< Psalms 108 >

1 A Song. A Psalm by David. My heart is steadfast, God. I will sing and I will make music with my soul.
Gode! Na da Dima dafawaneyale dawa: i dagoi. Na da Dima nodosa gesami hea: mu amola Dima nodomu.
2 Wake up, harp and lyre! I will wake up the dawn.
Na a: silibu! Nedigima! Na sani baidama amola na ‘laia’ dusu liligi! Nedigima! Na da amoga eso didilisimu!
3 I will give thanks to you, LORD, among the nations. I will sing praises to you among the peoples.
Hina Gode! Na da fifi asi gala amo ganodini Dima nodomu! Na da dunu fifi asi gala huluane amo ganodini Dima nodone sia: mu.
4 For your loving kindness is great above the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Dia mae fisili asigidafa hou da muagado doaga: sa! Dia hame fisisu hou da muagado digila heda: sa!
5 Be exalted, God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth.
Gode! Dia gasa bagade hou amo muagado ganodini olelema! Amola Dia hadigi hou amo osobo bagade fifi asi gala dunu huluane ba: ma: ne, olelema!
6 That your beloved may be delivered, save with your right hand, and answer us.
Dia gasa bagade amoga nini gaga: ma! Dunu amo da Dia dogolegei, ilia da gaga: su ba: ma: ne, ninia sia: ne gadosu amoma dabe adole ima.
7 God has spoken from his sanctuary: “In triumph, I will divide Shechem, and measure out the valley of Succoth.
Ea hadigi sogebi amogainini, Gode da amane sia: i “Na da hasalasili, Siegeme moilai amola Sagode Fago amo alalo hahamone, huluane momogili Na fi dunuma imunu.
8 Gilead is mine. Manasseh is mine. Ephraim also is my helmet. Judah is my scepter.
Gilia: de fi da Na: Ma: na: sa fi amola da Na: Ifala: ime fi da Na dialuma figisu amola Yuda fi da Na Hina Bagade Dagulu.
9 Moab is my wash pot. I will toss my sandal on Edom. I will shout over Philistia.”
Be Na da Moua: be amo Na lobo dodofesu ofodo hamomu. Amola Na da Idome amo Ni lai dagoi, amo enoga dawa: digima: ne, Na da emo salasu gisa: le, Idomema galagamu! Na da Filisidini dunu hasalasiba: le, hasalasu halasu wele sia: mu.
10 Who will bring me into the fortified city? Who will lead me to Edom?
Gode! Nowa da na oule, gasa bagade gagili sali moilai bai bagade Amoga heda: ma: bela: ? Nowa da na sigi aligili, Idome amoga masa: bela: ?
11 Have not you rejected us, God? You do not go out, God, with our armies.
Di da dafawane nini higale fisiagabela: ? Di da ninia dadi gagui dunu ilima gilisili mogodigili ga hame masa: bela: ?
12 Give us help against the enemy, for the help of man is vain.
Ninima ha lai dunu da nini hasalasa: besa: le, Dia nini fidima. Bai osobo bagade dunu ilia fidisu da hamedeidafa gala.
13 Through God, we will do valiantly, for it is he who will tread down our enemies.
Gode da ninimagasea, ninia da ilima hasalasimu. E da ninima ha lai dunu ili hasalasimu.

< Psalms 108 >