< Romans 12 >

1 I beseech you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, your reasonable service.
Kulwejo enibhwelembeleja, abhasu kwo bhusasisi bhwae Nyamuanga, musoshe emibhili jemwe ebhwiyanwa bhinu bhili no bhuanga, no bhwelu, ebhyo bhikilisibhwe na Nyamuanga. kunu nikwo okulamya kwemwe kwa insonga.
2 And be not conformed to this age, but be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind, for ye to approve what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (aiōn g165)
Nawe mutalubhilisha ebhye chalo chinu, nawe muindulwe kwo okukolwa bhuyaya ameganilisho gemwe. mukole kutya koleleki mubhone okumenya elyenda Lya Nyamuanga ago gali gekisi, no kumukondelesha ne bhikumie (aiōn g165)
3 For I say, through the grace that was given me, to every man who is among you, not to over think beyond what he ought to think, but to think so as to think soundly, as God has apportioned to each man a measure of faith.
Kwo kubha enaika, kunsonga ye chigongo chinu nayanilwe, ati bhuli munu unu ali mwimwe asigega okwiganilisha miyafu ingulu yaye omwene kukila kutyo jiile okwiganilisha. Nawe jimwiile okwinganilisha kwo bhwengeso, lwa kutyo Nyamuanga abhayanile bhuli umwi mugabho mulebhe ogwo kwikilisha.
4 For just as we have many body-parts in one body, and all the body-parts have not the same function,
Kulwo kubha kutyo chili ne bhyungo bhyafu bhyo mu mubhili gumwi, nawe ebhyungo bhyona bhili na mulimu gumwi.
5 so we, the many, are one body in Christ, and each one body-parts of each other.
Nikwo kutyo, eswe bhanu chili bhafu chili mubhili gumwi mu Kristo, ne bhyungo bhuli umwi ku wejabho.
6 And having different gifts according to the grace that was given to us, whether prophecy, according to the proportion of faith;
Chili ne bhiyanwa bhinu bhiteshanyishe kulwe chigongo echo chayanilwe. Chikabha echiyanwa cho munu no bhulagi, na jikoleke lwa kutyo indengo ye likilisha lyae.
7 or service, in the service; or he who teaches, in the teaching;
Chikabha echiyanwa cho munu ni bhufulubhendi, na akolenga. Akabha oundi ali ne chiyanwa cho kwiingisha, mbe eigishe.
8 or he who exhorts, in the exhortation; he who gives, in simplicity; he who leads, in diligence; he who does mercy, in cheerfulness.
Chikabha echiyanwa cho munu ni bhusilisha, mbe nasilishe. Chikabha echiyanwa cho munu ni kusosha akole kutyo kwo bhwila. Chikabha echiyanwa cho munu ni kutangasha, na likoleke kwo bhwitegelesha. Chikabha echiyanwa cho munu ni mukwelesha mu kusasila, na likoleke kwo bhukondeleywe.
9 Love without hypocrisy, abhorring what is evil, clinging to what is good,
Elyenda libhega litana lulimi. mubhulemega obhunyamuke; Mulumatanega mu ganu gali ge kisi.
10 with brotherly love toward each other, affectionate, leading each other in recognition,
okulubhana no kwenda kwa bhasu, mwendanega abhene kwa abhene. okulubhana ne chibhalo, muyanane echibhalo abhene kwa bhene.
11 not lazy in diligence, being fervent in the Spirit serving the Lord,
Okulubhana no kwikomesha, mwasiga kubha bhalega. Okulubhana no mwoyo mubhwe ne pushes. Okulubhana na Latabhugenyi, mumukolele.
12 rejoicing in hope, enduring tribulation, persevering in prayer,
Mukondelelwega mu bhubhasi bhunu mulinabhwo okulubhana na jinsiku jinu ejija. Mubhe me ikomeshe mu nyako jemwe. Mukomelega mu kusabhwa.
13 sharing for the needs of the sanctified, pursuing love for strangers.
Musangilega mu bhukene bhwa bhekilisisha. Muyeje njila nyafu ejo kwelesha lwa kutyo mulabhafogesha.
14 Bless those who persecute you. Bless ye and do not curse.
Mubhasabhilega libhando bhona bhanu abhabhanyasha; Nimubhasabhila libhando nolwo mwasiga kubhafumilisha.
15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep,
Mukondelelwega amwi na bhanu abhakondelwa, mulilega amwi na bhanu abhalila.
16 thinking the same way toward each other, not thinking on lofty things, but accommodating to the lowly. Become not wise according to yourselves,
Mubhega no kungwana abhene kwa bhene. Mwasiga kwiganilisha kwo kwikuya, nawe mubhe kilisishega abhanu bhe mwalo. Mwasiga kubha no bhwenge ingulu ya meganilisho gemwe abhene.
17 rendering to no man evil for evil, premeditating things right in the sight of all men.
Mwasiga kumuliya munu wona wona echibhibhi kwe chibhibhi mukole emisango je kisi mu meso ga abhanu Bhona.
18 If possible from you, keeping peace with all men,
Alabha eitulikana, lwa kutyo jateyweo kwemwe, mubhe no mulembe na bhanu bhona.
19 not avenging yourselves, beloved, but give place to wrath, for it is written, Vengeance is for me, I will repay, says the Lord.
Abhendwa, mwasiga okusubhishanya jinsigu abhene-ela, nawe mubhiigije ebhinyiga bhya Nyamuanga. Kulwo kubha jandikilwe “jinsigu ni jani; Anye eniliya,' Kaika Latabhugenyi.”
20 Therefore if thine enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him to drink. For by doing this thou will heap coals of fire upon his head.
Nawe alabha musoko wao ali no mweko, numulishe. Alabha ali na lililo numunyweshe. Kulwo kubha ukakola kutyo oumutelako amakala go mulilo ingulu yo mutwe gwae.”
21 Be thou not overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good.
Utasingwaga no bhubhibhi, nawe usingega obhubhibhi kwo bhwekisi.

< Romans 12 >