< 1 Chronicles 29 >

1 David the king said to all the assembly, “Solomon my son, whom alone God has chosen, is yet young and tender, and the work is great; for the palace is not for man, but for the LORD God.
Fia David trɔ ɖe ameha la gbɔ azɔ hegblɔ na wo be, “Vinye Solomo, ame si Mawu tia be wòanye Israel fia yeyea la, ɖekakpui dzaa aɖe ko wònye, mekpɔ nuteƒe o, ke dɔ si dze ŋgɔe la nye dɔ gã aɖe elabena gbedoxɔ si wòatu la menye xɔ bubu aɖe ko wòanye o. Yehowa Mawu ŋutɔ ƒe xɔe!
2 Now I have prepared with all my might for the house of my God the gold for the things of gold, the silver for the things of silver, the bronze for the things of bronze, iron for the things of iron, and wood for the things of wood, also onyx stones, stones to be set, stones for inlaid work of various colors, all kinds of precious stones, and marble stones in abundance.
Mewɔ nu sia nu si le nye ŋutete me eye medi nu siwo katã hiã na xɔ la tutu, esiwo nye sika, klosalo, akɔbli, gayibɔ, ati, ‘oni’ kple kpe xɔasi bubuwo, adzagba xɔasiwo kple kpeɣi.
3 In addition, because I have set my affection on the house of my God, since I have a treasure of my own of gold and silver, I give it to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house:
Azɔ esi wònye ɖe metsɔ ɖokuinye sa vɔe ɖe nye Mawu ƒe gbedoxɔ la tutu ŋu ta la, metsɔ nye ŋutɔ nye kesinɔnu siwo nye sika kple klosalo kpe ɖe xɔtunu siwo medi da ɖi la ŋu hena nye Mawu la ƒe gbedoxɔ la tutu.
4 even three thousand talents of gold, of the gold of Ophir, and seven thousand talents of refined silver, with which to overlay the walls of the houses;
“Mena sika nyuitɔ tso Ofir ‘tɔn’ alafa ɖeka kple klosalo nyuitɔ ‘tɔn’ alafa eve blaene be woatsɔ afa ɖe gliawo ŋu
5 of gold for the things of gold, and of silver for the things of silver, and for all kinds of work to be made by the hands of artisans. Who then offers willingly to consecrate himself today to the LORD?”
eye sikanuwɔlawo kple klosalonuwɔlawo natsɔ wo awɔ sikanuwo kple klosalonuwo. Azɔ la, ame kae lɔ̃ be yeakɔ ye ɖokui ŋuti egbea na Yehowa?”
6 Then the princes of the fathers’ households, and the princes of the tribes of Israel, and the captains of thousands and of hundreds, with the rulers over the king’s work, offered willingly;
Tete ƒometatɔwo, Israel ƒe towo ƒe tatɔwo, asrafo akpe ɖeka kple asrafo alafa ɖeka nunɔlawo kple fia la ƒe dɔnunɔlawo na nu lɔlɔ̃nutɔe.
7 and they gave for the service of God’s house of gold five thousand talents and ten thousand darics, of silver ten thousand talents, of bronze eighteen thousand talents, and of iron one hundred thousand talents.
Wona nu hena dɔwɔwɔ le Mawu ƒe gbedoxɔ la ŋuti. Wona sika “tɔn” alafa ɖeka blaadre, sika kilogram blaenyi-vɔ-ene kple klosalo “tɔn” alafa etɔ̃ blaene-vɔ-atɔ̃ kple akɔbli “tɔn” alafa ade kple ewo kple gayibɔ “tɔn” akpe etɔ̃ alafa ene blaatɔ̃.
8 People with whom precious stones were found gave them to the treasure of the LORD’s house, under the hand of Jehiel the Gershonite.
Wogatsɔ kpe xɔasi sɔ gbɔ aɖe na Yehiel, Gerson ƒe dzidzimevi aɖe be, wòatsɔ ade gbedoxɔ la ƒe nudzraɖoƒe.
9 Then the people rejoiced, because they offered willingly, because with a perfect heart they offered willingly to the LORD; and David the king also rejoiced with great joy.
Ame sia ame kpɔ dzidzɔ le lɔlɔ̃nununanakpekpeɖeŋunana ƒe mɔnukpɔkpɔ sia ŋu. Fia David ŋutɔ hã kpɔ dzidzɔ ŋutɔ.
10 Therefore David blessed the LORD before all the assembly; and David said, “You are blessed, LORD, the God of Israel our father, forever and ever.
David ganɔ ameha blibo la ŋkume eye wòkafu Yehowa gblɔ bena, “Oo, Yehowa, mía fofo Israel ƒe Mawu, woakafu wò ŋkɔ tegbetegbe.
11 Yours, LORD, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty! For all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, LORD, and you are exalted as head above all.
Tɔwòe nye ŋusẽ, ŋutikɔkɔe, dziɖuɖu kple gãnyenye. Oo, Yehowa, tɔwòe nye nu sia nu si le dziƒo kple anyigba dzi, míekafu wò be nu sia nu le wò dzikpɔkpɔ te.
12 Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all! In your hand is power and might! It is in your hand to make great, and to give strength to all!
Wò ɖeka gbɔ ko kesinɔnuwo kple bubu tsona; wòe nye amegbetɔƒomea dziɖula. Asiwòmee gãnyenye kple ŋusẽ le eye wòe naa gãnyenye kple ŋusẽ ame.
13 Now therefore, our God, we thank you and praise your glorious name.
Oo, mía Mawu, míeda akpe na wò eye míekafu wò ŋkɔ kɔkɔe la.
14 But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly as this? For all things come from you, and we have given you of your own.
“Ke ame kae menye eye ame kawoe nye amewo nye be nàɖe mɔ na mí be míana nane wò? Gbɔwòe nu sia nu si le mía si la tso eye nu si nye tɔwò xoxo la ko míetsɔ na wò!
15 For we are strangers before you and foreigners, as all our fathers were. Our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is no remaining.
Elabena, ɣeyiɣi kpui aɖe ko míanɔ afi sia; míenye amedzro le anyigba dzi abe ale si mía fofowo nɔ do ŋgɔ na mí ene. Míaƒe ŋkekewo le anyigba dzi le abe vɔvɔlĩ ene; wo nu yina kaba eye wo teƒe buna.
16 LORD our God, all this store that we have prepared to build you a house for your holy name comes from your hand, and is all your own.
Oo, Yehowa, míaƒe Mawu, nu siwo katã míeƒo ƒu da ɖi be míatsɔ atu gbedoxɔ na wò ŋkɔ kɔkɔe la, tso wò ŋutɔ gbɔwò! Tɔwòe wo katã nye!
17 I know also, my God, that you try the heart and have pleasure in uprightness. As for me, in the uprightness of my heart I have willingly offered all these things. Now I have seen with joy your people, who are present here, offer willingly to you.
Nye Mawu, menya be èdoa amewo kpɔna be yeanya ne wonye ame nyuiwo elabena èkpɔa ŋudzedze le ame nyuiwo ŋu. Mewɔ nu siawo katã kple tameɖoɖo nyui, mekpɔ wò amewo esime wona nuwo lɔlɔ̃nutɔe kple dzidzɔ.
18 LORD, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Israel, our fathers, keep this desire forever in the thoughts of the heart of your people, and prepare their heart for you;
Oo, Yehowa, mía fofowo, Abraham, Isak kple Israel ƒe Mawu! Na wòanye wò amewo ƒe didi be yewoaɖo to wò ɣe sia ɣi eye nàkpɔ egbɔ be woƒe lɔlɔ̃ na wò metrɔ gbeɖe o.
19 and give to Solomon my son a perfect heart, to keep your commandments, your testimonies, and your statutes, and to do all these things, and to build the palace, for which I have made provision.”
Na dzi nyui si trɔ ɖe Mawu ŋu la vinye, Solomo, ale be wòawɔ wò sewo dzi le nu suetɔwo kekeake me eye wòakpɔ mɔ na wò gbedoxɔ si tutu ta mewɔ dzadzraɖo siawo katã la ƒe nuwuwu.”
20 Then David said to all the assembly, “Now bless the LORD your God!” All the assembly blessed the LORD, the God of their fathers, and bowed down their heads and prostrated themselves before the LORD and the king.
Azɔ la, David gblɔ na ameawo katã be, “Mikafu Yehowa, miaƒe Mawu la” eye wokafu Yehowa, wo fofowo ƒe Mawu la. Wode ta agu le Yehowa kple fia la ŋkume.
21 They sacrificed sacrifices to the LORD and offered burnt offerings to the LORD on the next day after that day, even one thousand bulls, one thousand rams, and one thousand lambs, with their drink offerings and sacrifices in abundance for all Israel,
Esi ŋu ke la, wotsɔ nyitsu akpe ɖeka, agbo akpe ɖeka kple alẽvi akpe ɖeka sa numevɔ na Yehowa. Wosa numevɔ kple vɔsa bubu geɖewo ɖe Israel nu.
22 and ate and drank before the LORD on that day with great gladness. They made Solomon the son of David king the second time, and anointed him before the LORD to be prince, and Zadok to be priest.
Emegbe la, woɖu nu eye wono nu le Yehowa ŋkume kple dzidzɔ gã aɖe. Wogaɖo Fia David ƒe vi, Solomo, woƒe Fiae zi evelia kpe ɖe Fia David ŋu. Wosi ami nɛ le Yehowa ŋkume abe woƒe kplɔla ene eye wosi ami na Zadok abe woƒe Nunɔla ene.
23 Then Solomon sat on the throne of the LORD as king instead of David his father, and prospered; and all Israel obeyed him.
Ale Mawu na Fia Solomo xɔ fofoa, David ƒe fiazikpui. Nu dze edzi nɛ ŋutɔ eye Israel blibo la ɖo toe.
24 All the princes, the mighty men, and also all of the sons of King David submitted themselves to Solomon the king.
Dukɔ la kplɔlawo, asrafomegãwo kple nɔviawo katã ka atam be yewoanɔ fia la yome.
25 The LORD magnified Solomon exceedingly in the sight of all Israel, and gave to him such royal majesty as had not been on any king before him in Israel.
Yehowa na Israelviwo katã lɔ̃e, kesinɔnu geɖewo nɔ esi eye bubu nɔ eŋu wu fofoa.
26 Now David the son of Jesse reigned over all Israel.
David, Yese ƒe viŋutsu, ɖu fia ɖe Israel blibo la dzi.
27 The time that he reigned over Israel was forty years; he reigned seven years in Hebron, and he reigned thirty-three years in Jerusalem.
Eɖu fia ɖe Israel dzi ƒe blaene, ƒe adre le Hebron, ƒe blaetɔ̃-vɔ-etɔ̃ le Yerusalem.
28 He died at a good old age, full of days, riches, and honor; and Solomon his son reigned in his place.
Etsi ŋutɔ, enye kesinɔtɔ kple bubume gã aɖe hafi ku eye via Solomo ɖu fia ɖe eteƒe.
29 Now the acts of David the king, first and last, behold, they are written in the history of Samuel the seer, and in the history of Nathan the prophet, and in the history of Gad the seer,
Woŋlɔ Fia David ƒe ŋutinya tsitotsito ɖe Nyagblɔɖila Samuel ƒe agbalẽ me, ɖe ŋutinya si Nyagblɔɖila Natan ŋlɔ la me kple esi Nyagblɔɖila Gad ŋlɔ la me.
30 with all his reign and his might, and the events that involved him, Israel, and all the kingdoms of the lands.
Nuŋlɔɖi siawo ƒo nu tso Fia David ƒe fiaɖuɖu, eƒe ŋusẽ, nu siwo katã dzɔ ɖe eya ŋutɔ dzi, Israel dukɔ la dzi kple dukɔ siwo ƒo xlã Israel dukɔ ƒe fiawo dzi la ŋu.

< 1 Chronicles 29 >