< Ezekiel 17 >

1 The LORD’s word came to me, saying,
καὶ ἐγένετο λόγος κυρίου πρός με λέγων
2 “Son of man, tell a riddle, and speak a parable to the house of Israel;
υἱὲ ἀνθρώπου διήγησαι διήγημα καὶ εἰπὸν παραβολὴν πρὸς τὸν οἶκον τοῦ Ισραηλ
3 and say, ‘The Lord GOD says: “A great eagle with great wings and long feathers, full of feathers which had various colors, came to Lebanon and took the top of the cedar.
καὶ ἐρεῖς τάδε λέγει κύριος ὁ ἀετὸς ὁ μέγας ὁ μεγαλοπτέρυγος ὁ μακρὸς τῇ ἐκτάσει πλήρης ὀνύχων ὃς ἔχει τὸ ἥγημα εἰσελθεῖν εἰς τὸν Λίβανον καὶ ἔλαβε τὰ ἐπίλεκτα τῆς κέδρου
4 He cropped off the topmost of its young twigs, and carried it to a land of traffic. He planted it in a city of merchants.
τὰ ἄκρα τῆς ἁπαλότητος ἀπέκνισεν καὶ ἤνεγκεν αὐτὰ εἰς γῆν Χανααν εἰς πόλιν τετειχισμένην ἔθετο αὐτά
5 “‘“He also took some of the seed of the land and planted it in fruitful soil. He placed it beside many waters. He set it as a willow tree.
καὶ ἔλαβεν ἀπὸ τοῦ σπέρματος τῆς γῆς καὶ ἔδωκεν αὐτὸ εἰς τὸ πεδίον φυτὸν ἐφ’ ὕδατι πολλῷ ἐπιβλεπόμενον ἔταξεν αὐτό
6 It grew and became a spreading vine of low stature, whose branches turned toward him, and its roots were under him. So it became a vine, produced branches, and shot out sprigs.
καὶ ἀνέτειλεν καὶ ἐγένετο εἰς ἄμπελον ἀσθενοῦσαν καὶ μικρὰν τῷ μεγέθει τοῦ ἐπιφαίνεσθαι αὐτήν τὰ κλήματα αὐτῆς ἐπ’ αὐτὴν καὶ αἱ ῥίζαι αὐτῆς ὑποκάτω αὐτῆς ἦσαν καὶ ἐγένετο εἰς ἄμπελον καὶ ἐποίησεν ἀπώρυγας καὶ ἐξέτεινεν τὴν ἀναδενδράδα αὐτῆς
7 “‘“There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers. Behold, this vine bent its roots toward him, and shot out its branches toward him, from the ground where it was planted, that he might water it.
καὶ ἐγένετο ἀετὸς ἕτερος μέγας μεγαλοπτέρυγος πολὺς ὄνυξιν καὶ ἰδοὺ ἡ ἄμπελος αὕτη περιπεπλεγμένη πρὸς αὐτόν καὶ αἱ ῥίζαι αὐτῆς πρὸς αὐτόν καὶ τὰ κλήματα αὐτῆς ἐξαπέστειλεν αὐτῷ τοῦ ποτίσαι αὐτὴν σὺν τῷ βώλῳ τῆς φυτείας αὐτῆς
8 It was planted in a good soil by many waters, that it might produce branches and that it might bear fruit, that it might be a good vine.”’
εἰς πεδίον καλὸν ἐφ’ ὕδατι πολλῷ αὕτη πιαίνεται τοῦ ποιεῖν βλαστοὺς καὶ φέρειν καρπὸν τοῦ εἶναι εἰς ἄμπελον μεγάλην
9 “Say, ‘The Lord GOD says: “Will it prosper? Will not he pull up its roots and cut off its fruit, that it may wither, that all its fresh springing leaves may wither? It cannot be raised from its roots by a strong arm or many people.
διὰ τοῦτο εἰπόν τάδε λέγει κύριος εἰ κατευθυνεῖ οὐχὶ αἱ ῥίζαι τῆς ἁπαλότητος αὐτῆς καὶ ὁ καρπὸς σαπήσεται καὶ ξηρανθήσεται πάντα τὰ προανατέλλοντα αὐτῆς καὶ οὐκ ἐν βραχίονι μεγάλῳ οὐδ’ ἐν λαῷ πολλῷ τοῦ ἐκσπάσαι αὐτὴν ἐκ ῥιζῶν αὐτῆς
10 Yes, behold, being planted, will it prosper? Will not it utterly wither when the east wind touches it? It will wither in the ground where it grew.”’”
καὶ ἰδοὺ πιαίνεται μὴ κατευθυνεῖ οὐχ ἅμα τῷ ἅψασθαι αὐτῆς ἄνεμον τὸν καύσωνα ξηρανθήσεται ξηρασίᾳ σὺν τῷ βώλῳ ἀνατολῆς αὐτῆς ξηρανθήσεται
11 Moreover the LORD’s word came to me, saying,
καὶ ἐγένετο λόγος κυρίου πρός με λέγων
12 “Say now to the rebellious house, ‘Do not you know what these things mean?’ Tell them, ‘Behold, the king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, and took its king, and its princes, and brought them to him to Babylon.
υἱὲ ἀνθρώπου εἰπὸν δὴ πρὸς τὸν οἶκον τὸν παραπικραίνοντα οὐκ ἐπίστασθε τί ἦν ταῦτα εἰπόν ὅταν ἔλθῃ βασιλεὺς Βαβυλῶνος ἐπὶ Ιερουσαλημ καὶ λήμψεται τὸν βασιλέα αὐτῆς καὶ τοὺς ἄρχοντας αὐτῆς καὶ ἄξει αὐτοὺς πρὸς ἑαυτὸν εἰς Βαβυλῶνα
13 He took one of the royal offspring, and made a covenant with him. He also brought him under an oath, and took away the mighty of the land,
καὶ λήμψεται ἐκ τοῦ σπέρματος τῆς βασιλείας καὶ διαθήσεται πρὸς αὐτὸν διαθήκην καὶ εἰσάξει αὐτὸν ἐν ἀρᾷ καὶ τοὺς ἡγουμένους τῆς γῆς λήμψεται
14 that the kingdom might be brought low, that it might not lift itself up, but that by keeping his covenant it might stand.
τοῦ γενέσθαι εἰς βασιλείαν ἀσθενῆ τὸ καθόλου μὴ ἐπαίρεσθαι τοῦ φυλάσσειν τὴν διαθήκην αὐτοῦ καὶ ἱστάνειν αὐτήν
15 But he rebelled against him in sending his ambassadors into Egypt, that they might give him horses and many people. Will he prosper? Will he who does such things escape? Will he break the covenant, and still escape?
καὶ ἀποστήσεται ἀπ’ αὐτοῦ τοῦ ἐξαποστέλλειν ἀγγέλους ἑαυτοῦ εἰς Αἴγυπτον τοῦ δοῦναι αὐτῷ ἵππους καὶ λαὸν πολύν εἰ κατευθυνεῖ εἰ διασωθήσεται ὁ ποιῶν ἐναντία καὶ παραβαίνων διαθήκην εἰ σωθήσεται
16 “‘As I live,’ says the Lord GOD, ‘surely in the place where the king dwells who made him king, whose oath he despised, and whose covenant he broke, even with him in the middle of Babylon he will die.
ζῶ ἐγώ λέγει κύριος ἐὰν μὴ ἐν ᾧ τόπῳ ὁ βασιλεὺς ὁ βασιλεύσας αὐτόν ὃς ἠτίμωσεν τὴν ἀράν μου καὶ ὃς παρέβη τὴν διαθήκην μου μετ’ αὐτοῦ ἐν μέσῳ Βαβυλῶνος τελευτήσει
17 Pharaoh with his mighty army and great company will not help him in the war, when they cast up mounds and build forts to cut off many persons.
καὶ οὐκ ἐν δυνάμει μεγάλῃ οὐδ’ ἐν ὄχλῳ πολλῷ ποιήσει πρὸς αὐτὸν Φαραω πόλεμον ἐν χαρακοβολίᾳ καὶ ἐν οἰκοδομῇ βελοστάσεων τοῦ ἐξᾶραι ψυχάς
18 For he has despised the oath by breaking the covenant; and behold, he had given his hand, and yet has done all these things. He will not escape.
καὶ ἠτίμωσεν ὁρκωμοσίαν τοῦ παραβῆναι διαθήκην καὶ ἰδοὺ δέδωκεν τὴν χεῖρα αὐτοῦ καὶ πάντα ταῦτα ἐποίησεν αὐτῷ μὴ σωθήσεται
19 “Therefore the Lord GOD says: ‘As I live, I will surely bring on his own head my oath that he has despised and my covenant that he has broken.
διὰ τοῦτο εἰπόν τάδε λέγει κύριος ζῶ ἐγὼ ἐὰν μὴ τὴν διαθήκην μου ἣν παρέβη καὶ τὴν ὁρκωμοσίαν μου ἣν ἠτίμωσεν καὶ δώσω αὐτὰ εἰς κεφαλὴν αὐτοῦ
20 I will spread my net on him, and he will be taken in my snare. I will bring him to Babylon, and will enter into judgment with him there for his trespass that he has trespassed against me.
καὶ ἐκπετάσω ἐπ’ αὐτὸν τὸ δίκτυόν μου καὶ ἁλώσεται ἐν τῇ περιοχῇ αὐτοῦ
21 All his fugitives in all his bands will fall by the sword, and those who remain will be scattered toward every wind. Then you will know that I, the LORD, have spoken it.’
ἐν πάσῃ παρατάξει αὐτοῦ ἐν ῥομφαίᾳ πεσοῦνται καὶ τοὺς καταλοίπους εἰς πάντα ἄνεμον διασπερῶ καὶ ἐπιγνώσεσθε διότι ἐγὼ κύριος λελάληκα
22 “The Lord GOD says: ‘I will also take some of the lofty top of the cedar, and will plant it. I will crop off from the topmost of its young twigs a tender one, and I will plant it on a high and lofty mountain.
διότι τάδε λέγει κύριος καὶ λήμψομαι ἐγὼ ἐκ τῶν ἐπιλέκτων τῆς κέδρου ἐκ κορυφῆς καρδίας αὐτῶν ἀποκνιῶ καὶ καταφυτεύσω ἐγὼ ἐπ’ ὄρος ὑψηλόν καὶ κρεμάσω αὐτὸν
23 I will plant it in the mountain of the height of Israel; and it will produce boughs, and bear fruit, and be a good cedar. Birds of every kind will dwell in the shade of its branches.
ἐν ὄρει μετεώρῳ τοῦ Ισραηλ καὶ καταφυτεύσω καὶ ἐξοίσει βλαστὸν καὶ ποιήσει καρπὸν καὶ ἔσται εἰς κέδρον μεγάλην καὶ ἀναπαύσεται ὑποκάτω αὐτοῦ πᾶν θηρίον καὶ πᾶν πετεινὸν ὑπὸ τὴν σκιὰν αὐτοῦ ἀναπαύσεται τὰ κλήματα αὐτοῦ ἀποκατασταθήσεται
24 All the trees of the field will know that I, the LORD, have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree flourish. “‘I, the LORD, have spoken and have done it.’”
καὶ γνώσονται πάντα τὰ ξύλα τοῦ πεδίου διότι ἐγὼ κύριος ὁ ταπεινῶν ξύλον ὑψηλὸν καὶ ὑψῶν ξύλον ταπεινὸν καὶ ξηραίνων ξύλον χλωρὸν καὶ ἀναθάλλων ξύλον ξηρόν ἐγὼ κύριος λελάληκα καὶ ποιήσω

< Ezekiel 17 >