< Ezekiel 22 >

1 Moreover the LORD’s word came to me, saying,
Alò, pawòl SENYÈ a te rive kote mwen. Li te di:
2 “You, son of man, will you judge? Will you judge the bloody city? Then cause her to know all her abominations.
“Epi ou menm, fis a lòm, èske ou va jije? Èske ou jije vil sanglan an? Alò, fè l konnen tout abominasyon li yo.
3 You shall say, ‘The Lord GOD says: “A city that sheds blood within herself, that her time may come, and that makes idols against herself to defile her!
Ou va di: ‘Konsa pale Senyè BONDYE a: “Yon vil k ap vèsè san nan mitan li, pou tan pa li ka vini e ki fè zidòl kont enterè li, pou l ka vin souye!
4 You have become guilty in your blood that you have shed, and are defiled in your idols which you have made! You have caused your days to draw near, and have come to the end of your years. Therefore I have made you a reproach to the nations, and a mocking to all the countries.
Ou te vin koupab pa san ke ou te vèse yo e vin souye pa zidòl ke ou te fè yo. Konsa, ou te mennen jou ou a vin pre, e ou fin rive nan ane ou yo. Akoz sa a, Mwen te fè ou vin yon repwòch pou nasyon yo, e yon vye rizib pou tout peyi yo.
5 Those who are near and those who are far from you will mock you, you infamous one, full of tumult.
Sila ki pre ak sila ki lwen ou yo va moke ou, ou menm ak move repitasyon, plen twoub.
6 “‘“Behold, the princes of Israel, everyone according to his power, have been in you to shed blood.
“‘“Gade byen, chèf Israël yo, yo chak selon fòs pouvwa yo, te nan ou ak bi pou vèse san an.
7 In you have they treated father and mother with contempt. Among you they have oppressed the foreigner. In you they have wronged the fatherless and the widow.
Nan ou yo te trete papa ak manman a lejè. Etranje yo te oprime nan mitan ou. Òfelen ak vèv yo te maltrete nan ou.
8 You have despised my holy things, and have profaned my Sabbaths.
Ou te meprize bagay sen Mwen yo, e ou pwofane Saba Mwen yo.
9 Slanderous men have been in you to shed blood. In you they have eaten on the mountains. They have committed lewdness among you.
Mesye medizan yo te anndan ou nan bi pou yo ta ka vèse san. Nan ou, yo te manje sou lotèl mòn yo. Nan mitan ou, yo te komèt zak ki tèlman lèd.
10 In you have they uncovered their fathers’ nakedness. In you have they humbled her who was unclean in her impurity.
Nan ou, yo te dekouvri nidite a papa yo. Nan ou, yo te imilye fanm ki pa t pwòp akoz règ yo.
11 One has committed abomination with his neighbor’s wife, and another has lewdly defiled his daughter-in-law. Another in you has humbled his sister, his father’s daughter.
Youn te komèt abominasyon ak madanm a vwazen li, e yon lòt, nan yon zak byen lèd, te souye bèlfi li. Epi yon lòt, nan ou, te imilye sè li, pitit a papa li.
12 In you have they taken bribes to shed blood. You have taken interest and increase, and you have greedily gained of your neighbors by oppression, and have forgotten me,” says the Lord GOD.
Nan ou, yo te touche anba tab pou yo ta vèse san. Ou te pran enterè ak pwofi, ou te fè donmaj a vwazen ou yo pou ou kab vin genyen pa opresyon, e ou te bliye Mwen,” deklare Senyè BONDYE a.
13 “‘“Behold, therefore I have struck my hand at your dishonest gain which you have made, and at the blood which has been shed within you.
“‘“Alò, gade byen, Mwen frape men M kont pwofi malonèt ou, ke ou te vin genyen nan vèse san moun pami ou.
14 Can your heart endure, or can your hands be strong, in the days that I will deal with you? I, the LORD, have spoken it, and will do it.
Èske kè ou kapab sipòte, oswa èske men ou kapab gen fòs nan jou ke Mwen va regle ou a? Mwen menm, SENYÈ a, te pale e Mwen va aji.
15 I will scatter you among the nations, and disperse you through the countries. I will purge your filthiness out of you.
Mwen va gaye ou pami nasyon yo, Mwen va dispèse ou nan tout peyi yo, e Mwen va fè disparèt sa ki pa pwòp pami ou.
16 You will be profaned in yourself in the sight of the nations. Then you will know that I am the LORD.”’”
Ou va pwofane tèt ou devan zye a tout nasyon yo, e ou va konnen ke Mwen se SENYÈ a.”’”
17 The LORD’s word came to me, saying,
Pawòl SENYÈ a te vin kote mwen. Li te di:
18 “Son of man, the house of Israel has become dross to me. All of them are bronze, tin, iron, and lead in the middle of the furnace. They are the dross of silver.
“Fis a lòm, lakay Israël la te vin dechè pou Mwen. Yo tout se bwonz, fè blan, fè ak plon nan fou. Yo se dechè ajan.
19 Therefore the Lord GOD says: ‘Because you have all become dross, therefore, behold, I will gather you into the middle of Jerusalem.
Pou sa, konsa pale Senyè BONDYE a: ‘Akoz nou tout te vin dechè, pou sa, gade byen, Mwen pral rasanble nou nan mitan Jérusalem.
20 As they gather silver, bronze, iron, lead, and tin into the middle of the furnace, to blow the fire on it, to melt it, so I will gather you in my anger and in my wrath, and I will lay you there and melt you.
Jan yo rasanble ajan, bwonz, fè, plon, ak fè blan nan fou pou soufle dife sou li pou fann li, konsa, Mwen va rasanble nou nan mekontantman Mwen ak nan chalè kòlè Mwen, e la, Mwen va depoze nou pou fann nou.
21 Yes, I will gather you, and blow on you with the fire of my wrath, and you will be melted in the middle of it.
Mwen va rasanble nou pou soufle sou nou avèk dife kòlè Mwen, e nou va vin fann nèt nan mitan li.
22 As silver is melted in the middle of the furnace, so you will be melted in the middle of it; and you will know that I, the LORD, have poured out my wrath on you.’”
Tankou ajan fann nan founo, se konsa nou va fann nan mitan li. Konsa, nou va konnen ke Mwen menm, SENYÈ a, te vide chalè kòlè Mwen sou nou.’”
23 The LORD’s word came to me, saying,
Ankò pawòl SENYÈ a te vin kote mwen. Li te di:
24 “Son of man, tell her, ‘You are a land that is not cleansed nor rained on in the day of indignation.’
“Fis a lòm, di a fi a: ‘Ou se peyi ki pa pwòp la, ki p ap gen lapli nan jou kòlè a.’
25 There is a conspiracy of her prophets within it, like a roaring lion ravening the prey. They have devoured souls. They take treasure and precious things. They have made many widows within it.
Gen konplo a pwofèt nan mitan li yo, kon yon lyon voras k ap dechire bèt pou li manje. Yo fin devore nanm moun. Yo te pran trezò presye ak tout bagay chè yo. Yo te fè anpil vèv nan mitan li.
26 Her priests have done violence to my law and have profaned my holy things. They have made no distinction between the holy and the common, neither have they caused men to discern between the unclean and the clean, and have hidden their eyes from my Sabbaths. So I am profaned among them.
Prèt li yo te fè vyolans kont lalwa Mwen an, e te pwofane bagay sen Mwen yo. Yo pa t fè okenn separasyon antre sa ki sen ak sa ki pwofàn, ni yo pa t ansegne distenksyon antre sa ki pa pwòp ak sa ki pwòp. Yo kache zye yo devan Saba Mwen yo, e Mwen vin pwofane pami yo.
27 Her princes within it are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood and to destroy souls, that they may get dishonest gain.
Prens ki anndan li yo tankou lou k ap dechire bèt pou yo manje, k ap vèse san e detwi lavi pou fè benefis malonèt.
28 Her prophets have plastered for them with whitewash, seeing false visions, and divining lies to them, saying, ‘The Lord GOD says,’ when the LORD has not spoken.
Pwofèt li yo blanchi tout bagay ak lacho pou yo, nan fè fo vizyon ak divinasyon manti pou yo; divinasyon k ap di: ‘Konsa pale Senyè BONDYE a’, lè SENYÈ a pa t pale.
29 The people of the land have used oppression and exercised robbery. Yes, they have troubled the poor and needy, and have oppressed the foreigner wrongfully.
Pèp peyi a te pratike opresyon ak vòl, yo te vòlè malere ak endijan yo, e te oprime sila ki rete pami yo san jistis.
30 “I sought for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I would not destroy it; but I found no one.
“Mwen te chache pami yo yon nonm ki pou ta bati miray la, e kanpe nan brèch la devan Mwen pou peyi a, pou M pa ta detwi li, men Mwen pa t jwenn pèsòn.
31 Therefore I have poured out my indignation on them. I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath. I have brought their own way on their heads,” says the Lord GOD.
Pou sa, Mwen fin vide chalè a kòlè Mwen sou yo. Mwen te konsonmen yo nèt ak dife a chalè kòlè Mwen. Chemen pa yo, Mwen te fè l desann sou tèt yo,” deklare Senyè BONDYE a.

< Ezekiel 22 >