< Deuteronomy 4 >

1 Now, Israel, listen to the statutes and to the ordinances which I teach you, to do them, that you may live and go in and possess the land which the LORD, the God of your fathers, gives you.
A sada, Izrailju, èuj uredbe i zakone, koje vas uèim da tvorite, da biste poživjeli i ušli u zemlju koju vam daje Gospod Bog otaca vaših i da biste je naslijedili.
2 You shall not add to the word which I command you, neither shall you take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
Ništa ne dodajte k rijeèi koju vam ja zapovijedam, niti oduzmite od nje, da biste saèuvali zapovijesti Gospoda Boga svojega koje vam ja zapovijedam.
3 Your eyes have seen what the LORD did because of Baal Peor; for the LORD your God has destroyed all the men who followed Baal Peor from among you.
Oèi su vaše vidjele šta uèini Gospod s Velfegora; jer svakoga èovjeka koji poðe za Velfegorom istrijebi Gospod Bog tvoj izmeðu tebe.
4 But you who were faithful to the LORD your God are all alive today.
A vi koji se držaste Gospoda Boga svojega, vi ste svi živi danas.
5 Behold, I have taught you statutes and ordinances, even as the LORD my God commanded me, that you should do so in the middle of the land where you go in to possess it.
Gle, uèio sam vas uredbama i zakonima, kao što mi zapovjedi Gospod Bog moj, da biste tako tvorili u zemlji u koju idete da je naslijedite.
6 Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who shall hear all these statutes and say, “Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.”
Držite dakle i izvršujte ih, jer je to mudrost vaša i razum vaš pred narodima, koji æe kad èuju sve ove uredbe reæi: samo je ovaj veliki narod narod mudar i razuman.
7 For what great nation is there that has a god so near to them as the LORD our God is whenever we call on him?
Jer koji je veliki narod kojemu je Bog blizu kao što je Gospod Bog naš kad ga god zazovemo?
8 What great nation is there that has statutes and ordinances so righteous as all this law which I set before you today?
I koji je narod veliki koji ima uredbe i zakone pravedne kao što je sav ovaj zakon koji iznosim danas pred vas?
9 Only be careful, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things which your eyes saw, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life; but make them known to your children and your children’s children—
Samo pazi na se i dobro èuvaj dušu svoju, da ne zaboraviš onijeh stvari koje su vidjele oèi tvoje, i da ne izidu iz srca tvojega dokle si god živ; nego da ih obznaniš sinovima svojim i sinovima sinova svojih.
10 the day that you stood before the LORD your God in Horeb, when the LORD said to me, “Assemble the people to me, and I will make them hear my words, that they may learn to fear me all the days that they live on the earth, and that they may teach their children.”
Onaj dan kad stajaste pred Gospodom Bogom svojim kod Horiva, kad mi Gospod reèe: saberi mi narod da im kažem rijeèi svoje, kojima æe se nauèiti da me se boje dok su živi na zemlji, i da uèe tome i sinove svoje;
11 You came near and stood under the mountain. The mountain burned with fire to the heart of the sky, with darkness, cloud, and thick darkness.
Kad pristupiste i stajaste pod gorom, a gora ognjem goraše do samoga neba i bješe na njoj tama i oblak i mrak;
12 The LORD spoke to you out of the middle of the fire: you heard the voice of words, but you saw no form; you only heard a voice.
I progovori Gospod k vama isred ognja; glas od rijeèi èuste, ali osim glasa lika ne vidjeste;
13 He declared to you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even the ten commandments. He wrote them on two stone tablets.
I objavi vam zavjet svoj, koji vam zapovjedi da držite, deset rijeèi, koje napisa na dvije ploèe kamene.
14 The LORD commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and ordinances, that you might do them in the land where you go over to possess it.
I meni zapovjedi onda Gospod da vas uèim uredbama i zakonima da ih tvorite u zemlji u koju idete da je naslijedite.
15 Be very careful, for you saw no kind of form on the day that the LORD spoke to you in Horeb out of the middle of the fire,
Zato èuvajte dobro duše svoje; jer ne vidjeste nikakoga lika u onaj dan kad vam govori Gospod na Horivu isred ognja,
16 lest you corrupt yourselves, and make yourself a carved image in the form of any figure, the likeness of male or female,
Da se ne biste pokvarili i naèinili sebi lik rezan ili kaku god sliku od èovjeka ili od žene,
17 the likeness of any animal that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged bird that flies in the sky,
Sliku od kakoga živinèeta koje je na zemlji, ili sliku od kake ptice krilate koja leti ispod neba;
18 the likeness of anything that creeps on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the water under the earth;
Sliku od èega što puže po zemlji, ili sliku od kake ribe koja je u vodi pod zemljom;
19 and lest you lift up your eyes to the sky, and when you see the sun and the moon and the stars, even all the army of the sky, you are drawn away and worship them, and serve them, which the LORD your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole sky.
I da ne bi podigavši oèi svoje k nebu i vidjevši sunce i mjesec i zvijezde, svu vojsku nebesku, prevario se i klanjao im se i služio im; jer ih Gospod Bog tvoj dade svijem narodima pod cijelijem nebom;
20 But the LORD has taken you, and brought you out of the iron furnace, out of Egypt, to be to him a people of inheritance, as it is today.
A vas uze Gospod i izvede vas iz peæi gvozdene, iz Misira, da mu budete narod našljedni, kao što se vidi danas.
21 Furthermore the LORD was angry with me for your sakes, and swore that I should not go over the Jordan, and that I should not go in to that good land which the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance;
Ali se Gospod razgnjevi na me za vaše rijeèi, i zakle se da neæu prijeæi preko Jordana ni uæi u dobru zemlju, koju ti Gospod Bog tvoj daje u našljedstvo.
22 but I must die in this land. I must not go over the Jordan, but you shall go over and possess that good land.
I ja æu umrijeti u ovoj zemlji i neæu prijeæi preko Jordana; a vi æete prijeæi i naslijediti onu dobru zemlju.
23 Be careful, lest you forget the covenant of the LORD your God, which he made with you, and make yourselves a carved image in the form of anything which the LORD your God has forbidden you.
Pazite da ne zaboravite zavjeta Gospoda Boga svojega, koji uèini s vama, i da ne gradite sebi lika rezanoga, slike od koje god tvari, kao što ti je zabranio Gospod Bog tvoj.
24 For the LORD your God is a devouring fire, a jealous God.
Jer je Gospod Bog tvoj oganj koji spaljuje i Bog koji revnuje.
25 When you father children and children’s children, and you have been long in the land, and then corrupt yourselves, and make a carved image in the form of anything, and do that which is evil in the LORD your God’s sight to provoke him to anger,
Kad izrodiš sinove i unuke, i ostarite u onoj zemlji, ako se pokvarite i naèinite sliku rezanu od kake tvari i uèinite što nije ugodno Gospodu Bogu vašemu, dražeæi ga,
26 I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that you will soon utterly perish from off the land which you go over the Jordan to possess it. You will not prolong your days on it, but will utterly be destroyed.
Svjedoèim vam danas nebom i zemljom da æe vas brzo nestati sa zemlje u koju idete preko Jordana da je naslijedite, neæete biti dugo u njoj, nego æete se istrijebiti.
27 The LORD will scatter you among the peoples, and you will be left few in number among the nations where the LORD will lead you away.
Ili æe vas rasijati Gospod meðu narode, i malo æe vas ostati meðu narodima u koje vas odvede Gospod;
28 There you will serve gods, the work of men’s hands, wood and stone, which neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell.
I služiæete ondje bogovima koje su naèinile ruke èovjeèije, od drveta i od kamena, koji ne vide ni èuju, niti jedu ni mirišu.
29 But from there you shall seek the LORD your God, and you will find him when you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Ali ako i ondje potražiš Gospoda Boga svojega, naæi æeš ga, ako ga potražiš svijem srcem svojim i svom dušom svojom.
30 When you are in oppression, and all these things have come on you, in the latter days you shall return to the LORD your God and listen to his voice.
Kad budeš u nevolji i sve te to snaðe, ako se u pošljednje vrijeme obratiš ka Gospodu Bogu svojemu, i poslušaš glas njegov,
31 For the LORD your God is a merciful God. He will not fail you nor destroy you, nor forget the covenant of your fathers which he swore to them.
Gospod je Bog tvoj milostiv Bog, neæe te ostaviti ni istrijebiti, jer neæe zaboraviti zavjeta s ocima tvojim, za koji im se zakleo.
32 For ask now of the days that are past, which were before you, since the day that God created man on the earth, and from the one end of the sky to the other, whether there has been anything as great as this thing is, or has been heard like it?
Jer zapitaj sada za stara vremena, koja su bila prije tebe, od onoga dana kad stvori Bog èovjeka na zemlji, i od jednoga kraja neba do drugoga, je li kad bila ovaka stvar velika, i je li se kad èulo što tako?
33 Did a people ever hear the voice of God speaking out of the middle of the fire, as you have heard, and live?
Je li kad èuo koji narod glas Božji gdje govori isred ognja, kao što si ti èuo i ostao živ?
34 Or has God tried to go and take a nation for himself from among another nation, by trials, by signs, by wonders, by war, by a mighty hand, by an outstretched arm, and by great terrors, according to all that the LORD your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes?
Ili, je li Bog pokušao da doðe te uzme sebi narod iz drugoga naroda kušanjem, znacima i èudesima i ratom i rukom krjepkom i mišicom podignutom i strahotama velikim, kao što je uèinio sve to za vas Gospod Bog naš u Misiru na vaše oèi?
35 It was shown to you so that you might know that the LORD is God. There is no one else besides him.
Tebi je to pokazano da poznaš da je Gospod Bog, i da nema drugoga osim njega.
36 Out of heaven he made you to hear his voice, that he might instruct you. On earth he made you to see his great fire; and you heard his words out of the middle of the fire.
Dao ti je da èuješ glas njegov s neba da bi te nauèio, i pokazao ti je na zemlji oganj svoj veliki, i rijeèi njegove èuo si isred ognja.
37 Because he loved your fathers, therefore he chose their offspring after them, and brought you out with his presence, with his great power, out of Egypt;
I što mu mili bijahu oci tvoji, zato izabra sjeme njihovo nakon njih, i izvede te sam velikom silom svojom iz Misira,
38 to drive out nations from before you greater and mightier than you, to bring you in, to give you their land for an inheritance, as it is today.
Da otjera ispred tebe narode veæe i jaèe od tebe, i da tebe uvede u njihovu zemlju i dade ti je u našljedstvo, kao što se vidi danas.
39 Know therefore today, and take it to heart, that the LORD himself is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath. There is no one else.
Znaj dakle i pamti u srcu svojem da je Gospod Bog, gore na nebu i dolje na zemlji, nema drugoga.
40 You shall keep his statutes and his commandments which I command you today, that it may go well with you and with your children after you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which the LORD your God gives you for all time.
I drži uredbe njegove i zapovijesti njegove, koje ti ja danas zapovijedam, da bi dobro bilo tebi i sinovima tvojim nakon tebe, da bi ti se produljili dani na zemlji koju ti Gospod Bog tvoj daje zasvagda.
41 Then Moses set apart three cities beyond the Jordan toward the sunrise,
Tada odijeli Mojsije tri grada s ovu stranu Jordana prema istoku,
42 that the man slayer might flee there, who kills his neighbor unintentionally and did not hate him in time past, and that fleeing to one of these cities he might live:
Da bi utjecao u njih krvnik koji ubije bližnjega svojega nehotice ne mrzivši prije na nj, i kad uteèe u koji od tijeh gradova, da bi ostao živ:
43 Bezer in the wilderness, in the plain country, for the Reubenites; and Ramoth in Gilead for the Gadites; and Golan in Bashan for the Manassites.
Vosor u pustinji, na ravnici u zemlji plemena Ruvimova, i Ramot u Galadu u plemenu Gadovu, Golan u Vasanskoj u plemenu Manasijinu.
44 This is the law which Moses set before the children of Israel.
Ovo je zakon koji postavi Mojsije sinovima Izrailjevijem.
45 These are the testimonies, and the statutes, and the ordinances which Moses spoke to the children of Israel when they came out of Egypt,
Ovo su svjedoèanstva i uredbe i zakoni, koje kaza Mojsije sinovima Izrailjevijem kad izidoše iz Misira,
46 beyond the Jordan, in the valley opposite Beth Peor, in the land of Sihon king of the Amorites, who lived at Heshbon, whom Moses and the children of Israel struck when they came out of Egypt.
S ovu stranu Jordana u dolini prema Vet-Fegoru u zemlji Siona cara Amorejskoga, koji življaše u Esevonu, kojega ubi Mojsije i sinovi Izrailjevi kad izidoše iz Misira,
47 They took possession of his land and the land of Og king of Bashan, the two kings of the Amorites, who were beyond the Jordan toward the sunrise;
I osvojiše zemlju njegovu i zemlju Oga cara Vasanskoga, dva cara Amorejska, koja je s ovu stranu Jordana prema istoku,
48 from Aroer, which is on the edge of the valley of the Arnon, even to Mount Zion (also called Hermon),
Od Aroira, koji je na potoku Arnonu, do gore Siona, a to je Ermon,
49 and all the Arabah beyond the Jordan eastward, even to the sea of the Arabah, under the slopes of Pisgah.
I sve polje s ovu stranu Jordana prema istoku do mora uz ravnicu pod Azdot-Fazgom.

< Deuteronomy 4 >