< John 2 >

1 The third day, there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there.
anantaraM trutIyadivase gAlIl pradeshiye kAnnAnAmni nagare vivAha AsIt tatra cha yIshormAtA tiShThat|
2 Jesus also was invited, with his disciples, to the wedding.
tasmai vivAhAya yIshustasya shiShyAshcha nimantritA Asan|
3 When the wine ran out, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no wine.”
tadanantaraM drAkShArasasya nyUnatvAd yIshormAtA tamavadat eteShAM drAkShAraso nAsti|
4 Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does that have to do with you and me? My hour has not yet come.”
tadA sa tAmavochat he nAri mayA saha tava kiM kAryyaM? mama samaya idAnIM nopatiShThati|
5 His mother said to the servants, “Whatever he says to you, do it.”
tatastasya mAtA dAsAnavochad ayaM yad vadati tadeva kuruta|
6 Now there were six water pots of stone set there after the Jews’ way of purifying, containing two or three metretes apiece.
tasmin sthAne yihUdIyAnAM shuchitvakaraNavyavahArAnusAreNADhakaikajaladharANi pAShANamayAni ShaDvR^ihatpAtrANiAsan|
7 Jesus said to them, “Fill the water pots with water.” So they filled them up to the brim.
tadA yIshustAn sarvvakalashAn jalaiH pUrayituM tAnAj nApayat, tataste sarvvAn kumbhAnAkarNaM jalaiH paryyapUrayan|
8 He said to them, “Now draw some out, and take it to the ruler of the feast.” So they took it.
atha tebhyaH ki nchiduttAryya bhojyAdhipAteHsamIpaM netuM sa tAnAdishat, te tadanayan|
9 When the ruler of the feast tasted the water now become wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the ruler of the feast called the bridegroom
apara ncha tajjalaM kathaM drAkShAraso. abhavat tajjalavAhakAdAsA j nAtuM shaktAH kintu tadbhojyAdhipo j nAtuM nAshaknot tadavalihya varaM saMmbodyAvadata,
10 and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and when the guests have drunk freely, then that which is worse. You have kept the good wine until now!”
lokAH prathamaM uttamadrAkShArasaM dadati taShu yatheShTaM pitavatsu tasmA ki nchidanuttama ncha dadati kintu tvamidAnIM yAvat uttamadrAkShArasaM sthApayasi|
11 This beginning of his signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.
itthaM yIshurgAlIlapradeshe AshcharyyakArmma prArambha nijamahimAnaM prAkAshayat tataH shiShyAstasmin vyashvasan|
12 After this, he went down to Capernaum, he, and his mother, his brothers, and his disciples; and they stayed there a few days.
tataH param sa nijamAtrubhrAtrusshiShyaiH sArddhM kapharnAhUmam Agamat kintu tatra bahUdinAni AtiShThat|
13 The Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
tadanantaraM yihUdiyAnAM nistArotsave nikaTamAgate yIshu ryirUshAlam nagaram AgachChat|
14 He found in the temple those who sold oxen, sheep, and doves, and the changers of money sitting.
tato mandirasya madhye gomeShapArAvatavikrayiNo vANijakShchopaviShTAn vilokya
15 He made a whip of cords and drove all out of the temple, both the sheep and the oxen; and he poured out the changers’ money and overthrew their tables.
rajjubhiH kashAM nirmmAya sarvvagomeShAdibhiH sArddhaM tAn mandirAd dUrIkR^itavAn|
16 To those who sold the doves, he said, “Take these things out of here! Do not make my Father’s house a marketplace!”
vaNijAM mudrAdi vikIryya AsanAni nyUbjIkR^itya pArAvatavikrayibhyo. akathayad asmAt sthAnAt sarvANyetAni nayata, mama pitugR^ihaM vANijyagR^ihaM mA kArShTa|
17 His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for your house will eat me up.”
tasmAt tanmandirArtha udyogo yastu sa grasatIva mAm| imAM shAstrIyalipiM shiShyAHsamasmaran|
18 The Jews therefore answered him, “What sign do you show us, seeing that you do these things?”
tataH param yihUdIyalokA yIShimavadan tavamidR^ishakarmmakaraNAt kiM chihnamasmAn darshayasi?
19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”
tato yIshustAnavochad yuShmAbhire tasmin mandire nAshite dinatrayamadhye. ahaM tad utthApayiShyAmi|
20 The Jews therefore said, “It took forty-six years to build this temple! Will you raise it up in three days?”
tadA yihUdiyA vyAhArShuH, etasya mandirasa nirmmANena ShaTchatvAriMshad vatsarA gatAH, tvaM kiM dinatrayamadhye tad utthApayiShyasi?
21 But he spoke of the temple of his body.
kintu sa nijadeharUpamandire kathAmimAM kathitavAn|
22 When therefore he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he said this, and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had said.
sa yadetAdR^ishaM gaditavAn tachChiShyAH shmashAnAt tadIyotthAne sati smR^itvA dharmmagranthe yIshunoktakathAyAM cha vyashvasiShuH|
23 Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in his name, observing his signs which he did.
anantaraM nistArotsavasya bhojyasamaye yirUshAlam nagare tatkrutAshcharyyakarmmANi vilokya bahubhistasya nAmani vishvasitaM|
24 But Jesus did not entrust himself to them, because he knew everyone,
kintu sa teShAM kareShu svaM na samarpayat, yataH sa sarvvAnavait|
25 and because he did not need for anyone to testify concerning man; for he himself knew what was in man.
sa mAnaveShu kasyachit pramANaM nApekShata yato manujAnAM madhye yadyadasti tattat sojAnAt|

< John 2 >