< Haggai 1 >

1 In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, in the first day of the month, the LORD’s word came by Haggai the prophet, to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, saying,
Chaka chachiwiri cha Mfumu Dariyo, tsiku loyamba la mwezi wachisanu ndi chimodzi, Yehova anapatsa mneneri Hagai uthenga wopita kwa Zerubabeli mwana wa Sealatieli, bwanamkubwa wa Yuda, ndiponso kwa mkulu wa ansembe Yoswa mwana wa Yehozadaki:
2 “This is what the LORD of Armies says: These people say, ‘The time has not yet come, the time for the LORD’s house to be built.’”
Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akuti, “Anthu awa amanena kuti, ‘Nthawi sinafike yoti nʼkumanga Nyumba ya Yehova.’”
3 Then the LORD’s word came by Haggai the prophet, saying,
Tsono Yehova anayankhula ndi mneneri Hagai kuti,
4 “Is it a time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, while this house lies waste?
“Kodi ino ndi nthawi yoti inuyo muzikhala mʼnyumba zomanga bwino, pamene Nyumba yangayi ikanali bwinja?”
5 Now therefore this is what the LORD of Armies says: ‘Consider your ways.
Tsono zimene Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akunena ndi izi, “Ganizirani bwino njira zanu.
6 You have sown much, and bring in little. You eat, but you do not have enough. You drink, but you are not filled with drink. You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; and he who earns wages earns wages to put them into a bag with holes in it.’
Mwadzala zambiri, koma mwakolola zochepa. Mumadya, koma simukhuta. Mumamwa, koma ludzu lanu silitha. Mumavala, koma simumva kutentha. Mumalandira malipiro, koma ndalama zanu zimatha ngati mwaziyika mʼthumba lobowoka.”
7 “This is what the LORD of Armies says: ‘Consider your ways.
Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akuti, “Ganizirani bwino njira zanu.
8 Go up to the mountain, bring wood, and build the house. I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified,” says the LORD.
Pitani ku mapiri ndipo mukatenge matabwa oti mudzamangire Nyumba yanga, kuti ndikondwere nayo ndi kulandiramo ulemu,” akutero Yehova.
9 “You looked for much, and, behold, it came to little; and when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why?” says the LORD of Armies, “Because of my house that lies waste, while each of you is busy with his own house.
“Mumayembekezera zambiri, koma taonani mwapeza pangʼono pokha. Zimene munazibweretsa ku nyumba, Ine ndinazimwaza. Nʼchifukwa chiyani?” Akutero Yehova Wamphamvuzonse. “Chifukwa Nyumba yanga ikanali bwinja, pamene aliyense wa inu watanganidwa kumanga nyumba yake.
10 Therefore for your sake the heavens withhold the dew, and the earth withholds its fruit.
Choncho, chifukwa cha inu, mitambo yaleka kugwetsa mvula ndipo dziko lapansi laleka kutulutsa zomera.
11 I called for a drought on the land, on the mountains, on the grain, on the new wine, on the oil, on that which the ground produces, on men, on livestock, and on all the labor of the hands.”
Ndabweretsa chilala pa minda ndi pa mapiri, chilala chawumitsa tirigu, mphesa, mafuta a olivi ndi chilichonse chimene chimamera pa nthaka, pa anthu ndi pa ngʼombe, ndi pa ntchito zonse za manja anu.”
12 Then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, with all the remnant of the people, obeyed the LORD their God’s voice, and the words of Haggai the prophet, as the LORD their God had sent him; and the people feared the LORD.
Pamenepo Zerubabeli mwana wa Sealatieli, mkulu wa ansembe Yoswa mwana wa Yehozadaki, ndi anthu onse otsala anamvera mawu a Yehova Mulungu wawo ndi uthenga wa Hagai, chifukwa anatumidwa ndi Yehova Mulungu wawo. Ndipo anthuwo anaopa Yehova.
13 Then Haggai, the LORD’s messenger, spoke the LORD’s message to the people, saying, “I am with you,” says the LORD.
Tsono Hagai, mthenga wa Yehova, anapereka kwa anthuwo uthenga uwu wa Yehova: “Ine ndili nanu,” akutero Yehova.
14 The LORD stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and worked on the house of the LORD of Armies, their God,
Kotero Yehova anakhudza mtima wa Zerubabeli mwana wa Sealatieli, bwanamkubwa wa Yuda, mtima wa Yoswa mwana wa Yehozadaki, mkulu wa ansembe, ndiponso mitima ya anthu onse otsala. Iwo anabwera ndi kuyamba ntchito yomanga Nyumba ya Yehova Wamphamvuzonse, Mulungu wawo,
15 in the twenty-fourth day of the month, in the sixth month, in the second year of Darius the king.
pa tsiku la 24 la mwezi wachisanu ndi chimodzi, wa chaka chachiwiri cha Mfumu Dariyo.

< Haggai 1 >