< Ephesians 4 >

1 I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, call on you to walk worthily of the calling in which ye were called,
Jaz torej, Gospodov jetnik, vas rotim, da živite vredno Božjemu pozivu, s katerim ste poklicani,
2 with all humility and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing each other in love.
z vso ponižnostjo in krotkostjo, s potrpežljivostjo prenašajte drug drugega v ljubezni
3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace,
in prizadevajte si ohraniti enotnost Duha z vezjo miru.
4 one body, and one Spirit. Just as also ye were called in one hope of your calling,
Obstaja eno telo in en Duh, točno tako kot ste poklicani v enem upanju vaše poklicanosti;
5 one Lord, one faith, one immersion,
en Gospod, ena vera, en krst,
6 one God and Father of all. He is over all, and through all, and in us all.
en Bog in Oče vseh, ki je nad vsemi in po vseh in v vas vseh.
7 But the grace was given to each of us, according to the measure of the gift of the Christ.
Toda vsakomur izmed nas je dana milost glede na mero Kristusovega daru.
8 Therefore he says, Having ascended on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.
Zatorej pravi: ›Ko se je povzpel gor na višavo, je odpeljal ujeto ujetništvo in dal darove ljudem.‹
9 And what is the ascended, except that he also first descended into the lower parts of the earth?
(Torej, da se je povzpel, kaj je to razen, da se je tudi najprej spustil v nižje dele zemlje?
10 He who descended is also the same man who ascended high above all the heavens, so that he might fill all things.
On, ki se je spustil, je tudi isti, ki se je povzpel daleč nad vsa nebesa, da bi lahko izvršil vse stvari.)
11 And indeed he gave the apostles, and the prophets, and the evangelists, and the shepherds and teachers
In dal je nekatere apostole in nekatere preroke in nekatere evangeliste in nekatere pastirje in učitelje;
12 for the perfecting of the sanctified, for the work of ministry, for edification of the body of the Christ.
za izpopolnjevanje svetih, za delo služenja, za izgrajevanje Kristusovega telesa;
13 Until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to a standard of stature of the fullness of the Christ.
dokler mi vsi ne pridemo k enotnosti vere in spoznanja Božjega Sina, do popolnega človeka, do mere postave Kristusove polnosti.
14 So that we may no longer be childish, tossed about and carried about by every wind of doctrine by the trickery of men in craftiness with the methodology of error.
Tako odslej ne bomo več otroci, premetavani sem ter tja in prenašani okoli z vsakim vetrom nauka, s človeško pretkanostjo in spretno prekanjenostjo, s čimer oni prežijo, da bi zavedli;
15 But being truthful in love, we may cause all things to grow for him who is the head-the Christ-
temveč, ker govorimo resnico v ljubezni, lahko v vseh stvareh rastemo vanj, ki je glava, celó Kristus,
16 from whom the whole body, joined together and united together through every connection of the supply, according to the working of each one part within a standard, makes the growth of the body for the construction of itself by love.
iz katerega celotno telo, primerno združeno skupaj in strnjeno s tem, kar vsak sklep oskrbuje, glede na dejavno delovanje po meri vsakega dela, omogoča rast telesa v izgrajevanje sebe v ljubezni.
17 This I say therefore, and solemnly declare in the Lord, for you to walk no longer as also the other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind,
To torej pravim in pričujem v Gospodu, da odslej ne živite, kakor živijo drugi pogani, v ničevosti svojega uma,
18 darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the callousness of their heart.
ki imajo zatemnjeno razumevanje, odtujeni so od Božjega življenja preko nevednosti, ki je v njih, zaradi slepote njihovega srca;
19 Who, having become callous, gave themselves over to licentiousness for the work of all uncleanness in greed.
ki so se prek svojega občutka predali v pohotnost, da s pohlepom počenjajo vso nečistost.
20 But ye did not so learn the Christ,
Toda vi se niste tako učili Kristusa,
21 if indeed ye heard him, and were taught in him, as truth is in Jesus,
če je tako, da ste ga slišali in ste bili po njem poučeni, kakor je resnica v Jezusu;
22 for you to put off the old man according to your former conduct, the man who is corrupt according to the desires of deceitfulness,
da glede na prejšnje vedênje odložite starega človeka, ki je pokvarjen glede varljivih poželenj;
23 and to be renewed in the spirit of your mind,
in bodite obnovljeni v duhu svojega uma;
24 and to put on the new man according to God, the man who was created in righteousness and piety of the truth.
in da si oblečete novega človeka, ki je po Bogu ustvarjen v pravičnosti in resnični svetosti.
25 Therefore having put off falsehood, let each man speak truth with his neighbor, because we are body-parts of each other.
Zatorej zavračajte laganje in vsak [naj] govori resnico s svojim bližnjim, kajti mi smo udje drug drugega.
26 Be ye angry, and sin not. Let not the sun go down upon your wrath,
Bodite jezni in ne grešite; sonce naj ne zaide nad vašim besom
27 neither give a place to the devil.
niti ne dajajte prostora hudiču.
28 Let the man who steals steal no more, but rather let him labor, working with his hands the good, so that he may have to give to him who has need.
Kdor je kradel, naj ne krade več, temveč naj se raje trudi in s svojimi rokami dela stvar, ki je dobra, da bo imel [kaj] dati tistemu, ki potrebuje.
29 Let no corrupt speech go out of your mouth, rather if there is any good word for edification of a need, so that it may give grace to those who hear.
Nobenemu umazanemu govoru ne dopustite iziti iz svojih ust, temveč to, kar je dobro, v prid izgrajevanju, da lahko nudi milost poslušalcem.
30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in which ye are sealed for a day of redemption.
In ne žalostite Božjega Svetega Duha, s katerim ste zapečateni za dan odkupitve.
31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and reviling be taken away from you, with all evil.
Naj bo vsa grenkoba in bes in jeza in razgrajanje ter zlo govorjenje vzdignjeno od vas z vso zlobnostjo [vred];
32 And become good toward each other, compassionate, forgiving each other, even as also God in Christ forgave us.
in bodite prijazni drug do drugega, nežnega srca, odpuščajoč drug drugemu, celó kakor je Bog zaradi Kristusa odpustil vam.

< Ephesians 4 >