< 2 Samuel 3 >

1 Now there was long war between Saul’s house and David’s house. David grew stronger and stronger, but Saul’s house grew weaker and weaker.
Facta est ergo longa concertatio inter domum David, et inter domum Saulis: David proficiscens, et semper seipso robustior, domus autem Saul decrescens quotidie.
2 Sons were born to David in Hebron. His firstborn was Amnon, of Ahinoam the Jezreelitess;
Natique sunt filii David in Hebron: fuitque primogenitus eius Amnon de Achinoam Iezraelitide.
3 and his second, Chileab, of Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite; and the third, Absalom the son of Maacah the daughter of Talmai king of Geshur;
Et post eum Cheleab de Abigail uxore Nabal Carmeli: porro tertius Absalom filius Maacha filiae Tholmai regis Gessur.
4 and the fourth, Adonijah the son of Haggith; and the fifth, Shephatiah the son of Abital;
Quartus autem Adonias, filius Haggith: et quintus Saphathia, filius Abital.
5 and the sixth, Ithream, of Eglah, David’s wife. These were born to David in Hebron.
Sextus quoque Iethraam de Egla uxore David. hi nati sunt David in Hebron.
6 While there was war between Saul’s house and David’s house, Abner made himself strong in Saul’s house.
Cum ergo esset praelium inter domum Saul et domum David, Abner filius Ner regebat domum Saul.
7 Now Saul had a concubine, whose name was Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah; and Ishbosheth said to Abner, “Why have you gone in to my father’s concubine?”
Fuerat autem Sauli concubina nomine Respha, filia Aia. Dixitque Isboseth ad Abner:
8 Then Abner was very angry about Ishbosheth’s words, and said, “Am I a dog’s head that belongs to Judah? Today I show kindness to your father Saul’s house, to his brothers, and to his friends, and have not delivered you into the hand of David; and yet you charge me today with a fault concerning this woman!
Quare ingressus es ad concubinam patris mei? Qui iratus nimis propter verba Isboseth, ait: Numquid caput canis ego sum adversum Iudam hodie, qui fecerim misericordiam super domum Saul patris tui, et super fratres et proximos eius, et non tradidi te in manus David, et tu requisisti in me quod argueres pro muliere hodie?
9 God do so to Abner, and more also, if, as the LORD has sworn to David, I do not do even so to him:
Haec faciat Deus Abner, et haec addat ei, nisi quomodo iuravit Dominus David, sic faciam cum eo,
10 to transfer the kingdom from Saul’s house, and to set up David’s throne over Israel and over Judah, from Dan even to Beersheba.”
ut transferatur regnum de domo Saul, et elevetur thronus David super Israel, et super Iudam, a Dan usque Bersabee.
11 He could not answer Abner another word, because he was afraid of him.
Et non potuit respondere ei quidquam, quia metuebat illum.
12 Abner sent messengers to David on his behalf, saying, “Whose is the land?” and saying, “Make your alliance with me, and behold, my hand will be with you to bring all Israel around to you.”
Misit ergo Abner nuncios ad David pro se dicentes: Cuius est terra? Et ut loquerentur: Fac mecum amicitias, et erit manus mea tecum, et reducam ad te universum Israel.
13 David said, “Good. I will make a treaty with you, but one thing I require of you. That is, you will not see my face unless you first bring Michal, Saul’s daughter, when you come to see my face.”
Qui ait: Optime: ego faciam tecum amicitias: sed unam rem peto a te, dicens: Non videbis faciem meam antequam adduxeris Michol filiam Saul: et sic venies, et videbis me.
14 David sent messengers to Ishbosheth, Saul’s son, saying, “Deliver me my wife Michal, whom I was given to marry for one hundred foreskins of the Philistines.”
Misit autem David nuncios ad Isboseth filium Saul, dicens: Redde uxorem meam Michol, quam despondi mihi centum praeputiis Philisthiim.
15 Ishbosheth sent and took her from her husband, Paltiel the son of Laish.
Misit ergo Isboseth, et tulit eam a viro suo Phaltiel, filio Lais.
16 Her husband went with her, weeping as he went, and followed her to Bahurim. Then Abner said to him, “Go! Return!” and he returned.
Sequebaturque eam vir suus, plorans usque Bahurim: et dixit ad eum Abner: Vade, et revertere. Qui reversus est.
17 Abner had communication with the elders of Israel, saying, “In times past, you sought for David to be king over you.
Sermonem quoque intulit Abner ad seniores Israel, dicens: Tam heri quam nudiustertius quaerebatis David ut regnaret super vos.
18 Now then do it! For the LORD has spoken of David, saying, ‘By the hand of my servant David, I will save my people Israel out of the hand of the Philistines, and out of the hand of all their enemies.’”
Nunc ergo facite: quoniam Dominus locutus est ad David, dicens: In manu servi mei David salvabo populum meum Israel de manu Philisthiim, et omnium inimicorum eius.
19 Abner also spoke in the ears of Benjamin; and Abner went also to speak in the ears of David in Hebron all that seemed good to Israel and to the whole house of Benjamin.
Locutus est autem Abner etiam ad Beniamin. Et abiit ut loqueretur ad David in Hebron omnia quae placuerant Israeli, et universo Beniamin.
20 So Abner came to David to Hebron, and twenty men with him. David made Abner and the men who were with him a feast.
Venitque ad David in Hebron cum viginti viris: et fecit David Abner, et viri eius qui venerant cum eo, convivium.
21 Abner said to David, “I will arise and go, and will gather all Israel to my lord the king, that they may make a covenant with you, and that you may reign over all that your soul desires.” David sent Abner away; and he went in peace.
Et dixit Abner ad David: Surgam, ut congregem ad te dominum meum regem omnem Israel, et ineam tecum foedus, et imperes omnibus, sicut desiderat anima tua. Cum ergo deduxisset David Abner, et ille isset in pace,
22 Behold, David’s servants and Joab came from a raid and brought in a great plunder with them; but Abner was not with David in Hebron, for he had sent him away, and he had gone in peace.
statim pueri David, et Ioab venerunt, caesis latronibus, cum praeda magna nimis: Abner autem non erat cum David in Hebron, quia iam dimiserat eum, et profectus fuerat in pace.
23 When Joab and all the army who was with him had come, they told Joab, “Abner the son of Ner came to the king, and he has sent him away, and he has gone in peace.”
Et Ioab, et omnis exercitus, qui erant cum eo, postea venerunt: nunciatum est itaque Ioab a narrantibus: Venit Abner filius Ner ad regem, et dimisit eum, et abiit in pace.
24 Then Joab came to the king and said, “What have you done? Behold, Abner came to you. Why is it that you have sent him away, and he is already gone?
Et ingressus est Ioab ad regem, et ait: Quid fecisti? Ecce venit Abner ad te: quare dimisisti eum, et abiit et recessit?
25 You know Abner the son of Ner. He came to deceive you, and to know your going out and your coming in, and to know all that you do.”
ignoras Abner filium Ner, quoniam ad hoc venit ad te ut deciperet te, et sciret exitum tuum, et introitum tuum, et nosset omnia quae agis?
26 When Joab had come out from David, he sent messengers after Abner, and they brought him back from the well of Sirah; but David did not know it.
Egressus itaque Ioab a David, misit nuncios post Abner, et reduxit eum a cisterna Sira, ignorante David.
27 When Abner had returned to Hebron, Joab took him aside into the middle of the gate to speak with him quietly, and struck him there in the body, so that he died for the blood of Asahel his brother.
Cumque rediisset Abner in Hebron, seorsum adduxit eum Ioab ad medium portae, ut loqueretur ei, in dolo: et percussit illum ibi in inguine, et mortuus est in ultionem sanguinis Asael fratris eius.
28 Afterward, when David heard it, he said, “I and my kingdom are guiltless before the LORD forever of the blood of Abner the son of Ner.
Quod cum audisset David rem iam gestam, ait: Mundus ego sum, et regnum meum apud Deum usque in sempiternum a sanguine Abner filii Ner,
29 Let it fall on the head of Joab and on all his father’s house. Let there not fail from the house of Joab one who has a discharge, or who is a leper, or who leans on a staff, or who falls by the sword, or who lacks bread.”
et veniat super caput Ioab, et super omnem domum patris eius: nec deficiat de domo Ioab fluxum seminis sustinens, et leprosus, et tenens fusum, et cadens gladio, et indigens pane.
30 So Joab and Abishai his brother killed Abner, because he had killed their brother Asahel at Gibeon in the battle.
Igitur Ioab et Abisai frater eius interfecerunt Abner, eo quod occidisset Asael fratrem eorum in Gabaon in praelio.
31 David said to Joab and to all the people who were with him, “Tear your clothes, and clothe yourselves with sackcloth, and mourn in front of Abner.” King David followed the bier.
Dixit autem David ad Ioab, et ad omnem populum, qui erat cum eo: Scindite vestimenta vestra, et accingimini saccis, et plangite ante exequias Abner. porro rex David sequebatur feretrum.
32 They buried Abner in Hebron; and the king lifted up his voice and wept at Abner’s grave; and all the people wept.
Cumque sepelissent Abner in Hebron, levavit rex David vocem suam, et flevit super tumulum Abner: flevit autem et omnis populus.
33 The king lamented for Abner, and said, “Should Abner die as a fool dies?
Plangensque rex et lugens Abner, ait: Nequaquam ut mori solent ignavi, mortuus est Abner.
34 Your hands were not bound, and your feet were not put into fetters. As a man falls before the children of iniquity, so you fell.” All the people wept again over him.
Manus tuae ligatae non sunt, et pedes tui non sunt compedibus aggravati: sed sicut solent cadere coram filiis iniquitatis, sic corruisti. Congeminansque omnis populus flevit super eum.
35 All the people came to urge David to eat bread while it was yet day; but David swore, saying, “God do so to me, and more also, if I taste bread or anything else, until the sun goes down.”
Cumque venisset universa multitudo cibum capere cum David, clara adhuc die iuravit David, dicens: Haec faciat mihi Deus, et haec addat, si ante occasum solis gustavero panem vel aliud quidquam.
36 All the people took notice of it, and it pleased them, as whatever the king did pleased all the people.
Omnisque populus audivit, et placuerunt eis cuncta quae fecit rex in conspectu totius populi.
37 So all the people and all Israel understood that day that it was not of the king to kill Abner the son of Ner.
et cognovit omne vulgus, et universus Israel in die illa quoniam non actum fuisset a rege ut occideretur Abner filius Ner.
38 The king said to his servants, “Do not you know that a prince and a great man has fallen today in Israel?
Dixit quoque rex ad servos suos: Num ignoratis quoniam princeps et maximus cecidit hodie in Israel?
39 I am weak today, though anointed king. These men, the sons of Zeruiah are too hard for me. May the LORD reward the evildoer according to his wickedness.”
Ego autem adhuc delicatus, et unctus rex: porro viri isti filii Sarviae duri sunt mihi: retribuat Dominus facienti malum iuxta malitiam suam.

< 2 Samuel 3 >