< Song of Solomon 5 >

1 I have come into my garden, my sister, my bride. I have gathered my myrrh with my spice. I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey. I have drunk my wine with my milk. Eat, O friends. Drink, yea. Drink abundantly, O beloved.
Ka ngannu vasanu aw, kamah dum la ka lo coeng. Ka myrrah neh ka botui te ka bit Ka duup neh ka khoitui ka caak. Ka misurtui neh ka suktui khaw ka ok coeng. Rhoihui Ka hui long khaw ca saeh. O saeh lamtah ka hlo rhoek khaw rhuihmil pai saeh.
2 I was asleep, but my heart awoke. It is the voice of my beloved who knocks, saying, Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled. For my head is filled with dew, my locks with the drops of the night.
Ka ih muelh vaengah ka hlo kah a khoek ol loh ka lungbuei a haeng. Ka ngannu, ka cangyaeh, ka vahui neh ka cuemhmuet aw kai hamla ong pai. Ka lu dongkah ka sampin khaw khoyin tuicip, buemtui hah coeng.
3 I have put off my garment, how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet, how shall I defile them?
Ka angkidung te ka pit coeng tih metlam ka bai eh? Ka kho te ka silh dae metlam ka ti sak eh?
4 My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my heart was moved for him.
Ka hlo loh a kut te a put longah a thawt tih anih ham ka ko umya.
5 I rose up to open to my beloved, and my hands drops with myrrh, and my fingers with liquid myrrh, upon the handles of the bolt.
Kamah hlo te ong pah ham kamah ka thoh vaengah ka kut dongah myrrah cip. Ka kutdawn dongkah myrrah te thohhna kut dongla long.
6 I opened to my beloved, but my beloved had withdrawn himself, and was gone. My soul had failed me when he spoke. I sought him, but I could not find him. I called him, but he gave me no answer.
Ka hlo hamla ka ong pah vaengah ka hlo tah dongpam tih khum. Ka hinglu tah anih voek hamla cet coeng. Anih te ka toem dae amah ka hmuh moenih. Amah ka khue dae kai n'doo moenih.
7 The watchmen who go about the city found me. They smote me, they wounded me. The keepers of the walls took away my mantle from me.
Khopuei ah aka hil tih aka tawt rhoek loh kai m'hmuh tih kai te n'ngawn uh. Vongtung aka tawt rhoek loh kai te n'hi sak uh tih ka pum dong lamkah ka lumuek hni te a phueih uh.
8 I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my beloved, that ye tell him that I am sick from love.
Jerusalem nu nang te ka caeng coeng. Kai hlo te na hmu koinih ka lungnah a tloh te a taengah metlam na thui eh?
9 What is thy beloved more than another beloved, O thou fairest among women? What is thy beloved more than another beloved, that thou do so adjure us?
Huta khuikah sakthen aw, kai hlo lakah nang hlo te metlam a om? Kaimih nan caeng van bangla a hlo lakah nang hlo tah tloe a?
10 My beloved is white and ruddy, the chief among ten thousand.
Kamah hlo tah ngo tih thim, a thawngsang soah hnitai la pai.
11 His head is the most fine gold. His locks are bushy, black as a raven.
A lu tah sui kah suicilh la om, a sampin bu tih vangak bangla muem.
12 His eyes are like doves beside the water-brooks, washed with milk, fitly set.
A mik rhoi tah sokca tui taengkah vahui bangla, suktui neh a yuh tih a hol hnothen bangla om.
13 His cheeks are as a bed of spices, banks of sweet herbs. His lips are lilies, dropping liquid myrrh.
A kam rhoi tah canglak botui, rhaltoeng bo-ul bangla, a hmuilai tah tuilipai neh myrrah tuicip la long.
14 His hands are rings of gold set with beryl. His body is ivory work overlaid with sapphires.
A kut tah timsuih neh a moep sui hnaai van pawn ni. A bung khaw vueino saphi, minhum mueithuh van pawn ni.
15 His legs are pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold. His aspect is like Lebanon, excellent as the cedars.
A phai rhoi tah suicilh buenhol dongkah a sut lungbok tung van pawn ni. A mueimae neh Lebanon kah lamphai thing coelh van pawn ni.
16 His mouth is most sweet. Yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.
Kamah hlo he a ka didip tih a pum la ngailaemnah la om. He tah ka hui Jerusalem nu.

< Song of Solomon 5 >