< Hebrews 3 >

1 Therefore, holy brothers, partakers of a heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession: Jesus,
E'ina hu'negu ruotage hu'naza mono nerafugata, tagrama huama nehuna Jisasinkura Aposol ne' mareri agatere'nea pristi nere hutma antahi amiho.
2 who was faithful to him who appointed him, as also Moses was in all his house.
Mosesena tamage huno Anumzamo huhampri antegeno mika vahe'afi mani fatgo huno mani'neankna huno, huhampri ante'nemofonte Jisasi'a mani fatgo huno mani'ne.
3 For he has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses, because he who built the house has more honor than the house.
Hu'neanagi Jisasi'a Mosesena agatereno ra agi erigahie. Nomagi vahe'mo'zama noma ki'naza nomofoma agatere'za ra zamagi enerizankna hugahie.
4 For every house is built by someone; but he who built all things is God.
Na'ankure ana miko nona vahe'mo'za negizanagi, Anumzamo mika'zana trohune.
5 Moses indeed was faithful in all his house as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were afterward to be spoken,
Mosese'a mika vahe'afina eri'zana avariri fatgo huno eneria nekino, henkama fore'ma hania zamofo avame'za mani'ne.
6 but Christ is faithful as a Son over his house. We are his house, if we hold fast our confidence and the glorying of our hope firm to the end.
Hianagi Ne' mofavre'amo Kraisi'a Anumzamofo vahetera kva mani'ne. Hagi tagra ana vahe mani'nonankita, koro osu hankavetita nemanita, fore'ma hanigeta kesuna zanku'ma musema nehunazana otresune.
7 Therefore, even as the Holy Spirit says, “Today if you will hear his voice,
E'ina hu'negu Ruotge Avamumo huno, Menima Agri ageruma nentahisutma,
8 do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, in the day of the trial in the wilderness,
korapa ka'ma kopi tamagehe'mo'za Anumzamofo rehe'za ke'nazankna huno, tamagu'amo'a hankave otino.
9 where your fathers tested me and tried me, and saw my deeds for forty years.
40'a kafu zagefima kaguvazama erifore huge'za ke'nazanagi, tamagehemo'za renahe'za ke'naze.
10 Therefore I was displeased with that generation, and said, ‘They always err in their heart, but they did not know my ways.’
E'ina hu'negu, e'i ananknafi vahekura narimpa henezamante'na, anage hu'noe, zamagu'amo'a savri huvava nehige'za, Nagri kana kenira nosaze.
11 As I swore in my wrath, ‘They will not enter into my rest.’”
Hu'negu narimpa hezmantena huvempa hu'na, zamagra manifru kumanifina uofregosaze hu'noe. (Sam-Zga 95:7-11, Eks-Ati17:1-7)
12 Beware, brothers, lest perhaps there might be in any one of you an evil heart of unbelief, in falling away from the living God;
Nafuheta kva hu'neta kumi'mo'ene tamentinti osu'zamoma asimu anteno mani'nea Anumzamofonteti'ma, tamavretre zankura magoke magokemotma kva hiho.
13 but exhort one another day by day, so long as it is called “today”, lest any one of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
Hianagi menima knama me'nenire, mago magomotma ozeri hanaveti, azeri hanaveti maka kna nehinkeno, kumi'mofo havigemo'a rehiza huoramanteno.
14 For we have become partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence firm to the end,
Na'ankure ese'ma Agritema ne-eta, tamentintima hu'nonazama azeri hankavetisuta, Kraisi'ene tragoteta vagaretera uhanatigahune.
15 while it is said, “Today if you will hear his voice, do not harden your hearts, as in the rebellion.”
Avontafemo'a anage hu'ne, Menina Agri ageruma nentahisuta, koma neramagehozama zamefima humi'nazaza huta, Agritera tamagu'a kafana eri'onkiho hu'ne.
16 For who, when they heard, rebelled? Was not it all those who came out of Egypt led by Moses?
Zamagra iza'za Anumzamofo ke nentahiza hara rente'naze? Zamagrira Mosese'a Isipitira zamavareno omenemozafi?
17 With whom was he displeased forty years? Was not it with those who sinned, whose bodies fell in the wilderness?
Hagi Anumzamofona iza'za 40'a zage kafufina azeri rimpa he'naze? Zamagra ka'ma kokampima kumi'ma hu'za fri'nazamoze.
18 To whom did he swear that they would not enter into his rest, but to those who were disobedient?
Hagi inamokizmigu Anumzamo'a hankave kea huno, mani fruhu kumani'afina tamagerafa hu'za uofregahaze hu'ne? Zamagra ke'ama amage'ma onte'namokizmigu hu'ne.
19 We see that they were not able to enter in because of unbelief.
Tagra refkoma huta konana zamagra zamentintia osu'nazagu, ama ana vahe'mo'za manifruhu kumapima uofre'naze.

< Hebrews 3 >