< Genesis 20 >

1 Abraham traveled from there toward the land of the South, and lived between Kadesh and Shur. He lived as a foreigner in Gerar.
Nañavelo boak’ao t’i Avrahame mb’an-tane atao Nègeve, le nitobe añivo’ i Kadèse naho i Sore vaho nañi­alo e Gerare ao,
2 Abraham said about Sarah his wife, “She is my sister.” Abimelech king of Gerar sent, and took Sarah.
vaho hoe ty nanoe’ Avrahame i Sarà vali’e, Rahavaveko re. Aa le nampañitrike t’i Abimeleke mpanjaka’ i Gerare vaho rinambe’e t’i Sarà.
3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream of the night, and said to him, “Behold, you are a dead man, because of the woman whom you have taken; for she is a man’s wife.”
Le niheo amy Abimelek’ ama’ nofy te haleñe t’i Andrianañahare nanao ty hoe ama’e. Inao! ondaty vetrake irehe, ty amy rakemba nalae’oy, amy t’ie vali’ ondaty.
4 Now Abimelech had not come near her. He said, “Lord, will you kill even a righteous nation?
Ie amy zao tsy nañarine aze t’i Abimeleke; le hoe re, Ry Talè, ho vetrahe’o ka hao ty fifeheañe vantañe?
5 Did not he tell me, ‘She is my sister’? She, even she herself, said, ‘He is my brother.’ I have done this in the integrity of my heart and the innocence of my hands.”
Tsy ie hao ty nanao amako ty hoe, Rahavaveko re, vaho ie ka ty hoe Rahalahiko. Nanoeko an-katsòn-troke naho an-kahitin-tañako.
6 God said to him in the dream, “Yes, I know that in the integrity of your heart you have done this, and I also withheld you from sinning against me. Therefore I did not allow you to touch her.
Aa le hoe t’i Andria­nañahare ama’e ama’ nofy, Eka, apotako te nanoe’o an-kavantañan’ arofo; mbore kinalako irehe tsy handilara’o, le tsy nimeteko t’ie hitsapa aze.
7 Now therefore, restore the man’s wife. For he is a prophet, and he will pray for you, and you will live. If you do not restore her, know for sure that you will die, you, and all who are yours.”
Ie amy zao, ampolio am’ indatiy ty vali’e; mpitoky re, le hihalalia’e t’ie ho veloñe. Fe naho tsy hampoli’o, le mahafohina te toe havetrake, ihe naho o ao iabio.
8 Abimelech rose early in the morning, and called all his servants, and told all these things in their ear. The men were very scared.
Aa le nañaleñale t’i Abimeleke nikanjy ze hene mpitoro’e naho nitalilie’e an-dravembia’ iereo; vaho fonga nangebahebake o lahilahio.
9 Then Abimelech called Abraham, and said to him, “What have you done to us? How have I sinned against you, that you have brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin? You have done deeds to me that ought not to be done!”
Kinanji’ i Abimeleke t’i Avrahame le nanoa’e ty hoe, Inon-koahe ty nanoa’o ama’ay? Ino ty hakeoko ama’o te nendesa’o amako naho amo fehekoo ty tahiñe jabajaba toy? Toe tsy fanao o raha nanoa’ o ahikoo.
10 Abimelech said to Abraham, “What did you see, that you have done this thing?”
Hoe ka t’i Abimelek’ amy Avrahame, Ino ty nisafiri’o t’ie nanao o raha zao?
11 Abraham said, “Because I thought, ‘Surely the fear of God is not in this place. They will kill me for my wife’s sake.’
Hoe t’i Avrahame, Foto’e, nataoko tsy ho ami’ty toetse toy ty fañeveñañe aman’ Añahare vaho ho nañe-doza amako iereo ty amy valikoy.
12 Besides, she is indeed my sister, the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife.
Mbore toe rahavaveko re, anak’ am­pelan-draeko fa tsy anan-dreneko, vaho nivalieko.
13 When God caused me to wander from my father’s house, I said to her, ‘This is your kindness which you shall show to me. Everywhere that we go, say of me, “He is my brother.”’”
Aa ie nampandifik’ ahy añ’ anjomban-draeko t’i Andrianañahare, le hoe ty nanoako, Inao ty hasoa hanoa’o ahy amy ze toetse ivotrahan-tika, te hatao’o ty amako: Raha­lahiko re.
14 Abimelech took sheep and cattle, male servants and female servants, and gave them to Abraham, and restored Sarah, his wife, to him.
Nangalak’ añondry naho añombe, naho ondevo-lahy naho ampela t’i Abimeleke vaho natolo’e amy Avrahame le nampoli’e ama’e t’i Sarà vali’e.
15 Abimelech said, “Behold, my land is before you. Dwell where it pleases you.”
Hoe t’i Abimeleke, Heheke, añatrefa’o o tanekoo; mimo­neña amy ze satri’o.
16 To Sarah he said, “Behold, I have given your brother a thousand pieces of silver. Behold, it is for you a covering of the eyes to all that are with you. In front of all you are vindicated.”
Hoe re amy Sarà, Ingo, te nimeako volafoty arivo ty rahalahi’o ho tako-maso amo hene mindre ama’oo; nahazo to re añatrefa ondaty iabio.
17 Abraham prayed to God. So God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female servants, and they bore children.
Nihalaly aman’ Añahare t’i Avrahame le nampi­jangañen’ Añahare t’i Abime­leke naho ty vali’e vaho ondevo am­pela’eo, t’ie hahasamake,
18 For the LORD had closed up tight all the wombs of the house of Abimelech, because of Sarah, Abraham’s wife.
amy te fonga nakite’ Iehovà heike ze hoviñe añ’anjomba’ i Abimeleke ty amy Sarà vali’ i Avrahame.

< Genesis 20 >