< Job 16 >

1 Then Job answered,
Epi Job te reponn:
2 “I have heard many such things. You are all miserable comforters!
Mwen tande anpil bagay parèy a sila yo; move konsolatè nou tout ye.
3 Shall vain words have an end? Or what provokes you that you answer?
Èske pa gen limit sou pawòl kap pouse van a? Oswa se kilès k ap toumante ou ki fè ou reponn?
4 I also could speak as you do. If your soul were in my soul’s place, I could join words together against you, and shake my head at you,
Mwen osi ta kab pale tankou ou, si mwen te nan plas ou. Mwen ta kab konpoze pawòl yo kont ou e souke tèt mwen sou ou.
5 but I would strengthen you with my mouth. The solace of my lips would relieve you.
Mwen ta kab ranfòse ou ak bouch mwen, e senpati a lèv mwen ta kab redwi doulè ou.
6 “Though I speak, my grief is not subsided. Though I forbear, what am I eased?
Mem si mwen pale sa pa redwi doulè m; si mwen ralanti nan pale, se kisa ki kite mwen?
7 But now, God, you have surely worn me out. You have made all my company desolate.
Men koulye a, Li fin fatige m nèt; Ou, Bondye, te gate tout zanmi m yo.
8 You have shriveled me up. This is a witness against me. My leanness rises up against me. It testifies to my face.
Ou te fè m vin sèch nèt. Sa devni yon temwen kont mwen. Epi jan mwen vin mèg, leve kont mwen. Li fè temwayaj devan figi mwen.
9 He has torn me in his wrath and persecuted me. He has gnashed on me with his teeth. My adversary sharpens his eyes on me.
Kòlè Li fin chire mwen e chase m jis atè, Li te modi blese m ak dan L. Advèsè mwen an chase mwen ak menas Li.
10 They have gaped on me with their mouth. They have struck me on the cheek reproachfully. They gather themselves together against me.
Yo te gade m, bouch yo louvri. Yo te souflete m sou machwè m ak mepriz; yo te oganize yo menm kont mwen.
11 God delivers me to the ungodly, and casts me into the hands of the wicked.
Bondye te plase mwen nan men enkwayan yo, e te jete mwen nan men a mechan yo.
12 I was at ease, and he broke me apart. Yes, he has taken me by the neck, and dashed me to pieces. He has also set me up for his target.
Mwen te alèz, men Li te brize mwen, Li te sezi mwen nan kou e te souke mwen jiskaske m fè mòso; anplis li te fè m objè tiraj.
13 His archers surround me. He splits my kidneys apart, and does not spare. He pours out my bile on the ground.
Flèch Li yo antoure mwen. San pitye Li fann ren mwen ouvri nèt. Li vide fyèl mwen atè.
14 He breaks me with breach on breach. He runs at me like a giant.
Li kase antre brèch pa brèch; Li kouri sou mwen kon yon jeyan.
15 I have sewed sackcloth on my skin, and have thrust my horn in the dust.
Mwen te koud twal sak sou kò m epi pouse kòn mwen antre nan pousyè.
16 My face is red with weeping. Deep darkness is on my eyelids,
Figi mwen vin wouj akoz kri mwen yo e pòpyè zye m vin fonse nwa,
17 although there is no violence in my hands, and my prayer is pure.
Malgre nanpwen vyolans nan men m, e priyè mwen yo san tach.
18 “Earth, do not cover my blood. Let my cry have no place to rest.
O latè a, pa kouvri san kò mwen. Pa bay plas pou kriyè m yo pran repo.
19 Even now, behold, my witness is in heaven. He who vouches for me is on high.
Menm koulye a, gade byen, temwen m se nan syèl la. Avoka m ki pale pou mwen la, an anwo.
20 My friends scoff at me. My eyes pour out tears to God,
Se zanmi mwen yo k ap moke m. Zye m kriye a Bondye.
21 that he would maintain the right of a man with God, of a son of man with his neighbor!
O ke yon nonm ta kab plede avèk Bondye, kon yon moun plede ak vwazen li!
22 For when a few years have come, I will go the way of no return.
Paske lè kèk ane fin pase, m ap prale nan chemen ki pap retounen an.

< Job 16 >