< James 3 >

1 Let not many of you be teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive heavier judgment.
Hagi nenafugtane nasarahetanena rempi huzami vahera rama'amota manisune hutma ontahiho, na'ankure tamagra ko antahi'naze, maka rempima hunezamumota Anumzamo'a hanavetino keaga hurantegahie.
2 For we all stumble in many things. Anyone who does not stumble in word is a perfect person, able to bridle the whole body also.
Na'ankure rama'a zampi havizana nehune. Hagi iza'o agrama kema hanifima fatgo osu kegaga huzanku'ma kva'ma hanimo'a, agra soe ne'kino amne mika avufgamofona kvahu so'e nehie.
3 Indeed, we put bits into the horses’ mouths so that they may obey us, and we guide their whole body.
Hanki osi ainia hosirimimofo zamagipi tamage'antesie huta nofi renteta, zamazeri rukre hanunkeno'a, amne hosimofo mika avufgamo'a tamage'anteno rukre hugahie.
4 Behold, the ships also, though they are so big and are driven by fierce winds, are yet guided by a very small rudder, wherever the pilot desires.
Hagi vente'mofone keho, tusi'aza me'neanagi ra zahomo retunefe. Hianagi osi zotareti, inantego ventema azeri ne'moma vunakuma hirega, azeri rukre higeno nevie.
5 So the tongue is also a little member, and boasts great things. See how a small fire can spread to a large forest!
Hagi anahukna huno agefuna osi avufgamo'agi, tusi'a veganokno ageru rugahie. Osi teve regregeno, ra avo'no traza afe teaza hugahie!
6 And the tongue is a fire. The world of iniquity among our members is the tongue, which defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature, and is set on fire by Gehenna (Geenna g1067).
Hagi tagefunamo'a tevegna hu'ne. Tagefunafina kefo kemo avite'neankino, amne ana miko kavufamofona eri haviza hugahie. Amne ana miko kavufga teve kampina avrenente. Ana tevea teve kuma'mo taginte'ne. (Geenna g1067)
7 For every kind of animal, bird, creeping thing, and sea creature is tamed, and has been tamed by mankind;
Na'ankure mika ruzahu ruzahu afi' zagakfama, namazagama, zmasaguregati regrarohe'za vano nehaza zagaramima, hagerimpi zagamofona vahe'mo'za azeri agazone neheze.
8 but nobody can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
Hianagi vahe'mo'a, agefunamofo kegava krino, azeri agazonea osugahie. Vahe'mofo azeri fri avua tagazamo avitegeno, kefo kemoke atirami vava hugahie.
9 With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men who are made in the image of God.
Tagnefunanu Rantimofone, Anumzanena ra zanagia nezanamita, ana tagnefunanura Anumzamo'a Agragna retro huzmente'nea vahe'mokizmi sifna kea hunezmantone.
10 Out of the same mouth comes blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.
Ana agipintike asomu kene, sifna kenena atineramie. Nenfugta nasarehetanena e'inahu'zana omneno.
11 Does a spring send out from the same opening fresh and bitter water?
Amne magoke kampuipintira, tintfane, hagerinena ehanatigaha'o?
12 Can a fig tree, my brothers, yield olives, or a vine figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh water.
Nenfugata nasarahetanena, fiki zafamo'a olivi raga amne rentegahifi, krepi nofimo fiki raga rentegahio? I'o. Anahu kna huno hagerimpintira tintfana fore osugahie.
13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by his good conduct that his deeds are done in gentleness of wisdom.
Hagi iza amu'nontamifintira ama antahintahine mika zampima anihu vahera mani'ne? Ana knare antahintahi'a atrenkeno knare eri'zama'amoki, avufa anteramino mani avu'ava zamo, erinte ama hino.
14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not boast and do not lie against the truth.
Hianagi vahe'mofoma antahimugi ante'zamo'ene kagraguke antahizamo kagu'afi mevitenenigenka, kavufga mareri kavukvatetira tamage kemofo eri amnezanknara osuo.
15 This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, sensual, and demonic.
E'inahukna havi antahintahizana, monafintira nomeanki, ama mopafi kefo hankrotegati ne-e.
16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition are, there is confusion and every evil deed.
Krimpa mugi'zane, kavufa antemareri'zama me'nesifina, miko'mako havi fatgo osu'zana me'nenigenka kegahane.
17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceful, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
Hu'neanagi monafinti erami'nea knare antahintahizana, ese'zana agru huno mani antahintahiza me'ne. Rimpa fruma huno mani'zane, miko kna akoheno mani'zane, rumofo ke antahimi'zane, asunku hu'zane knare'zane aviteno nemanie. Mago'mofonkuke hu'zana omaneno tamage avu'avake hu'zane.
18 Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.
Rumokizmima zamarimpa fruma erinezamiza vahe'mo'za, zamarimpa fruzamofo avimaza nehankrazanki'za, nena'ama vasagesazana fatgo avu'avaza hamaregahaze.

< James 3 >