< Psalms 75 >
1 We give thanks to thee, O God. We give thanks, for thy name is near. Men tell of thy wondrous works.
Til Sangmesteren. Al-tasjhet. En Salme af Asaf. En Sang.
2 When I shall find the set time, I will judge uprightly;
Vi takker dig, Gud, vi takker dig; de, der paakalder dit Navn, fortæller dine Undere.
3 when the earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved. I have set up the pillars of it. (Selah)
»Selv om jeg udsætter Sagen, dømmer jeg dog med Retfærd;
4 I said to the arrogant, Deal not arrogantly, and to the wicked, Lift not up the horn.
vakler end Jorden og alle, som bor derpaa, har jeg dog grundfæstet dens Støtter.« (Sela)
5 Lift not up your horn on high. Speak not with a stiff neck.
Til Daarerne siger jeg: »Vær ej Daarer!« og til de gudløse: »Løft ej Hornet,
6 For neither from the east, nor from the west, nor yet from the south, comes lifting up.
løft ikke eders Horn mod Himlen, tal ikke med knejsende Nakke!«
7 But God is the judge. He put one down, and lifts another up.
Thi hverken fra Øst eller Vest kommer Hjælp, ej heller fra Ørk eller Bjerge.
8 For in the hand of Jehovah there is a cup, and the wine foams. It is full of mixture, and he pours out of the same, surely to the dregs of it. All the wicked of the earth shall drain them, and drink them.
Nej, den, som dømmer, er Gud, han nedbøjer en, ophøjer en anden.
9 But I will declare forever. I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.
Thi i HERRENS Haand er et Bæger med skummende, krydret Vin, han skænker i for een efter een, selv Bærmen drikker de ud; alle Jordens gudløse drikker.
10 All the horns of the wicked I will also cut off, but the horns of a righteous man shall be lifted up.
Men jeg skal juble evindelig, lovsynge Jakobs Gud; alle de gudløses Horn stødes af, de retfærdiges Horn skal knejse!