lala. Amola E da bagade dawa: su dunu amola Ema nodosu dunu habowali lale hogosa.
3 They have all gone aside. They have together become corrupt. There is no one who does good, no, not one.
Be hame ba: sa. Ilia huluane giadofai dagoi. Ilia da huluane defele wadela: idafa. Dafawane! Dunu afae da hou moloi hamedafa hamosa.
4 Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge, who eat up my people as they eat bread, and do not call on the LORD?
Hina Gode da amane adole ba: sa, “Ilia da hame dawa: bela: ? Amo wadela: i hamosu dunu huluane da hame dawa: su dunula: ? Ilia da hawa: hamosu hame hamosa. Be Na fi dunu ilima wamolasu fawane hamosa. Amola, ilia da Nama hame sia: ne gadosa,” Hina Gode da amane sia: sa.
5 There they were in great fear, for God is in the generation of the righteous.
Be Gode da Ema nabasu dunu amo fawane fidibiba: le, ilia da beda: i bagade ba: mu.
6 You frustrate the plan of the poor, because the LORD is his refuge.
Wadela: i gasa fi dunu da fonoboi hamoi dunu ea hou wadela: lesisa. Be Hina Gode da fonoboi dunu amo gaga: sa.
7 Oh that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion! When the LORD restores the fortunes of his people, then Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad.
Na sia: ne gadosu da agoane. Hina Gode da Saione Goumi amoga Isala: ili fi ilima baligisu hou hahawane imunu da defea. Amasea, Hina Gode da Isala: ili dunu ilima ilia bu didili hamoma: ne hamosea, ilia da hahawane bagade ba: mu.

< Psalms 14 >