< Proverbs 12 >

1 Whoever loves correction loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.
Onye ọbụla na-ahụ ịdọ aka na ntị nʼanya na-ahụ ihe ọmụma nʼanya, ma onye na-akpọ ịba mba asị bụ onye na-enweghị ụbụrụ isi.
2 A good man shall obtain favor from the LORD, but he will condemn a man of wicked plans.
Ezi mmadụ na-anata ihuọma site nʼaka Onyenwe anyị, ma onye na-atụpụta atụmatụ ọjọọ ka ọ na-ama ikpe.
3 A man shall not be established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous shall not be moved.
Onye ajọ omume agaghị anọgide, ma apụghị ihopu onye ezi omume.
4 A worthy woman is the crown of her husband, but a disgraceful wife is as rottenness in his bones.
Ezi nwanyị bụ ọṅụ na okpueze di ya, ma nwanyị na-eweta ihere dịka ire ure nʼọkpụkpụ di ya.
5 The thoughts of the righteous are just, but the advice of the wicked is deceitful.
Echiche obi niile nke onye ezi omume bụ ihe ziri ezi, ma ndụmọdụ onye ajọ omume jupụtara nʼaghụghọ.
6 The words of the wicked are about lying in wait for blood, but the speech of the upright rescues them.
Okwu niile nke ndị ajọ omume bụ ihe na-eweta ọnwụ, ma okwu ndị omume ha ziri ezi na-anapụta ha.
7 The wicked are overthrown, and are no more, but the house of the righteous shall stand.
Ndị na-emebi iwu ga-ala nʼiyi, ma ndị ezi omume ga-eguzosi ike.
8 A man shall be commended according to his wisdom, but he who has a warped mind shall be despised.
Onye nwere uche zuruoke ka mmadụ niile na-achọ, ma onye uche ya gbagọrọ agbagọ ka mmadụ na-eleda anya.
9 Better is he who is little known, and has a servant, than he who honors himself and lacks bread.
Ọ ka mma ịbụ onye a na-elelị anya ma i nwere ohu, karịa ịbụ onye a na-asọpụrụ ma bụrụ onye nri na-adịghị nʼụlọ ya.
10 A righteous man respects the life of his animal, but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.
Onye ezi omume na-elekọta anụ ụlọ ya, ma obi ebere kachasị nro nke onye ajọ omume mere bụ enweghị obi ebere.
11 He who tills his land shall have plenty of bread, but he who chases fantasies is void of understanding.
Onye na-arụ ala ubi ya ga-enwe nri nʼebe ọ bara ụba, ma onye na-agbaso ihe efu dị iche iche, amamihe kọrọ.
12 The wicked desires the plunder of evil men, but the root of the righteous flourishes.
Ndị ajọ omume na-enwekwa anya ukwu nʼihe ndị ajọ omume ibe ha nwere, ma mgbọrọgwụ nke ndị ezi omume ga-eto eto.
13 An evil man is trapped by sinfulness of lips, but the righteous shall come out of trouble.
A na-ejide onye ajọ omume site nʼokwu ọnụ ya, ma onye ezi omume na-esi na nsogbu wezuga onwe ya.
14 A man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth. The work of a man’s hands shall be rewarded to him.
Ikwu eziokwu na-enye mmadụ obi ụtọ, inwe mgbalị na-ewetara ya ngọzị.
15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who is wise listens to counsel.
Ụzọ ndị nzuzu nʼuche ha onwe ha ziri ezi, ma onye maara ihe na-aṅa ntị nye ndụmọdụ.
16 A fool shows his annoyance the same day, but one who overlooks an insult is prudent.
Ndị nzuzu na-egosipụta iwe ha ọsịịsọ, ma onye nwere uche na-elepụrụ mkparị anya.
17 He who is truthful testifies honestly, but a false witness lies.
Ezi onye akaebe na-ekwu eziokwu, ma ajọ onye akaebe na-ekwu okwu ụgha.
18 There is one who speaks rashly like the piercing of a sword, but the tongue of the wise heals.
Okwu ọjọọ na-agbawa obi dịka mma agha, ma ire onye maara ihe na-eweta ọgwụgwọ.
19 Truth’s lips will be established forever, but a lying tongue is only momentary.
Eziokwu na-eguzo ruo mgbe ebighị ebi, ma okwu ụgha anaghị adịgide.
20 Deceit is in the heart of those who plot evil, but joy comes to the promoters of peace.
Aghụghọ na-ejupụta nʼobi na-eche ihe ọjọọ; ma ndị na-eme ka udo dị na-enwe ọṅụ.
21 No mischief shall happen to the righteous, but the wicked shall be filled with evil.
Ihe ọjọọ anaghị adakwasị onye ezi omume, ma ndị ajọ omume enwetala nsogbu ebe ọ dị ukwuu.
22 Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD, but those who do the truth are his delight.
Onyenwe anyị kpọrọ egbugbere ọnụ nʼagha ụgha asị, ma ihe ndị kwesiri ntụkwasị obi na-amasị ya.
23 A prudent man keeps his knowledge, but the hearts of fools proclaim foolishness.
Onye nwere uche na-edebe ihe ọmụma ha nye onwe ha, ma onye nzuzu na-agbasa enweghị uche ya nʼanwụ.
24 The hands of the diligent ones shall rule, but laziness ends in slave labor.
Aka na-arụsị ọrụ ike ga-achị achị, ma umengwụ ga-akwụsị naanị nʼọrụ mmanye.
25 Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a kind word makes it glad.
Obi nke jupụtara na nchegbu na-ada mba, ma okwu ọma na-eme ka obi ṅụrịa.
26 A righteous person is cautious in friendship, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.
Onye ezi omume na-eduzi onye agbataobi ya, ma onye na-emebi iwu na-eduhie ha.
27 The slothful man does not roast his game, but the possessions of diligent men are prized.
Onye umengwụ adịghị ahụ anụ ọ chụtara na nta nʼọkụ, ma ndị na-arụsị ọrụ ike na-eri site nʼakụ ha nwetara nʼịchụ nta.
28 In the way of righteousness is life; in its path there is no death.
Ụzọ nke onye ezi omume na-eduba na ndụ, nʼụzọ ahụ, ọnwụ adịghị ya.

< Proverbs 12 >