< Exodus 26 >

1 “Moreover you shall make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, with cherubim. You shall make them with the work of a skillful workman.
“Uite tabhenakeri nezvidzitiro gumi zvomucheka wakarukwa zvakaisvonaka, nowebhuruu, pepuru nomutsvuku, namakerubhi akasonerwa mairi nemhizha dzamabasa amaoko.
2 The length of each curtain shall be twenty-eight cubits, and the width of each curtain four cubits: all the curtains shall have one measure.
Zvidzitiro zvose zvinofanira kuva zvakaenzana, zvakareba makubhiti makumi maviri namasere uye makubhiti mana paupamhi.
3 Five curtains shall be coupled together to one another, and the other five curtains shall be coupled to one another.
Ubatanidze zvidzitiro zvishanu pamwe chete, ugoita zvimwe chetezvo nezvimwe zvishanu.
4 You shall make loops of blue on the edge of the one curtain from the edge in the coupling, and you shall do likewise on the edge of the curtain that is outermost in the second coupling.
Uite zvishwe zvomucheka webhuruu kurutivi rwokumucheto wechidzitiro zvakabatanidzwa pamwe chete, uye ugoita zvimwe chete nechidzitiro chokumucheto mune zvimwe zvakabatanidzwa.
5 You shall make fifty loops in the one curtain, and you shall make fifty loops in the edge of the curtain that is in the second coupling. The loops shall be opposite one another.
Uite zvishwe makumi mashanu pachidzitiro chimwe chete uye makumi mashanu ezvishwe pamucheto wechidzitiro chezvimwe zvakabatanidzwa, zvishwe zvitarisane chimwe nechimwe.
6 You shall make fifty clasps of gold, and couple the curtains to one another with the clasps. The tabernacle shall be a unit.
Ipapo ugoita zvikoreko zvegoridhe makumi mashanu uye uzvishandise kubatanidza zvidzitiro pamwe chete kuitira kuti tabhenakeri ive chinhu chimwe.
7 “You shall make curtains of goats’ hair for a covering over the tabernacle. You shall make eleven curtains.
“Uite zvidzitiro zvamakushe embudzi zvetende riri pamusoro petabhenakeri, zvose zvive gumi nerimwe pamwe chete.
8 The length of each curtain shall be thirty cubits, and the width of each curtain four cubits: the eleven curtains shall have one measure.
Zvidzitiro zvose zviri gumi nerimwe zvinofanira kuenzana, makubhiti makumi matatu pakureba uye makubhiti mana paupamhi.
9 You shall couple five curtains by themselves, and six curtains by themselves, and shall double over the sixth curtain in the forefront of the tent.
Ubatanidze zvidzitiro zvishanu pamwe chete zviite chinhu chimwe chete uye zvimwe zvitanhatu zvivewo chinhu chimwe chete. Upete chidzitiro chechitanhatu kaviri pamberi petende.
10 You shall make fifty loops on the edge of the one curtain that is outermost in the coupling, and fifty loops on the edge of the curtain which is outermost in the second coupling.
Uite zvishwe makumi mashanu pamupendero wechidzitiro chokumucheto zvakabatanidzwa uyewo pamupendero wechidzitiro chokumucheto kwezvimwe zvakabatanidzwa.
11 You shall make fifty clasps of bronze, and put the clasps into the loops, and couple the tent together, that it may be one.
Ipapo ugoita zvikorekedzo zvendarira makumi mashanu ugozviisa muzvishwe kuti zvibatanidze tende pamwe chete chigova chinhu chimwe chete.
12 The overhanging part that remains of the curtains of the tent—the half curtain that remains—shall hang over the back of the tabernacle.
Kana zviri zvokuwedzera urefu hwezvidzitiro zvetende, hafu yechidzitiro inenge yasara inofanira kurembera necheshure kwetabhenakeri.
13 The cubit on the one side and the cubit on the other side, of that which remains in the length of the curtains of the tent, shall hang over the sides of the tabernacle on this side and on that side, to cover it.
Zvidzitiro zvetende zvinofanira kurebesa nekubhiti rimwe chete pamativi ose ari maviri; zvinenge zvasara zvinofanira kurembera pamativi etabhenakeri kuti zvigoifukidza.
14 You shall make a covering for the tent of rams’ skins dyed red, and a covering of sea cow hides above.
Uite chifukidzo chetende chamatehwe amakondobwe akapendwa nezvitsvuku, uye pamusoro paizvozvo chifukidzo chamatehwe emombe dzomugungwa.
15 “You shall make the boards for the tabernacle of acacia wood, standing upright.
“Uitire tabhenakeri mapuranga akati twi amatanda omuunga.
16 Ten cubits shall be the length of a board, and one and a half cubits the width of each board.
Puranga rimwe nerimwe rinofanira kureba makubhiti gumi uye kubhiti nehafu paupamhi,
17 There shall be two tenons in each board, joined to one another: thus you shall make for all the boards of the tabernacle.
nembambo mbiri dzakamiswa dzakatarisana. Uite mapuranga ose etabhenakeri nenzira iyoyi.
18 You shall make twenty boards for the tabernacle, for the south side southward.
Uite mapuranga makumi maviri okurutivi rwezasi rwetabhenakeri
19 You shall make forty sockets of silver under the twenty boards; two sockets under one board for its two tenons, and two sockets under another board for its two tenons.
uye uite zvigadziko zvesirivha makumi mana kuti zvive pasi pawo, zvigadziko zviviri papuranga rimwe nerimwe, chimwe chete pasi pembambo imwe neimwe.
20 For the second side of the tabernacle, on the north side, twenty boards,
Kuno rumwe rutivi, rwokumusoro kwetabhenakeri, uite mapuranga makumi maviri,
21 and their forty sockets of silver; two sockets under one board, and two sockets under another board.
uye zvigadziko zvesirivha makumi mana. Zviviri zviri pasi pepuranga rimwe nerimwe.
22 For the far side of the tabernacle westward you shall make six boards.
Uite mapuranga matanhatu kurutivi rwokumucheto cheto, ndiko kumavirira etabhenakeri,
23 You shall make two boards for the corners of the tabernacle in the far side.
uye uite mapuranga maviri amakona okumucheto cheto.
24 They shall be double beneath, and in the same way they shall be whole to its top to one ring: thus shall it be for them both; they shall be for the two corners.
Pamakona maviri aya, anofanira kuva maviri maviri kubva pasi kusvikira kumusoro, uye agadzikwe mumhete imwe chete; ose ari maviri ngaave saizvozvo.
25 There shall be eight boards, and their sockets of silver, sixteen sockets; two sockets under one board, and two sockets under another board.
Saka pachava namapuranga masere uye zvigadziko zvesirivha gumi nezvitanhatu, zviviri pasi pepuranga rimwe nerimwe.
26 “You shall make bars of acacia wood: five for the boards of the one side of the tabernacle,
“Uyewo uite mbariro dzamatanda omuunga: shanu dzamapuranga okuno rumwe rutivi rwetabhenakeri,
27 and five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the side of the tabernacle, for the far side westward.
shanu dzaaya ari pano rumwe rutivi, uye shanu dzamapuranga okumavirira, kumucheto cheto kwetabhenakeri.
28 The middle bar in the middle of the boards shall pass through from end to end.
Mbariro yapakati inofanira kutandavara kubva kumucheto kusvikira kuno mumwe mucheto napakati pamapuranga.
29 You shall overlay the boards with gold, and make their rings of gold for places for the bars. You shall overlay the bars with gold.
Ufukidze mapuranga negoridhe uye ugoita mhete dzegoridhe kuti dzigobata mbariro. Uyewo ufukidze mbariro negoridhe.
30 You shall set up the tabernacle according to the way that it was shown to you on the mountain.
“Umise tabhenakeri maererano nomufananidzo wawakaratidzwa mugomo.
31 “You shall make a veil of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen, with cherubim. It shall be the work of a skillful workman.
“Uite chidzitiro chebhuruu, nechepepuru nechitsvuku chomucheka wakarukwa zvakaisvonaka, namakerubhi akasonerwapo nenyanzvi yokusona.
32 You shall hang it on four pillars of acacia overlaid with gold; their hooks shall be of gold, on four sockets of silver.
Urirembedze nezvikorekedzo zvegoridhe pamatanda mana omuunga akafukidzwa negoridhe uye amire pamusoro pezvigadziko zvina zvesirivha.
33 You shall hang up the veil under the clasps, and shall bring the ark of the covenant in there within the veil. The veil shall separate the holy place from the most holy for you.
Urembedze chidzitiro pazvikorekedzo uye ugoisa areka yeChipupuriro shure kwechidzitiro. Chidzitiro ichi chichaparadzanisa nzvimbo tsvene nevnzvimbo tsvene-tsvene.
34 You shall put the mercy seat on the ark of the covenant in the most holy place.
Uise chifukidziro chokuyananisa pamusoro peareka yeChipupuriro iri munzvimbo tsvene-tsvene.
35 You shall set the table outside the veil, and the lamp stand opposite the table on the side of the tabernacle toward the south. You shall put the table on the north side.
Uise tafura kunze kwechidzitiro nechokumusoro kwetabhenakeri ugogadzika chigadziko chomwenje chakatarisana nayo nechezasi.
36 “You shall make a screen for the door of the Tent, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen, the work of the embroiderer.
“Pamukova wokupinda mutende uite chidzitiro chewuru yebhuruu, pepuru netsvuku uye nomucheka wakarukwa zvakaisvonaka, basa romusoni anogona.
37 You shall make for the screen five pillars of acacia, and overlay them with gold. Their hooks shall be of gold. You shall cast five sockets of bronze for them.
Uite zvikorekedzo zvegoridhe zvechidzitiro ichi uye matanda mashanu omuunga akafukidzwa negoridhe. Uye uaumbire zvigadziko zvishanu zvendarira.

< Exodus 26 >