< Job 28 >

1 “Surely there is a mine for silver, and a place for gold which they refine.
Anverite, gen yon min pou ajan e yon plas pou rafine lò.
2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and copper is smelted out of the ore.
Fè retire nan pousyè a e kwiv la fonn soti nan wòch la.
3 Man sets an end to darkness, and searches out, to the furthest bound, the stones of obscurity and of thick darkness.
Lòm fè tenèb la pati, e rive jis nan dènye limit lan. Li chache twouve wòch kap kache a, ak nan pwofon fènwa.
4 He breaks open a shaft away from where people live. They are forgotten by the foot. They hang far from men, they swing back and forth.
Li fouye yon twou fon byen lwen kote moun rete, kote ki bliye nèt pa pye moun. Konsa, yo pandye, yo balanse byen lwen limanite.
5 As for the earth, out of it comes bread. Underneath it is turned up as it were by fire.
Pou tè a, depi nan li, manje sòti, men anba, li boulvèse tankou dife.
6 Sapphires come from its rocks. It has dust of gold.
Wòch li se sous a pyè safi yo. Epi nan pousyè li, genyen lò.
7 That path no bird of prey knows, neither has the falcon’s eye seen it.
Chemen li pa rekonèt pa koukou, ni zye grigri pa janm wè l.
8 The proud animals have not trodden it, nor has the fierce lion passed by there.
Bèt pi fewòs yo pa mache la, ni lyon pa pase sou li.
9 He puts his hand on the flinty rock, and he overturns the mountains by the roots.
Li mete men li sou wòch silèks la. Li chavire mòn yo soti nan baz yo.
10 He cuts out channels among the rocks. His eye sees every precious thing.
Li kreve kanal ki pase nan wòch yo, e zye li wè tout sa ki presye.
11 He binds the streams that they do not trickle. The thing that is hidden he brings out to light.
Li bouche flèv yo pou dlo pa koule e sa ki kache yo, li fè yo parèt nan limyè.
12 “But where will wisdom be found? Where is the place of understanding?
“Men se kibò yo twouve sajès? Epi kibò yo jwenn sajès la?
13 Man does not know its price, and it is not found in the land of the living.
Lòm pa konnen valè li, ni valè li pa kab twouve nan peyi moun vivan yo.
14 The deep says, ‘It is not in me.’ The sea says, ‘It is not with me.’
Labim nan di: “Li pa nan mwen”. Lanmè a di: ‘Li pa bò kote m’.
15 It cannot be gotten for gold, neither will silver be weighed for its price.
Lò pi pa egal ak valè l, ni ajan pa kab peze kon pri li.
16 It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire.
Valè li pa kab konpare ak lò Ophir, oswa oniks presye, oswa safì.
17 Gold and glass cannot equal it, neither will it be exchanged for jewels of fine gold.
Ni lò ni vit pa egal avè l, ni li pa kab fè echanj pou bagay ki fèt an lò fen.
18 No mention will be made of coral or of crystal. Yes, the price of wisdom is above rubies.
Koray ak kristal, bliye sa nèt. Posede sajès se pi wo ke pèl.
19 The topaz of Ethiopia will not equal it. It will not be valued with pure gold.
Topaz a Éthiopie a pa kab konpare avè l; ni li pa kab valorize an lò pi.
20 Where then does wisdom come from? Where is the place of understanding?
E byen, se kibò sajès la sòti? Epi kibò anplasman bon konprann nan ye?
21 Seeing it is hidden from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the birds of the sky.
Konsa, li kache a zye de tout èt vivan yo e kache menm a zwazo syèl yo.
22 Destruction and Death say, ‘We have heard a rumor of it with our ears.’
Labim nan ak lanmò a pale: ‘Ak zòrèy nou, nou konn tande rapò bagay sa a.’
23 “God understands its way, and he knows its place.
Bondye konprann chemen li e Li konnen plas li.
24 For he looks to the ends of the earth, and sees under the whole sky.
“Paske Li chache jis rive nan dènye pwent latè e wè tout bagay anba syèl yo.
25 He establishes the force of the wind. Yes, he measures out the waters by measure.
Lè L te bay pwa a van an e te divize dlo yo pa mezi,
26 When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder,
Lè L te etabli yon limit pou lapli e yon chemen pou kout eklè,
27 then he saw it, and declared it. He established it, yes, and searched it out.
Li te wè l e Li te deklare li. Li te etabli li e anplis, Li te konprann bout li.
28 To man he said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom. To depart from evil is understanding.’”
Konsa, a lòm Li te di: ‘Gade byen, lakrent Senyè a, se sa ki sajès; epi kite mal, se sa ki bon konprann.’”

< Job 28 >