< Isaiah 18 >

1 Ah, the land of the rustling of wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia;
Ine nhamo nyika yokutinhira kwamapapiro inotevedza nzizi dzeEtiopia,
2 that sends ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of papyrus on the waters, saying, “Go, you swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth, to a people awesome from their beginning onward, a nation that measures out and treads down, whose land the rivers divide!”
inotuma nhume nenzira yomugungwa, muzvikepe zvenhokwe pamusoro pemvura. Endai, imi nhume dzinokurumidza, kuvanhu vakareba uye vane ganda rinotsvedzerera, kuvanhu vanotyiwa kure napedyo, rudzi rune hasha nomutauro usinganzwisisiki, rune nyika yakakamurwa nenzizi.
3 All you inhabitants of the world, and you dwellers on the earth, when a banner is lifted up on the mountains, look! When the trumpet is blown, listen!
Imi mose muri pasi pose, imi munogara panyika, kana mureza wasimudzwa pamusoro pamakomo, muchauona, uye kana hwamanda yarira, muchainzwa.
4 For the LORD said to me, “I will be still, and I will see in my dwelling place, like clear heat in sunshine, like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.”
Zvanzi naJehovha kwandiri: “Ndicharamba ndinyerere uye ndichatarira ndiri paugaro hwangu, samanyirinyiri omushana unopisa, segore redova mukupisa kwokukohwa.”
5 For before the harvest, when the blossom is over, and the flower becomes a ripening grape, he will cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks, and he will cut down and take away the spreading branches.
Nokuti, kukohwa kusati kwasvika, kana kutungira kwamaruva kwaguma, uye ruva rova muzambiringa woibva, achagura mabukira namapanga okurangura, achatemera pasi uye agorasira kure matavi akatandavara.
6 They will be left together for the ravenous birds of the mountains, and for the animals of the earth. The ravenous birds will eat them in the summer, and all the animals of the earth will eat them in the winter.
Zvose zvichasiyirwa magora omugomo nokuzvikara zvesango; shiri dzichazvidya chirimo chose, uye zvikara zvesango zvichazvidya muchando chose.
7 In that time, a present will be brought to the LORD of Armies from a people tall and smooth, even from a people awesome from their beginning onward, a nation that measures out and treads down, whose land the rivers divide, to the place of the name of the LORD of Armies, Mount Zion.
Panguva iyoyo, zvipo zvichavigirwa Jehovha Wamasimba Ose, zvichibva kuvanhu vakareba vane ganda rinotsvedzerera, kubva kuvanhu vanotyiwa kwose kwose, rudzi rune hasha nomutauro usinganzwisisiki, rudzi rune nyika yakakamurwa nenzizi, zvipo zvichauyiswa kuZioni, nzvimbo yeZita raJehovha Wamasimba Ose.

< Isaiah 18 >