< 1 Chronicles 16 >

1 They brought in God’s ark, and set it in the middle of the tent that David had pitched for it; and they offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before God.
Basebewuletha umtshokotsho kaNkulunkulu, bawumisa phakathi kwethente uDavida ayelimisele wona; basebenikela iminikelo yokutshiswa leminikelo yokuthula phambi kukaNkulunkulu.
2 When David had finished offering the burnt offering and the peace offerings, he blessed the people in the LORD’s name.
UDavida eseqedile ukunikela umnikelo wokutshiswa leminikelo yokuthula wababusisa abantu ebizweni leNkosi.
3 He gave to everyone of Israel, both man and woman, to everyone a loaf of bread, a portion of meat, and a cake of raisins.
Wasesabela wonke umuntu wakoIsrayeli kusukela kowesilisa kuze kube kowesifazana, kwaba ngulowo lalowo isinkwa esisodwa, leqatha lenyama, lesinkwa sezithelo zevini ezonyisiweyo.
4 He appointed some of the Levites to minister before the LORD’s ark, and to commemorate, to thank, and to praise the LORD, the God of Israel:
Wasemisa izikhonzi kumaLevi phambi komtshokotsho weNkosi, ngitsho ukukhumbula lokubonga lokudumisa iNkosi, uNkulunkulu kaIsrayeli.
5 Asaph the chief, and second to him Zechariah, then Jeiel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, Benaiah, Obed-Edom, and Jeiel, with stringed instruments and with harps; and Asaph with cymbals, sounding aloud;
UAsafi inhloko, lowesibili kuye uZekhariya, uJeyiyeli, loShemiramothi, loJehiyeli, loMathithiya, loEliyabi, loBhenaya, loObedi-Edoma, loJeyiyeli belezinto zezigubhu zezintambo njalo lamachacho; uAsafi wasezizwakalisa ngezinsimbi ezincencethayo;
6 with Benaiah and Jahaziel the priests with trumpets continually, before the ark of the covenant of God.
loBhenaya loJahaziyeli abapristi ngezimpondo njalonjalo phambi komtshokotsho wesivumelwano sikaNkulunkulu.
7 Then on that day David first ordained giving of thanks to the LORD by the hand of Asaph and his brothers.
Ngalesosikhathi ngalolosuku uDavida wanika kuqala lesisihlabelelo ukudumisa iNkosi ngesandla sikaAsafi labafowabo:
8 Oh give thanks to the LORD. Call on his name. Make what he has done known among the peoples.
Bongani iNkosi, libize ibizo layo, lazise phakathi kwabantu izenzo zayo.
9 Sing to him. Sing praises to him. Tell of all his marvelous works.
Hlabelelani kuyo, liyihubele amahubo, lilandise ngezenzo zayo ezimangalisayo.
10 Glory in his holy name. Let the heart of those who seek the LORD rejoice.
Zincomeni ebizweni layo elingcwele, kayithokoze inhliziyo yabo abadinga iNkosi.
11 Seek the LORD and his strength. Seek his face forever more.
Dingani iNkosi lamandla ayo, lidinge ubuso bayo njalonjalo.
12 Remember his marvelous works that he has done, his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth,
Khumbulani izimangaliso zayo eyazenzayo, izibonakaliso zayo, lezahlulelo zomlomo wayo,
13 you offspring of Israel his servant, you children of Jacob, his chosen ones.
nzalo kaIsrayeli inceku yayo, bantwana bakaJakobe, abakhethiweyo bayo.
14 He is the LORD our God. His judgments are in all the earth.
IyiNkosi uNkulunkulu wethu; izahlulelo zayo zisemhlabeni wonke.
15 Remember his covenant forever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations,
Khumbulani isivumelwano sayo kuze kube nininini, ilizwi eyalilaya kuzinkulungwane zezizukulwana,
16 the covenant which he made with Abraham, his oath to Isaac.
eyasenza loAbrahama, lesifungo sakhe kuIsaka,
17 He confirmed it to Jacob for a statute, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant,
eyasiqinisa lakuJakobe saba yisimiso, kuIsrayeli saba yisivumelwano esilaphakade,
18 saying, “I will give you the land of Canaan, The lot of your inheritance,”
isithi: Ngizakunika ilizwe leKhanani, inkatho yelifa lakho.
19 when you were but a few men in number, yes, very few, and foreigners in it.
Lapho lalibalutshwana ngenani, yebo libalutshwana, njalo liyizihambi kulo.
20 They went about from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another people.
Basebezula besuka esizweni besiya esizweni, besuka embusweni besiya kwabanye abantu.
21 He allowed no man to do them wrong. Yes, he reproved kings for their sakes,
Kayivumelanga muntu ukubacindezela; yebo yakhuza amakhosi ngenxa yabo:
22 “Do not touch my anointed ones! Do my prophets no harm!”
Lingathinti abagcotshiweyo bami, lingoni abaprofethi bami.
23 Sing to the LORD, all the earth! Display his salvation from day to day.
Hlabelelani eNkosini, mhlaba wonke, litshumayele insuku ngensuku usindiso lwayo.
24 Declare his glory among the nations, and his marvelous works among all the peoples.
Landisani udumo lwayo phakathi kwezizwe, izimangaliso zayo phakathi kwabantu bonke.
25 For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised. He also is to be feared above all gods.
Ngoba yinkulu iNkosi, ifanele ukudunyiswa kakhulu, iyesabeka phezu kwabonkulunkulu bonke.
26 For all the gods of the peoples are idols, but the LORD made the heavens.
Ngoba bonke onkulunkulu bezizwe bayizithombe; kodwa iNkosi yenza amazulu.
27 Honor and majesty are before him. Strength and gladness are in his place.
Udumo lenkazimulo kuphambi kwayo, amandla lentokozo kusendaweni yayo.
28 Ascribe to the LORD, you families of the peoples, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength!
Inikeni iNkosi, zizukulwana zezizwe, inikeni iNkosi udumo lamandla.
29 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due to his name. Bring an offering, and come before him. Worship the LORD in holy array.
Inikeni iNkosi udumo lwebizo layo, lethani umnikelo lize phambi kwayo. Ikhonzeni iNkosi ebuhleni bobungcwele.
30 Tremble before him, all the earth. The world also is established that it cannot be moved.
Lithuthumele phambi kwayo, mhlaba wonke; njalo umhlaba uzaqiniswa, kawuyikunyikinyeka.
31 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice! Let them say among the nations, “The LORD reigns!”
Kawathokoze amazulu, lomhlaba ujabule, kabatsho phakathi kwezizwe ukuthi: INkosi iyabusa.
32 Let the sea roar, and its fullness! Let the field exult, and all that is in it!
Kaluhlokome ulwandle lokugcwala kwalo, iganga kalithabe lakho konke okukulo.
33 Then the trees of the forest will sing for joy before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth.
Khona zizahlabelela ngentokozo izihlahla zehlathi phambi kweNkosi, ngoba iyeza ukwahlulela umhlaba.
34 Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his loving kindness endures forever.
Bongani iNkosi ngoba ilungile, ngoba umusa wayo umi kuze kube phakade.
35 Say, “Save us, God of our salvation! Gather us together and deliver us from the nations, to give thanks to your holy name, to triumph in your praise.”
Lithi futhi: Sisindise, Nkulunkulu wosindiso lwethu, usibuthe usikhulule ezizweni, ukuze sibonge ibizo lakho elingcwele, sizincome kudumo lwakho.
36 Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting even to everlasting. All the people said, “Amen,” and praised the LORD.
Kayibusiswe iNkosi, uNkulunkulu kaIsrayeli, kusukela phakade kuze kube phakade. Bonke abantu basebesithi: Ameni. Basebeyidumisa iNkosi.
37 So he left Asaph and his brothers there before the ark of the LORD’s covenant, to minister before the ark continually, as every day’s work required;
Wasetshiya lapho phambi komtshokotsho wesivumelwano seNkosi oAsafi labafowabo ukukhonza phambi komtshokotsho njalonjalo njengodaba losuku ngosuku lwalo.
38 and Obed-Edom with their sixty-eight relatives; Obed-Edom also the son of Jeduthun and Hosah to be doorkeepers;
LoObedi-Edoma kanye labafowabo, abangamatshumi ayisithupha lesificaminwembili; uObedi-Edoma indodana kaJeduthuni loHosa babengabagcini bamasango.
39 and Zadok the priest and his brothers the priests, before the LORD’s tabernacle in the high place that was at Gibeon,
LoZadoki umpristi labafowabo abapristi phambi kwethabhanekele leNkosi endaweni ephakemeyo eyayiseGibeyoni,
40 to offer burnt offerings to the LORD on the altar of burnt offering continually morning and evening, even according to all that is written in the LORD’s law, which he commanded to Israel;
ukuze banikele iminikelo yokutshiswa eNkosini phezu kwelathi lomnikelo wokutshiswa njalonjalo ekuseni lakusihlwa, lanjengakho konke okubhaliweyo emlayweni weNkosi, eyawulaya uIsrayeli.
41 and with them Heman and Jeduthun and the rest who were chosen, who were mentioned by name, to give thanks to the LORD, because his loving kindness endures forever;
Njalo kanye labo oHemani loJeduthuni labanye ababekhethiwe abamiswa ngamabizo ukubonga iNkosi, ngoba umusa wayo umi kuze kube phakade.
42 and with them Heman and Jeduthun with trumpets and cymbals for those that should sound aloud, and with instruments for the songs of God, and the sons of Jeduthun to be at the gate.
Njalo kanye labo oHemani loJeduthuni babelezimpondo lezinsimbi ezincencethayo zalabo abazizwakalisayo, lezinto zokuhlabelela zikaNkulunkulu. Lamadodana kaJeduthuni ayesesangweni.
43 All the people departed, each man to his house; and David returned to bless his house.
Basebehamba bonke abantu, ngulowo lalowo waya endlini yakhe. UDavida wasebuyela ukubusisa indlu yakhe.

< 1 Chronicles 16 >