< Proverbs 31 >

1 The words of King Lemuel—the revelation which his mother taught him:
Zvirevo zvaMambo Remueri, zvirevo zvaakadzidziswa namai vake:
2 “Oh, my son! Oh, son of my womb! Oh, son of my vows!
“Nhaiwe mwanakomana wangu, iwe mwanakomana wokubereka, iwe mwanakomana wemhiko dzangu,
3 Do not give your strength to women, nor your ways to that which destroys kings.
usapedzera simba rako pavakadzi, nenzira dzako pane avo vanoparadza madzimambo.
4 It is not for kings, Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine, nor for princes to say, ‘Where is strong drink?’
“Hazvisi zvamadzimambo, nhaiwe Remueri, hazvina kufanira madzimambo kunwa waini, hazvina kufanira vatongi kukara doro,
5 lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the justice due to anyone who is afflicted.
nokuti vangazonwa vakakanganwa zvakatemwa nomurayiro, uye vakazotadza kururamisira kodzero dzavanomanikidzwa vose.
6 Give strong drink to him who is ready to perish, and wine to the bitter in soul.
Ipai doro kuna avo vari kuparara, newaini kuna avo vari mukurwadziwa:
7 Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.
regai vanwe vakanganwe urombo hwavo, uye varege kuzorangarirazve kutambudzika kwavo.
8 Open your mouth for the mute, in the cause of all who are left desolate.
“Taurai pachinzvimbo chaavo vasingagoni kuzvitaurira, pamusoro pekodzero dzavose vanoshayiwa.
9 Open your mouth, judge righteously, and serve justice to the poor and needy.”
Taura utonge zvakanaka; udzivirire kodzero dzavarombo navanoshayiwa.”
10 Who can find a worthy woman? For her value is far above rubies.
Mudzimai ane unhu hwakanaka ndiani angamuwana? Mutengo wake unopfuura nokure matombo anokosha emarubhi.
11 The heart of her husband trusts in her. He shall have no lack of gain.
Murume wake anovimba naye zvizere, uye haana chaanoshayiwa chinokosha.
12 She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.
Anoitira murume wake zvakanaka, kwete zvakaipa, mazuva ose oupenyu hwake.
13 She seeks wool and flax, and works eagerly with her hands.
Anosarudza wuru neshinda uye anoshanda namaoko anoshingaira.
14 She is like the merchant ships. She brings her bread from afar.
Akafanana nezvikepe zvavatengesi, anondotora zvokudya zvake kure.
15 She rises also while it is yet night, gives food to her household, and portions for her servant girls.
Anomuka kuchakasviba; agotsvagira mhuri yake zvokudya uye agopa varandakadzi vake basa ravo.
16 She considers a field, and buys it. With the fruit of her hands, she plants a vineyard.
Anonanʼanidza munda agoutenga; anosima munda wemizambiringa nezvaakawana namaoko ake.
17 She arms her waist with strength, and makes her arms strong.
Anoita basa rake nesimba; maoko ake akasimba kuti aite mabasa ake.
18 She perceives that her merchandise is profitable. Her lamp does not go out by night.
Anoona kuti kushambadzira kwake kunobatsira, uye mwenje wake haudzimi pausiku.
19 She lays her hands to the distaff, and her hands hold the spindle.
Muruoko rwake anobata chirukiso, uye anobata chirukwa neminwe yake.
20 She opens her arms to the poor; yes, she extends her hands to the needy.
Anotambanudzira maoko ake kuvarombo, uye anotandavadzira maoko ake kune vanoshayiwa.
21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household, for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
Kana kwotonhora, haatyire mhuri yake; nokuti vose vakapfeka nguo dzinodziya.
22 She makes for herself carpets of tapestry. Her clothing is fine linen and purple.
Anozvigadzirira zvokuwaridza panhoo yake; anozvipfekedza nguo yomucheka wakaisvonaka, uye nomucheka wepepuru.
23 Her husband is respected in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land.
Murume wake anoremekedzwa pasuo reguta, kana agere pakati pavakuru venyika.
24 She makes linen garments and sells them, and delivers sashes to the merchant.
Mudzimai anoita nguo dzemicheka yakanaka agodzitengesa, uye anotengesera vanotengesa micheka yokumonera muhuro.
25 Strength and dignity are her clothing. She laughs at the time to come.
Simba nokukudzwa ndizvo nguo dzake; anofara akatarisana namazuva anouya.
26 She opens her mouth with wisdom. Kind instruction is on her tongue.
Anotaura nouchenjeri, uye kurayira kwakatendeka kuri parurimi rwake.
27 She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Anotarira zvakanaka mararamiro emhuri yake, uye haadyi zvokudya zvousimbe.
28 Her children rise up and call her blessed. Her husband also praises her:
Vana vake vanosimuka vagomuti akaropafadzwa, murume wakewo, anomurumbidza:
29 “Many women do noble things, but you excel them all.”
“Vakadzi vazhinji vanoita zvinhu zvakanaka, asi iwe unovakunda vose.”
30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.
Zvinofadza zvinonyengera, uye runako ndorwenguva duku; asi mukadzi anotya Jehovha anofanira kurumbidzwa.
31 Give her of the fruit of her hands! Let her works praise her in the gates!
Mupeiwo mubayiro wake waakashandira, uye mabasa ake ngaamupe kurumbidzwa pasuo reguta.

< Proverbs 31 >