< Deuteronomy 13 >

1 If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you, and he gives you a sign or a wonder,
“Ne nyagblɔɖila aɖe le mia dome alo ame si gblɔna be yeate ŋu anya nu si le dzɔdzɔ ge to drɔ̃ekuku me,
2 and the sign or the wonder comes to pass, of which he spoke to you, saying, “Let’s go after other gods” (which you have not known) “and let’s serve them,”
ne eƒe nyagblɔɖiwo vaa eme, gake wògblɔna be, ‘Miva, mina míasubɔ dukɔ bubuawo ƒe mawuwo’ la,
3 you shall not listen to the words of that prophet, or to that dreamer of dreams; for the LORD your God is testing you, to know whether you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
migaɖo to eƒe nya o. Yehowa miaƒe Mawu le mia dome be yeanya ne mielɔ̃ ye le nyateƒe me kple miaƒe dzi blibo kple luʋɔ blibo loo alo mielɔ̃e o.
4 You shall walk after the LORD your God, fear him, keep his commandments, and obey his voice. You shall serve him, and cling to him.
Migasubɔ mawu bubu aɖeke gbeɖegbeɖe o. Misubɔ Yehowa miaƒe Mawu ko. Miwɔ ɖe eya ko ƒe sewo dzi, eye mialé ɖe eŋu.
5 That prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death, because he has spoken rebellion against the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to draw you aside out of the way which the LORD your God commanded you to walk in. So you shall remove the evil from among you.
“Ele be woawu nyagblɔɖila alo drɔ̃ekula si dina be yeakplɔ mi atrae, elabena edina be yeana miadze aglã ɖe Yehowa, miaƒe Mawu, ame si kplɔ mi tso kluvinyenye me le Egiptenyigba dzi la ŋu. Ne miewui la, miaɖe nu vɔ̃ ɖa le mia dome.
6 If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son, or your daughter, or the wife of your bosom, or your friend who is as your own soul, entices you secretly, saying, “Let’s go and serve other gods”—which you have not known, you, nor your fathers;
Ne nɔviwò ŋutsu, viwò ŋutsu, viwò nyɔnu, srɔ̃wò lɔlɔ̃a, alo xɔwò vevitɔ kekeake si le abe wò ŋutɔ wò luʋɔ ene agblɔ na wò le adzame be, ‘Na míayi aɖasubɔ mawu bubuwo (mawu siwo miawo ŋutɔ kple mia fofowo mienya o,
7 of the gods of the peoples who are around you, near to you, or far off from you, from the one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth—
dukɔ siwo ƒo xlã mi ƒe mawuwo, mawu siwo te ɖe mia ŋu alo le adzɔge ʋĩi, tso anyigba ƒe seƒe ɖeka yi eƒe seƒe bubu’ la),
8 you shall not consent to him nor listen to him; neither shall your eye pity him, neither shall you spare, neither shall you conceal him;
migalɔ̃ o, eye migakpɔ nublanui nɛ hã o. Migaɖee tso to si woahe nɛ la me o, eye migaɣla nya vɔ̃ɖi si wògblɔ na mi la hã o.
9 but you shall surely kill him. Your hand shall be first on him to put him to death, and afterwards the hands of all the people.
Miwui! Nànye ame gbãtɔ si atso ɖe ewuwu ŋu, eye ame bubuawo katã ƒe asi akpe ɖe ŋuwò.
10 You shall stone him to death with stones, because he has sought to draw you away from the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
Miƒu kpee wòaku, elabena edze agbagba be yeahe mi ɖa tso Yehowa, mia Mawu, ame si kplɔ mi tso kluvinyenye me le Egipte la gbɔ.
11 All Israel shall hear, and fear, and shall not do any more wickedness like this among you.
Ekema Israel katã asee, eye woavɔ̃, eye ame aɖeke maganɔ mia dome si awɔ nu vɔ̃ɖi sia tɔgbi ake o.
12 If you hear about one of your cities, which the LORD your God gives you to dwell there, that
“Ne miele du siwo Yehowa miaƒe Mawu na mi me, eye miese
13 certain wicked fellows have gone out from among you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, “Let’s go and serve other gods,” which you have not known,
be yakame aɖewo tso miaƒe dukɔ me kplɔ miaƒe dumetɔ aɖewo trae be, ‘Woasubɔ mawu siwo miesubɔ kpɔ o’ la,
14 then you shall inquire, investigate, and ask diligently. Behold, if it is true, and the thing certain, that such abomination was done among you,
miku nya la gɔme nyuie. Ne enye nyateƒe be nu vɔ̃ɖi sia va eme la,
15 you shall surely strike the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, with all that is therein and its livestock, with the edge of the sword.
ekema ele be miaho aʋa ɖe du ma ŋu. Miwu dua me tɔwo kple lãwo katã hã. Migbã du la gudugudu.
16 You shall gather all its plunder into the middle of its street, and shall burn with fire the city, with all of its plunder, to the LORD your God. It shall be a heap forever. It shall not be built again.
Le esia megbe la, ele be miaƒo woƒe nuwo katã nu ƒu ɖe ablɔ ƒe titina, eye miatɔ dzo wo. Emegbe la, miatɔ dzo du blibo la abe numevɔsa na Yehowa miaƒe Mawu, mìaƒe Mawu la ene. Mina du ma teƒe natsi anyi nenema: migana woagbugbɔe atu o.
17 Nothing of the devoted thing shall cling to your hand, that the LORD may turn from the fierceness of his anger and show you mercy, and have compassion on you and multiply you, as he has sworn to your fathers,
Migatsɔ woƒe nuwo dometɔ aɖeke na mia ɖokuiwo o! Ekema Yehowa miaƒe Mawu aɖe asi le eƒe dɔmedzoe helĩhelĩ la ŋu, akpɔ nublanui na mi, eye wòawɔ mi dukɔ gã aɖe abe ale si wòdo ŋugbe na mia tɔgbuiwo ene.
18 when you listen to the LORD your God’s voice, to keep all his commandments which I command you today, to do that which is right in the LORD your God’s eyes.
Nu si ko ana Yehowa miaƒe Mawu la nakpɔ nublanui na mi lae nye, ne mieɖo toe, ne miewɔ ɖe eƒe se siwo mele dedem na mi egbe la dzi, eye ne miewɔ nu si nye nu dzɔdzɔe le Yehowa miaƒe Mawu ŋkume.”

< Deuteronomy 13 >