< Philippians 4 >

1 So then, my brothers, beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand firm in the Lord this way beloved.
ہے مَدِییانَنْدَمُکُٹَسْوَرُوپاح پْرِیَتَما اَبھِیشْٹَتَما بھْراتَرَح، ہے مَمَ سْنیہَپاتْراح، یُویَمْ اِتّھَں پَبھَو سْتھِراسْتِشْٹھَتَ۔
2 I exhort Euodias, and I exhort Syntyche, to think the same way in the Lord.
ہے اِوَدِیے ہے سُنْتُکھِ یُواں پْرَبھَو ایکَبھاوے بھَوَتَمْ ایتَدْ اَہَں پْرارْتھَیے۔
3 Yes, I ask thee also, genuine yokefellow, help them-the women who labored with me in the good news-with Clement also, and the rest of my co-workmen whose names are in the book of life.
ہے مَمَ سَتْیَ سَہَکارِنْ تْوامَپِ وِنِییَ وَدامِ ایتَیورُپَکارَسْتْوَیا کْرِیَتاں یَتَسْتے کْلِیمِنادِبھِح سَہَکارِبھِح سارْدّھَں سُسَںوادَپْرَچارَنایَ مَمَ ساہایّارْتھَں پَرِشْرَمَمْ اَکُرْوَّتاں تیشاں سَرْوّیشاں نامانِ چَ جِیوَنَپُسْتَکے لِکھِتانِ وِدْیَنْتے۔
4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice.
یُویَں پْرَبھَو سَرْوَّدانَنْدَتَ۔ پُنَ رْوَدامِ یُویَمْ آنَنْدَتَ۔
5 Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is near.
یُشْماکَں وِنِیتَتْوَں سَرْوَّمانَوَے رْجْنایَتاں، پْرَبھُح سَنِّدھَو وِدْیَتے۔
6 Be anxious about nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thankfulness make your requests known to God.
یُویَں کِمَپِ نَ چِنْتَیَتَ کِنْتُ دھَنْیَوادَیُکْتابھْیاں پْرارْتھَنایانْچابھْیاں سَرْوَّوِشَیے سْوَپْرارْتھَنِییَمْ اِیشْوَرایَ نِویدَیَتَ۔
7 And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
تَتھا کرِتَ اِیشْوَرِییا یا شانْتِح سَرْوّاں بُدّھِمْ اَتِشیتے سا یُشْماکَں چِتّانِ مَناںسِ چَ کھْرِیشْٹے یِیشَو رَکْشِشْیَتِ۔
8 Finally brothers, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are commendable, if anything is a virtue, and if anything is praiseworthy, think on these things.
ہے بھْراتَرَح، شیشے وَدامِ یَدْیَتْ سَتْیَمْ آدَرَنِییَں نْیایَّں سادھُ پْرِیَں سُکھْیاتَمْ اَنْیینَ یینَ کینَچِتْ پْرَکارینَ وا گُنَیُکْتَں پْرَشَںسَنِییَں وا بھَوَتِ تَتْرَیوَ مَناںسِ نِدھَدھْوَں۔
9 And what ye learned and received and heard and saw in me, these things do, and the God of peace will be with you.
یُویَں ماں درِشْٹْوا شْرُتْوا چَ یَدْیَتْ شِکْشِتَوَنْتو گرِہِیتَوَنْتَشْچَ تَدیواچَرَتَ تَسْماتْ شانْتِدایَکَ اِیشْوَرو یُشْمابھِح سارْدّھَں سْتھاسْیَتِ۔
10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last ye have revived thinking about me, in which also ye were thinking, but ye lacked opportunity.
مَموپَکارایَ یُشْماکَں یا چِنْتا پُورْوَّمْ آسِیتْ کِنْتُ کَرْمَّدْوارَں نَ پْراپْنوتْ اِدانِیں سا پُنَرَپھَلَتْ اِتْیَسْمِنْ پْرَبھَو مَمَ پَرَماہْلادوجایَتَ۔
11 Not that I speak regarding need, for I have learned in what things I am to be content.
اَہَں یَدْ دَینْیَکارَنادْ اِدَں وَدامِ تَنَّہِ یَتو مَمَ یا کاچِدْ اَوَسْتھا بھَویتْ تَسْیاں سَنْتوشْٹُمْ اَشِکْشَیَں۔
12 I know both how to be abased and how to abound. In everything and in all things I have learned the secret both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to be lacking.
دَرِدْرَتاں بھوکْتُں شَکْنومِ دھَناڈھْیَتامْ اَپِ بھوکْتُں شَکْنومِ سَرْوَّتھا سَرْوَّوِشَییشُ وِنِیتوہَں پْرَچُرَتاں کْشُدھانْچَ دھَنَں دَینْیَنْچاوَگَتوسْمِ۔
13 I can do all things in the Christ who strengthens me.
مَمَ شَکْتِدایَکینَ کھْرِیشْٹینَ سَرْوَّمیوَ مَیا شَکْیَں بھَوَتِ۔
14 Nevertheless ye did well having shared with my affliction.
کِنْتُ یُشْمابھِ رْدَینْیَنِوارَنایَ مامْ اُپَکرِتْیَ سَتْکَرْمّاکارِ۔
15 And ye Philippians also have seen that, in the beginning of the good news when I departed from Macedonia, not one congregation shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving except ye only,
ہے پھِلِپِییَلوکاح، سُسَںوادَسْیودَیَکالے یَداہَں ماکِدَنِیادیشاتْ پْرَتِشْٹھے تَدا کیوَلانْ یُشْمانْ وِناپَرَیا کَیاپِ سَمِتْیا سَہَ دانادانَیو رْمَمَ کوپِ سَمْبَنْدھو ناسِیدْ اِتِ یُویَمَپِ جانِیتھَ۔
16 because also in Thessalonica ye sent both once and again to my need.
یَتو یُشْمابھِ رْمَمَ پْرَیوجَنایَ تھِشَلَنِیکِینَگَرَمَپِ ماں پْرَتِ پُنَح پُنَرْدانَں پْریشِتَں۔
17 Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account.
اَہَں یَدْ دانَں مرِگَیے تَنَّہِ کِنْتُ یُشْماکَں لابھَوَرْدّھَکَں پھَلَں مرِگَیے۔
18 But I receive all things, and I abound. I have been filled, having received from Epaphroditus the things from you, an aroma of fragrance, an acceptable sacrifice well-pleasing to God.
کِنْتُ مَمَ کَسْیاپْیَبھاوو ناسْتِ سَرْوَّں پْرَچُرَمْ آسْتے یَتَ اِیشْوَرَسْیَ گْراہْیَں تُشْٹِجَنَکَں سُگَنْدھِنَیویدْیَسْوَرُوپَں یُشْماکَں دانَں اِپاپھْرَدِتادْ گرِہِیتْواہَں پَرِترِپْتوسْمِ۔
19 And my God will fill your every need according to his wealth in glory in Christ Jesus.
مَمیشْوَروپِ کھْرِیشْٹینَ یِیشُنا سْوَکِییَوِبھَوَنِدھِتَح پْرَیوجَنِییَں سَرْوَّوِشَیَں پُورْنَرُوپَں یُشْمَبھْیَں دییاتْ۔
20 Now to our God and Father is the glory into the ages of the ages. Truly. (aiōn g165)
اَسْماکَں پِتُرِیشْوَرَسْیَ دھَنْیَوادونَنْتَکالَں یاوَدْ بھَوَتُ۔ آمینْ۔ (aiōn g165)
21 Salute every sanctified man in Christ Jesus. The brothers with me salute you.
یُویَں یِیشُکھْرِیشْٹَسْیَیکَیکَں پَوِتْرَجَنَں نَمَسْکُرُتَ۔ مَمَ سَنْگِبھْراتَرو یُوشْمانْ نَمَسْکُرْوَّتے۔
22 All the sanctified salute you, and especially those of the house of Caesar.
سَرْوّے پَوِتْرَلوکا وِشیشَتَح کَیسَرَسْیَ پَرِجَنا یُشْمانْ نَمَسْکُرْوَّتے۔
23 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is with you all. Truly.
اَسْماکَں پْرَبھو رْیِیشُکھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ پْرَسادَح سَرْوّانْ یُشْمانْ پْرَتِ بھُویاتْ۔ آمینْ۔

< Philippians 4 >