< Isaiah 21 >

1 The burden of the wilderness of the sea. As whirlwinds in the South sweep through, it comes from the wilderness, from an awesome land.
«Déngizning chöl-bayawini» toghrisida yüklen’gen bir wehiy: — «Jenub terepte qoyuntazlar ötüp kétiwatqandek, Dehshetlik zémindin bir némiler kéliwatidu!».
2 A grievous vision is declared to me. The treacherous man deals treacherously, and the destroyer destroys. Go up, Elam; attack! I have stopped all of Media’s sighing.
— Azabliq bir wehiy-körünüsh manga ayan qilindi; Xain xainliq qiliwatidu, Bulangchi bulangchiliq qiliwatidu. «I Élam, ornungdin tur, chiq! Média, muhasire qilip qorshiwal!» Uning sewebidin kötürülgen hemme nale-peryadlarni tügitiwettim.
3 Therefore my thighs are filled with anguish. Pains have seized me, like the pains of a woman in labor. I am in so much pain that I cannot hear. I am so dismayed that I cannot see.
— Shunga ich-baghrim aghriq-azab bilen toldi, Tolghiqi tutqan ayalning azabliridek, Körgenlirimdin tolghinip kettim, Anglighinimdin parakende boldum.
4 My heart flutters. Horror has frightened me. The twilight that I desired has been turned into trembling for me.
Shunga könglüm parakende bolup hasirap kettim, Méni dehshet qorqunch basti; U men zoq alidighan kéchini sarasime bolidighan kéchige aylandurdi.
5 They prepare the table. They set the watch. They eat. They drink. Rise up, you princes, oil the shield!
Ular dastixan we gilem-körpilernimu salidu; Ular yéyishidu, ichishidu; «Hey ésilzadiler, ornunglardin turup qalqanni maylanglar!»
6 For the Lord said to me, “Go, set a watchman. Let him declare what he sees.
Chünki Reb manga: — «Barghin, körgenlirini eyni boyiche éytidighan bir közetchini texlep qoyghin» — dégenidi.
7 When he sees a troop, horsemen in pairs, a troop of donkeys, a troop of camels, he shall listen diligently with great attentiveness.”
— «U jeng harwilirini, jüp-jüp atliq eskerlerni, Jeng harwilirini éshekler bilen, Jeng harwilirini tögiler bilen körgende, U diqqet bilen, nahayiti diqqet bilen közetsun!»
8 He cried like a lion: “Lord, I stand continually on the watchtower in the daytime, and every night I stay at my post.
U jawaben shirdek towlidi: — «Reb, men közet munarida üzlüksiz kün boyi turimen, Her kéchide közette turimen;
9 Behold, here comes a troop of men, horsemen in pairs.” He answered, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon; and all the engraved images of her gods are broken to the ground.
— We mana, u jeng harwiliri jüp-jüp atliq eskerler bilen kéliwatidu!» We yene jawab bérip shundaq dégen: — Babil bolsa yiqildi, yiqilip chüshti, We U ularning ilahlirining herbir oyma mebudlirini yerge tashlap pare-pare qiliwetti!».
10 You are my threshing, and the grain of my floor!” That which I have heard from the LORD of Armies, the God of Israel, I have declared to you.
— I Méning tépilgen danlirim, Méning xaminimdiki bughdaylirim, Israilning Xudasi, samawi qoshunlarning Serdari bolghan Perwerdigardin anglighanni silerge éytip berdim!
11 The burden of Dumah. One calls to me out of Seir, “Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?”
«Dumah» toghruluq yüklen’gen wehiy; Birsi Séirdin kélip mendin: — «I közetchi, kéchining qanchiliki ötti? I közetchi, kéchining qanchiliki ötti?» — dep soraydu.
12 The watchman said, “The morning comes, and also the night. If you will inquire, inquire. Come back again.”
Közetchi jawaben mundaq deydu: — «Seher kélidu, kéchimu kélidu; Yene sorighing bolsa, yene kélip sora; Yolungdin qaytip manga yéqin kel!»
13 The burden on Arabia. You will lodge in the thickets in Arabia, you caravans of Dedanites.
Erebiyening kéchisi toghruluq yüklen’gen wehiy: — «I Dédanliqlarning karwanliri, siler Erebiyediki janggalda qonup qalisiler;
14 They brought water to him who was thirsty. The inhabitants of the land of Tema met the fugitives with their bread.
Ussap ketkenlerge su apirip béringlar! I Témadikiler, nanliringlarni élip qachqanlarni kütüwélinglar!
15 For they fled away from the swords, from the drawn sword, from the bent bow, and from the heat of battle.
Chünki ular qilichlardin, Ghilaptin élin’ghan qilichtin, Kérilgen oqyadin, Urushning azabidin qachidu.
16 For the Lord said to me, “Within a year, as a worker bound by contract would count it, all the glory of Kedar will fail,
Chünki Reb manga shundaq dégen: — Bir yil ichide medikar hésablighandek, Andin Kédarning bar sheripi yoqilidu,
17 and the residue of the number of the archers, the mighty men of the children of Kedar, will be few; for the LORD, the God of Israel, has spoken it.”
Oqyachilarning qalduqliri, Yeni Kédarning palwan-batur bolghan oghulliri az qalidu; Chünki Perwerdigar, Israilning Xudasi shundaq söz qilghan».

< Isaiah 21 >