< Jeremiah 23 >

1 “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!” says the LORD.
Fuka upaiyen nununku lun LEUM GOD nu faclos mwet kol su kunausla mwet lal ac luseloselik.
2 Therefore the LORD, the God of Israel, says against the shepherds who feed my people: “You have scattered my flock, driven them away, and have not visited them. Behold, I will visit on you the evil of your doings,” says the LORD.
Pa inge ma LEUM GOD lun Israel El fahk ke mwet kol su tuh akoeyukla in karingin mwet lal: “Kowos tuh tia karinganang mwet luk. Kowos ukwalosyak ac luselosla. Inge nga ac kai kowos ke sripen ma koluk ma kowos oru inge.
3 “I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they will be fruitful and multiply.
Nga fah usani mwet lula luk liki facl ma nga akfahsryeloselik nu we, ac nga fah folokunulosme nu in facl selos. Ac fah pukanten tulik natulos, ac elos ac fah arulana puseni.
4 I will set up shepherds over them who will feed them. They will no longer be afraid or dismayed, neither will any be lacking,” says the LORD.
Nga fah srisrngiya mwet kol in karinganulos. Mwet luk ac fah tia sifilpa sangeng ku tuninfongla, ac nga ac tia sifilpa kalyaelos. Nga, LEUM GOD, pa fahk ma inge.”
5 “Behold, the days come,” says the LORD, “that I will raise to David a righteous Branch; and he will reign as king and deal wisely, and will execute justice and righteousness in the land.
LEUM GOD El fahk, “Pacl se ac fah tuku ke nga fah sulela sie tokosra, sie mwet suwoswos ke fwilin tulik natul David. Tokosra sac ac fah lalmwetmet in kol, ac oru ma pwaye ac suwohs in facl se inge nufon.
6 In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell safely. This is his name by which he will be called: The LORD our righteousness.
Pacl se el ac tokosrala uh, mwet Judah fah moul in sukosok, ac mwet Israel fah moul in misla. El ac fah pangpang ‘LEUM GOD Suwoswos Lasr.’
7 “Therefore, behold, the days come,” says the LORD, “that they will no more say, ‘As the LORD lives, who brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;’
LEUM GOD El fahk, “Pacl se ac fah tuku ke mwet uh fah tia sifilpa fulahk keik mu, ‘Oana ke God El moul su tuh molela mwet Israel liki facl Egypt.’
8 but, ‘As the LORD lives, who brought up and who led the offspring of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all the countries where I had driven them.’ Then they will dwell in their own land.”
A elos ac fah fulahk keik mu, ‘Oana ke God El moul su tuh molela mwet Israel liki sie mutunfacl epang ac liki mutunfacl saya nukewa El tuh akfahsryeloselik nu we.’ Na elos fah muta in facl selos sifacna.”
9 Concerning the prophets: My heart within me is broken. All my bones shake. I am like a drunken man, and like a man whom wine has overcome, because of the LORD, and because of his holy words.
Insiuk arulana musalla, Ac nga rarrar. Nga oana mwet sruhi se, Oana sie mwet ma yokla wain numla, Ke sripen LEUM GOD Ac ke sripen kas mutal lal.
10 “For the land is full of adulterers; for because of the curse the land mourns. The pastures of the wilderness have dried up. Their course is evil, and their might is not right;
Facl se inge sessesla ke mwet tia pwaye nu sin LEUM GOD. Elos moulkin moul sulallal, ac elos orekmakin ku lalos ke inkanek sufal. Acn uh paola Ac sroun ima uh uli, ke sripen selnga lun LEUM GOD.
11 for both prophet and priest are profane. Yes, in my house I have found their wickedness,” says the LORD.
LEUM GOD El fahk, “Mwet palu ac mwet tol elos moul oana mwet tia etu God. Nga sifacna liye ke elos oru ma koluk in Tempul.
12 Therefore their way will be to them as slippery places in the darkness. They will be driven on, and fall therein; for I will bring evil on them, even the year of their visitation,” says the LORD.
Inkanek elos fahsr we ac fah musresre ac lohsr. Nga fah oru elos in tukulkul ac ikori. Nga ac fah sang ongoiya nu faclos; Pacl in kalyeiyuk lalos summa. Nga, LEUM GOD, pa fahk ma inge.
13 “I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria. They prophesied by Baal, and caused my people Israel to err.
Nga liye tari ma koluk lun mwet palu Samaria: Elos kaskas inen Baal, Ac kolla mwet luk ke inkanek tafongla.
14 In the prophets of Jerusalem I have also seen a horrible thing: they commit adultery and walk in lies. They strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one returns from his wickedness. They have all become to me as Sodom, and its inhabitants as Gomorrah.”
Tusruktu nga liye tuh mwet palu Jerusalem elos oru koluk yohk liki na: Elos kosro ac fahsr ke moul tia pwaye. Elos akkeye mwet uh in oru na ma koluk, Pwanang elos tia forla liki orekma koluk lalos. In liye luk uh, elos nukewa koluk Oapana mwet Sodom ac Gomorrah.
15 Therefore the LORD of Armies says concerning the prophets: “Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink poisoned water; for from the prophets of Jerusalem ungodliness has gone out into all the land.”
“Ke ma inge, pa inge ma nga, LEUM GOD Kulana, fahk ke mwet palu lun Jerusalem: Nga fah sang nu selos sak mwen elos in kang Ac pwasin nu selos elos in nim, Mweyen elos oru tuh moul in pilesru God in fahsrelik fin facl se inge nufon.”
16 The LORD of Armies says, “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you. They teach you vanity. They speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD.
LEUM GOD Kulana El fahk nu sin mwet Jerusalem, “Nik kowos porongo ma mwet palu elos fahk. Elos nwekkowosla ke finsrak na sutuu. Ma elos fahk nu suwos uh ma na elos sifacna nunku, ac tia ma nga fahk.
17 They say continually to those who despise me, ‘The LORD has said, “You will have peace;”’ and to everyone who walks in the stubbornness of his own heart they say, ‘No evil will come on you.’
Nu sin mwet ma tia lungse lohng ma nga fahk uh, elos fahk na mu ma nukewa ac wona nu selos. Ac elos fahk nu sin mwet likkeke uh mu mwe ongoiya ac fah tiana sonolos.”
18 For who has stood in the council of the LORD, that he should perceive and hear his word? Who has listened to my word, and heard it?
Na nga fahk, “Tia sie sin mwet palu inge etu ke nunak lukma lun LEUM GOD. Wangin selos nu lohng ku kalem ke kas in fahkak lal, ku porongo ac lohang nu ke ma El fahk.
19 Behold, the LORD’s storm, his wrath, has gone out. Yes, a whirling storm! It will burst on the head of the wicked.
Kasrkusrak lal oana sie paka, sie eng na upa ma ac tuhyak ac putati fin sifen mwet koluk,
20 The LORD’s anger will not return until he has executed and performed the intents of his heart. In the latter days, you will understand it perfectly.
na ac fah tiana tui nwe ke El orala ma nukewa ma El nunku in oru. In len fahsru, mwet lal fah kalem na pwaye ke ma inge.”
21 I did not send these prophets, yet they ran. I did not speak to them, yet they prophesied.
LEUM GOD El fahk, “Nga tiana supu mwet palu inge, a elos som. Nga tiana sang nu selos kutena kas in sulkakinyuk, a elos kaskas na ke Inek.
22 But if they had stood in my council, then they would have caused my people to hear my words, and would have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.
Elos funu wi tu inmasrlon mwet pwapa luk inkusrao, elos lukun sulkakin kas in fahkak luk nu sin mwet luk, ac elos lukun furokolosla liki moul koluk elos moulkin ac ouiya kutasrik elos oru.
23 “Am I a God at hand,” says the LORD, “and not a God afar off?
“Nga pa God se su oasr yen nukewa, ac tia muta yen sefanna.
24 Can anyone hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him?” says the LORD. “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” says the LORD.
Wangin sie mwet ku in wikla ke sie acn ma nga tia ku in liyal. Ya kowos tia etu lah nga oasr yen nukewa, inkusrao ac fin faclu?
25 “I have heard what the prophets have said, who prophesy lies in my name, saying, ‘I had a dream! I had a dream!’
Nga etu lah mea mwet palu ingo fahk ke elos kikiap Inek, ac fahkak mu nga sang nu selos kas in fahkak luk in mweme lalos.
26 How long will this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies, even the prophets of the deceit of their own heart?
Mwet palu ingo ac aklalfonye mwet luk uh ke kas kikiap lalos nwe ngac?
27 They intend to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they each tell his neighbor, as their fathers forgot my name because of Baal.
Elos nunku mu mweme elos fahkak uh ac oru mwet luk in mulkinyula, oana ke mwet matu lalos tuh mulkinyula ac forang nu sel Baal.
28 The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream; and he who has my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the straw to the wheat?” says the LORD.
Sie mwet palu fin mwemei sie mweme, el enenu in fahk, ‘Mweme se pa inge.’ Tuh mwet palu se su lohng kas ma nga sang nu sel, lela elan fahkak akoaruye. Mah pao uh arulana sie liki wheat uh!
29 “Is not my word like fire?” says the LORD; “and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?
Kas in fahkak luk uh oana sie e, ac oana sie hammer ma fukulya eot uh nu ke ip srisrik.
30 “Therefore behold, I am against the prophets,” says the LORD, “who each steal my words from his neighbor.
Nga lain mwet palu ma eis kas lun sie sin sie ac sulkakin oana in kas luk.
31 Behold, I am against the prophets,” says the LORD, “who use their tongues, and say, ‘He says.’
Nga lain pac mwet palu ma kaskas ke kas lalos sifacna ac fahk mu ma tuku sik me.
32 Behold, I am against those who prophesy lying dreams,” says the LORD, “who tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their vain boasting; yet I did not send them or command them. They do not profit this people at all,” says the LORD.
Porongo ma nga, LEUM GOD, fahk uh! Nga lain mwet palu su srumun mweme kikiap lalos. Elos fahk mweme inge ac aktafongyela mwet luk ke kikiap lalos ac kas in konkin lalos. Nga tia supwalos ku sap elos in som, ac wangin na pwaye sripalos nu sin mwet uh. Nga, LEUM GOD, pa fahk ma inge.”
33 “When this people, or the prophet, or a priest, asks you, saying, ‘What is the message from the LORD?’ Then you shall tell them, ‘“What message? I will cast you off,” says the LORD.’
LEUM GOD El fahk nu sik, “Jeremiah, sie sin mwet luk, ku sie mwet palu ku sie mwet tol, fin siyuk sum, ‘Mea pweng sin LEUM GOD?’ na kom fah fahk nu sel, ‘Kom pa sie mwe toasr nu sin LEUM GOD, ac El ac fah siskomla.’
34 As for the prophet, the priest, and the people, who say, ‘The message from the LORD,’ I will even punish that man and his household.
Sie mwet luk, ku sie mwet palu ku sie mwet tol, fin orekmakin kas se inge, ‘mwe toasr nu sin LEUM GOD,’ nga fah kael ac sou lal.
35 You will say everyone to his neighbor, and everyone to his brother, ‘What has the LORD answered?’ and, ‘What has the LORD said?’
A lela kais sie mwet in siyuk sin mwet kawuk lal ac sou lal, ‘Mea top sin LEUM GOD? Mea LEUM GOD El fahk?’
36 You will mention the message from the LORD no more, for every man’s own word has become his message; for you have perverted the words of the living God, of the LORD of Armies, our God.
Ouinge elos fah tia sifilpa orekmakin kas inge: ‘mwe toasr nu sin LEUM GOD,’ mweyen kutena mwet fin fahk ouinge, nga ac oru kas in fahkak luk in sie ma arulana toasr nu sel. Mwet uh akkihyela kas lun God lalos, su God moul ac LEUM GOD Kulana.
37 You will say to the prophet, ‘What has the LORD answered you?’ and, ‘What has the LORD spoken?’
Jeremiah, siyuk sin mwet palu, ‘Mea top sin LEUM GOD nu sum? Mea LEUM GOD El fahk?’
38 Although you say, ‘The message from the LORD,’ therefore the LORD says: ‘Because you say this word, “The message from the LORD,” and I have sent to you, telling you not to say, “The message from the LORD,”
Ac elos fin seakos kas luk ac orekmakin na kas inge, ‘mwe toasr nu sin LEUM GOD,’ na fahkang nu selos lah
39 therefore behold, I will utterly forget you, and I will cast you off with the city that I gave to you and to your fathers, away from my presence.
nga ac sraklalosyak ac siselosla nu saya in loes likiyu — kewana, elos ac siti se ma nga tuh sang nu selos ac mwet matu lalos.
40 I will bring an everlasting reproach on you, and a perpetual shame, which will not be forgotten.’”
Nga fah use mwekin ac oakas nu faclos ma pahtpat, su ac fah tiana mulkinyukla.”

< Jeremiah 23 >