< Psalms 66 >

1 Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth.
Naredite radosten glas Bogu, vse ve dežele,
2 Sing forth the glory of his name. Make his praise glorious.
pojte čast njegovemu imenu, njegovo hvalo naredite veličastno.
3 Say to God, How awesome are thy works! Through the greatness of thy power thine enemies shall submit themselves to thee.
Recite Bogu: »Kako strašen si v svojih delih! Zaradi veličine tvoje moči se ti bodo podredili tvoji sovražniki.
4 All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing to thee. They shall sing to thy name. (Selah)
Vsa zemlja te bo oboževala in ti prepevala, prepevali bodo k tvojemu imenu.« (Sela)
5 Come, and see the works of God, awesome in actions toward the sons of men.
Pridite in glejte dela Boga. Strašen je v svojem delovanju do človeških otrok.
6 He turned the sea into dry land. They went through the river on foot. There we rejoiced in him.
Morje je spremenil v kopno zemljo. Skozi rečni tok so šli peš, tam smo se veselili v njem.
7 He rules by his might forever. His eyes observe the nations. Let not the rebellious exalt themselves. (Selah)
S svojo močjo vlada na veke, njegove oči opazujejo narode; naj se uporni ne povišujejo. (Sela)
8 O bless our God, ye peoples, and make the voice of his praise to be heard,
Oh blagoslavljajte našega Boga, ve ljudstva in storite, da se sliši glas njegove hvale,
9 who holds our soul in life, and does not allow our feet to be moved.
ki našo dušo drži pri življenju in ne pusti, da bi bila naša stopala premaknjena.
10 For thou, O God, have proved us. Thou have tried us as silver is tried.
Kajti ti, oh Bog, si nas potrdil, preizkusil si nas, kakor je preizkušeno srebro.
11 Thou brought us into the net. Thou laid a great burden upon our loins.
Privedel si nas v mrežo, na naša ledja polagaš stisko.
12 Thou caused men to ride over our heads. We went through fire and through water. But thou brought us out into a wealthy place.
Ljudem si storil, da jahajo nad našimi glavami. Šli smo skozi ogenj in skozi vodo, toda ti si nas privedel v premožen kraj.
13 I will come into thy house with burnt offerings. I will pay thee my vows,
V tvojo hišo bom šel z žgalnimi daritvami, izpolnil ti bom svoje zaobljube,
14 which my lips uttered, and my mouth spoke, when I was in distress.
ki so jih izrekle moje ustnice in spregovorila moja usta, ko sem bil v stiski.
15 I will offer to thee burnt offerings of fatlings, with the incense of rams. I will offer bullocks with goats. (Selah)
Daroval ti bom žgalne daritve pitancev s kadilom ovnov, daroval ti bom bikce s kozli. (Sela)
16 Come, and hear, all ye who fear God, and I will declare what he has done for my soul.
Pridite in prisluhnite vsi vi, ki se bojite Boga in oznanil vam bom, kaj je storil za mojo dušo.
17 I cried to him with my mouth, and he was extolled with my tongue.
K njemu sem klical s svojimi usti in povzdignjen je bil z mojim jezikom.
18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear.
Če v svojem srcu upoštevam krivičnost, me Gospod ne bo uslišal,
19 But truly God has heard. He has attended to the voice of my prayer.
toda Bog me je resnično uslišal, prisluhnil je glasu moje molitve.
20 Blessed be God, who has not turned away my prayer, nor his loving kindness from me.
Blagoslovljen bodi Bog, ki ni odklonil moje molitve niti svojega usmiljenja od mene.

< Psalms 66 >