< Ezekiel 7 >

1 Moreover the LORD’s word came to me, saying,
Hiti chun Pakaija thusei hiche hi kahenga ahungin hitina aseije.
2 “You, son of man, the Lord GOD says to the land of Israel, ‘An end! The end has come on the four corners of the land.
“Mihem chapa hiche hi Israelte chungchang thudolla thaneipen Pakai thusei ahi. Hoilai mun hijong leh solam lhumlam sahlang ahilouleh lhanglang nagamsung navetna jouse chu abei ahitan, hiche laihi akichaina ahitai.
3 Now the end is on you, and I will send my anger on you, and will judge you according to your ways. I will bring on you all your abominations.
Kinepna ho beisoh a ahitai. Ijeh inem itile keiman nangma douna a kalungsat kahin bulhah a kidah umtah nachonsetna ho chengse thudolla kingaito dinga kakou ding nahi.
4 My eye will not spare you, neither will I have pity; but I will bring your ways on you, and your abominations will be among you. Then you will know that I am the LORD.’
Keiman kamit teni kahei manga chule lainatna him him kamusah tahlou ding, kidah umtah nachonsetna ho jouse jeh a kale thuhding nahi.
5 “The Lord GOD says: ‘A disaster! A unique disaster! Behold, it comes.
Hiche hi thuneipen Pakai thusei ahi, manthahna khatchunga manthahna nalampi a ahung lhunge.
6 An end has come. The end has come! It awakes against you. Behold, it comes.
Achaina chu hunga ahitai. Akhonna keija hung lhung ahin, namanthah ding akhon na chun na ngai ahi.
7 Your doom has come to you, inhabitant of the land! The time has come! The day is near, a day of tumult, and not of joyful shouting, on the mountains.
O Israel mipite na kisuh mang nadiu jing kola hung kikeuve, phat achu ahung lhunga ahitan, hesoh genthei nikho ahung naije, molsang ho chung dunga chun kipana hilouhel lungnatna ogin thong akijan ahi.
8 Now I will shortly pour out my wrath on you, and accomplish my anger against you, and will judge you according to your ways. I will bring on you all your abominations.
Khongaisot louhella kalungsatna le kalung hanna nangma douna a kahin lhadoh a kahin buh lhah khum ding nahi. Kidah umtah na chonsetna ho chungchang kingaito diinga kahin kou ding nahi.
9 My eye will not spare, neither will I have pity. I will punish you according to your ways. Your abominations will be among you. Then you will know that I, the LORD, strike.
Keiman kamit teni kahei manga chule lainatna him him kamusah tah louding, kidah umtah nachonsetna ho jouse jeh a kalethuh ding chuteng thilse nahin dengpa chu Pakai kahi ti nangman nahin hetdoh ding ahi.
10 “‘Behold, the day! Behold, it comes! Your doom has gone out. The rod has blossomed. Pride has budded.
Thu kitan nading nikho chu hilaija aume, namanthah nadiu chun nangah jinge, mihemte naphatloouna le akiletsahna chu pahcha pah lhingset in apah lhatai.
11 Violence has risen up into a rod of wickedness. None of them will remain, nor of their multitude, nor of their wealth. There will be nothing of value among them.
Alunghan nao hoisetah chu thihjol bangin khang doh in hichun aphat lounau jeh a ahin jep diu ahi. Hiche miphalou leh migilou te hi khatcha sohcha lou hel diu ahi. Anei agou jouseu leh aloupinao jouse kitheh ngim hel ding ahi.
12 The time has come! The day draws near. Do not let the buyer rejoice, nor the seller mourn; for wrath is on all its multitude.
Henge aphat chu hung lhunga ahitai, nikho chu hilaija aume, thilcho ho jong aphatchom nau jeh in kipa dau hen, chuleh thiljoh ho jong aman amulou jeh un lunggim dau hen. Ijeh inem itile abonchauva kalung hanna hoise tah noija lhulham sohkei diu ahi.
13 For the seller will not return to that which is sold, although they are still alive; for the vision concerns the whole multitude of it. None will return. None will strengthen himself in the iniquity of his life.
Kivei miho chu ana sohcha mama jong leu asumkol veinau munna chu amaho kile kit louhel diu ahi. Ajeh chu Pathen lunghanna chu amichang cheh chunga kimangcha ding ahin, kikhel kit louhel ding ahi.
14 They have blown the trumpet, and have made all ready; but no one goes to the battle, for my wrath is on all its multitude.
Sumkon gin chun Israel sepai ho chu galsat dinga kigo din ahin kouvin koimachan angai pouve. Ajeh chu kalungsatna chu amaho jouse douna chu ahi,” ati.
15 “‘The sword is outside, and the pestilence and the famine within. He who is in the field will die by the sword. He who is in the city will be devoured by famine and pestilence.
Khopi polamah gal kidou aumin asunga gamna hise leh kel alange. Khopi kulpi polama umho melma chemjam in athauva khopi sunga umho chu gamna hise leh kella thidiu ahi.
16 But of those who escape, they will escape and will be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them moaning, everyone in his iniquity.
Molsang ho chung lama kiseldoh a hing ho chu vakhu ho banga achonsetnau akapi dingu ahi.
17 All hands will be feeble, and all knees will be weak as water.
Akhut jouseu thabeijin hung kikhaijin tin akhup jouseu twi bangin hung nem gam tante.
18 They will also clothe themselves with sackcloth, and horror will cover them. Shame will be on all faces, and baldness on all their heads.
Amaho khaodip pon in kivon untin kichat um leh jachatna in atom khum diu ahi. Lung hesoh leh chonsetna jeh a lung kisih pumma alujang sammu akivochai dingu ahi.
19 They will cast their silver in the streets, and their gold will be as an unclean thing. Their silver and their gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD’s wrath. They will not satisfy their souls or fill their bellies; because it has been the stumbling block of their iniquity.
Amahon asumu lamlena aselhah diu, thilse man nei tobanga abol diu ahi. Pakai lunghan nikho chule adangka hou le asana hou vin huhdoh jou pouvinte. Hiche ho chun lungchamna ahilouleh vahva thei tapouvinte. Ajeh chu akiloset nau chun akipal lhuhsah gamu ahitai.
20 As for the beauty of his ornament, he set it in majesty; but they made the images of their abominations and their detestable things therein. Therefore I have made it to them as an unclean thing.
Amaho akijep nai hoitah tah jeh chun akiloupi sah un chule hiche ho chu kidah umtah milim semna leh kidah um milim ho semnan amang uve. Hiche ho jeh a chu keiman anei agou hou chu amaho dinga deimo um kahisah peh diu ahi.
21 I will give it into the hands of the strangers for a prey, and to the wicked of the earth for a plunder; and they will profane it.
Keiman amaho hi gal thil kichom banga gamdang miho kapeh doh ding, nam gilou pen pen te khut a kapeh doh a chule amahon asuh thang dingu ahi.
22 I will also turn my face from them, and they will profane my secret place. Robbers will enter into it, and profane it.
Keiman amaho a konna kamit teni kahei manga gucha michom ho chin dellut khum uva chuleh kagou chin gam chu asuhthang diu ahi.
23 “‘Make chains, for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence.
Kamite dingin kihenna ding thihchao gontup san koijun, ajeh chu gamsung hi tijat kichat umtah dan suhkeh nan thisan adip soh tai. Jerusalem hi ahat kivetna pumhatna kinoto nana dip letset ahitai.
24 Therefore I will bring the worst of the nations, and they will possess their houses. I will also make the pride of the strong to cease. Their holy places will be profaned.
Keiman achennau inho a cheng dinga namtin lah a lungsetna him him neiloute chu kahin puilut ding ahi. Keiman akiloupi sah nau khopi kulpi pal ho kasuhchim a chuleh amuntheng ho kasuhboh ding ahi.
25 Destruction comes! They will seek peace, and there will be none.
Kichat tijatna khohtah leh kithing thinga umna chun kamite ahin lhunkhum teng ule, amahon cham leh lungmonna ahol diu, ahinlah amudoh lou diu ahi.
26 Mischief will come on mischief, and rumor will be on rumor. They will seek a vision of the prophet; but the law will perish from the priest, and counsel from the elders.
Vangsetna chunga vangsetnan hinjui intin, thuthang khat chunga thuthang khat in hin juijinte. Amahon themgao ho a kon in mu neina holun ahinlah panna bei hiding ahi. Amahon thempu ho a konna kihilna ding imacha achangpouvin, chule alamkai houva konin kithumopna aum tapoi.
27 The king will mourn, and the prince will be clothed with desolation. The hands of the people of the land will be troubled. I will do to them after their way, and according to their own judgments I will judge them. Then they will know that I am the LORD.’”
Lengpa ahin leng chapa ahin, kithopi ding beijin adingun, kinepna ding beijin akap uve. Chuleh mipiho khut chu kichat in akithing thing uve. Midang chunga athilse bol hou keiman achung'uva kahin lhut khum ding, chuleh amahon hausatah a ana khol khom chengseu chu amaho ki engbolna dinga akisan diu ahi. Hitia chu amaho keima hi Pakai kahi ti ahin hetdoh dingu ahi.”

< Ezekiel 7 >