< Acts 7 >

1 And the high priest said, Are these things so?
tataḥ paraṁ mahāyājakaḥ pṛṣṭavān, eṣā kathāṁ kiṁ satyā?
2 And he said, Men! Brothers and fathers, listen. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran.
tataḥ sa pratyavadat, he pitaro he bhrātaraḥ sarvve lākā manāṁsi nidhaddhvaṁ|asmākaṁ pūrvvapuruṣa ibrāhīm hāraṇnagare vāsakaraṇāt pūrvvaṁ yadā arām-naharayimadeśe āsīt tadā tejomaya īśvaro darśanaṁ datvā
3 And he said to him, Go forth out of thy land, and from thy kinfolk, and come into a land that I will show thee.
tamavadat tvaṁ svadeśajñātimitrāṇi parityajya yaṁ deśamahaṁ darśayiṣyāmi taṁ deśaṁ vraja|
4 Then after coming out of the land of the Chaldeans, he dwelt in Haran. And from there, after his father died, God resettled him in this land in which ye now dwell.
ataḥ sa kasdīyadeśaṁ vihāya hāraṇnagare nyavasat, tadanantaraṁ tasya pitari mṛte yatra deśe yūyaṁ nivasatha sa enaṁ deśamāgacchat|
5 And he gave him no inheritance in it, not even a footstep. And he promised to give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him, although there was no child by him.
kintvīśvarastasmai kamapyadhikāram arthād ekapadaparimitāṁ bhūmimapi nādadāt; tadā tasya kopi santāno nāsīt tathāpi santānaiḥ sārddham etasya deśasyādhikārī tvaṁ bhaviṣyasīti tampratyaṅgīkṛtavān|
6 And God spoke thus: His seed would be alien in a foreign land, and they would enslave and mistreat them four hundred years.
īśvara ittham aparamapi kathitavān tava santānāḥ paradeśe nivatsyanti tatastaddeśīyalokāścatuḥśatavatsarān yāvat tān dāsatve sthāpayitvā tān prati kuvyavahāraṁ kariṣyanti|
7 And I will judge the nation to whomever they will be in bondage, God said, and after these things they will come forth and serve me in this place.
aparam īśvara enāṁ kathāmapi kathitavān, ye lokāstān dāsatve sthāpayiṣyanti tāllokān ahaṁ daṇḍayiṣyāmi, tataḥ paraṁ te bahirgatāḥ santo mām atra sthāne seviṣyante|
8 And he gave him the covenant of circumcision. And so he begot Isaac, and circumcised him the eighth day. And Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob the twelve patriarchs.
paścāt sa tasmai tvakchedasya niyamaṁ dattavān, ata ishākanāmni ibrāhīma ekaputre jāte, aṣṭamadine tasya tvakchedam akarot| tasya ishākaḥ putro yākūb, tatastasya yākūbo'smākaṁ dvādaśa pūrvvapuruṣā ajāyanta|
9 And the patriarchs, being envious, sold Joseph into Egypt. And God was with him,
te pūrvvapuruṣā īrṣyayā paripūrṇā misaradeśaṁ preṣayituṁ yūṣaphaṁ vyakrīṇan|
10 and delivered him out of all his afflictions, and gave him favor and wisdom before Pharaoh king of Egypt. And he appointed him governor over Egypt and his entire house.
kintvīśvarastasya sahāyo bhūtvā sarvvasyā durgate rakṣitvā tasmai buddhiṁ dattvā misaradeśasya rājñaḥ phirauṇaḥ priyapātraṁ kṛtavān tato rājā misaradeśasya svīyasarvvaparivārasya ca śāsanapadaṁ tasmai dattavān|
11 Now a famine came on all Egypt and Canaan, and great affliction, and our fathers found no sustenance.
tasmin samaye misara-kinānadeśayo rdurbhikṣahetoratikliṣṭatvāt naḥ pūrvvapuruṣā bhakṣyadravyaṁ nālabhanta|
12 But when Jacob heard of grain being in Egypt, he sent forth our fathers the first time.
kintu misaradeśe śasyāni santi, yākūb imāṁ vārttāṁ śrutvā prathamam asmākaṁ pūrvvapuruṣān misaraṁ preṣitavān|
13 And during the second time Joseph was made known to his brothers, and Joseph's race became manifest to Pharaoh.
tato dvitīyavāragamane yūṣaph svabhrātṛbhiḥ paricito'bhavat; yūṣapho bhrātaraḥ phirauṇ rājena paricitā abhavan|
14 And Joseph having sent forth, he summoned Jacob his father. And all his kinfolk, in souls, were seventy-five.
anantaraṁ yūṣaph bhrātṛgaṇaṁ preṣya nijapitaraṁ yākūbaṁ nijān pañcādhikasaptatisaṁkhyakān jñātijanāṁśca samāhūtavān|
15 And Jacob went down into Egypt, and he perished, he and our fathers.
tasmād yākūb misaradeśaṁ gatvā svayam asmākaṁ pūrvvapuruṣāśca tasmin sthāne'mriyanta|
16 And they were carried into Shechem, and laid in the sepulcher that Abraham bought for a price of silver from the sons of Hamor of Shechem.
tataste śikhimaṁ nītā yat śmaśānam ibrāhīm mudrādatvā śikhimaḥ pitu rhamoraḥ putrebhyaḥ krītavān tatśmaśāne sthāpayāñcakrire|
17 But as the time of the promise approached that God swore to Abraham, the people grew and multiplied in Egypt,
tataḥ param īśvara ibrāhīmaḥ sannidhau śapathaṁ kṛtvā yāṁ pratijñāṁ kṛtavān tasyāḥ pratijñāyāḥ phalanasamaye nikaṭe sati isrāyellokā simaradeśe varddhamānā bahusaṁkhyā abhavan|
18 until another king arose who had not known Joseph.
śeṣe yūṣaphaṁ yo na paricinoti tādṛśa eko narapatirupasthāya
19 This man, who cunningly victimized our race, mistreated our fathers to make their infants be placed outside in order not to keep alive.
asmākaṁ jñātibhiḥ sārddhaṁ dhūrttatāṁ vidhāya pūrvvapuruṣān prati kuvyavaharaṇapūrvvakaṁ teṣāṁ vaṁśanāśanāya teṣāṁ navajātān śiśūn bahi rnirakṣepayat|
20 During which time Moses was born (and he was well-formed by God) who was reared three months in his father's house.
etasmin samaye mūsā jajñe, sa tu paramasundaro'bhavat tathā pitṛgṛhe māsatrayaparyyantaṁ pālito'bhavat|
21 And when he was exposed, Pharaoh's daughter took him away, and reared him for a son to herself.
kintu tasmin bahirnikṣipte sati phirauṇarājasya kanyā tam uttolya nītvā dattakaputraṁ kṛtvā pālitavatī|
22 And Moses was reared in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was mighty in his words and deeds.
tasmāt sa mūsā misaradeśīyāyāḥ sarvvavidyāyāḥ pāradṛṣvā san vākye kriyāyāñca śaktimān abhavat|
23 But when a forty year time span was fulfilled by him, it came into his heart to go help his brothers, the sons of Israel.
sa sampūrṇacatvāriṁśadvatsaravayasko bhūtvā isrāyelīyavaṁśanijabhrātṛn sākṣāt kartuṁ matiṁ cakre|
24 And after seeing a certain man suffering wrong, he defended him, and did vengeance for the man being oppressed, having smitten the Egyptian.
teṣāṁ janamekaṁ hiṁsitaṁ dṛṣṭvā tasya sapakṣaḥ san hiṁsitajanam upakṛtya misarīyajanaṁ jaghāna|
25 And he presumed his brothers understood that, by his hand, God was giving them salvation, but they did not understand.
tasya hasteneśvarastān uddhariṣyati tasya bhrātṛgaṇa iti jñāsyati sa ityanumānaṁ cakāra, kintu te na bubudhire|
26 And on the next day he was seen by them as they fought, and he was reconciling them for peace, having said, Men, ye are brothers. Why is it that ye wrong each other?
tatpare 'hani teṣām ubhayo rjanayo rvākkalaha upasthite sati mūsāḥ samīpaṁ gatvā tayo rmelanaṁ karttuṁ matiṁ kṛtvā kathayāmāsa, he mahāśayau yuvāṁ bhrātarau parasparam anyāyaṁ kutaḥ kuruthaḥ?
27 But the man doing wrong to his neighbor thrust him away, having said, Who appointed thee a ruler and a judge over us?
tataḥ samīpavāsinaṁ prati yo jano'nyāyaṁ cakāra sa taṁ dūrīkṛtya kathayāmāsa, asmākamupari śāstṛtvavicārayitṛtvapadayoḥ kastvāṁ niyuktavān?
28 Do thou not want to kill me, as thou killed the Egyptian yesterday?
hyo yathā misarīyaṁ hatavān tathā kiṁ māmapi haniṣyasi?
29 And Moses fled at this word, and became an alien in the land of Midian, where he begot two sons.
tadā mūsā etādṛśīṁ kathāṁ śrutvā palāyanaṁ cakre, tato midiyanadeśaṁ gatvā pravāsī san tasthau, tatastatra dvau putrau jajñāte|
30 And forty years having been fulfilled, an agent of the Lord appeared to him in the wilderness of Mount Sinai in a flame of fire of a bush.
anantaraṁ catvāriṁśadvatsareṣu gateṣu sīnayaparvvatasya prāntare prajvalitastambasya vahniśikhāyāṁ parameśvaradūtastasmai darśanaṁ dadau|
31 And when Moses looked, he wondered at the sight. And as he approached to examine, a voice of the Lord came to him,
mūsāstasmin darśane vismayaṁ matvā viśeṣaṁ jñātuṁ nikaṭaṁ gacchati,
32 I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. But Moses, who developed trembling, dared not examine.
etasmin samaye, ahaṁ tava pūrvvapuruṣāṇām īśvaro'rthād ibrāhīma īśvara ishāka īśvaro yākūba īśvaraśca, mūsāmuddiśya parameśvarasyaitādṛśī vihāyasīyā vāṇī babhūva, tataḥ sa kampānvitaḥ san puna rnirīkṣituṁ pragalbho na babhūva|
33 And the Lord said to him, Put off the shoes from thy feet, for the place on which thou stand is holy ground.
parameśvarastaṁ jagāda, tava pādayoḥ pāduke mocaya yatra tiṣṭhasi sā pavitrabhūmiḥ|
34 Having looked, I saw the oppression of my people in Egypt, and I heard their groaning, and I came down to deliver them. And now come, I will send thee into Egypt.
ahaṁ misaradeśasthānāṁ nijalokānāṁ durddaśāṁ nitāntam apaśyaṁ, teṣāṁ kātaryyoktiñca śrutavān tasmāt tān uddharttum avaruhyāgamam; idānīm āgaccha misaradeśaṁ tvāṁ preṣayāmi|
35 This Moses whom they refused, having said, Who appointed thee a ruler and a judge? This man God sent, a ruler and a liberator by the hand of the agent who appeared to him in the bush.
kastvāṁ śāstṛtvavicārayitṛtvapadayo rniyuktavān, iti vākyamuktvā tai ryo mūsā avajñātastameva īśvaraḥ stambamadhye darśanadātrā tena dūtena śāstāraṁ muktidātārañca kṛtvā preṣayāmāsa|
36 This man brought them forth after performing wonders and signs in the land of Egypt, and in the Red Sea, and in the wilderness forty years.
sa ca misaradeśe sūphnāmni samudre ca paścāt catvāriṁśadvatsarān yāvat mahāprāntare nānāprakārāṇyadbhutāni karmmāṇi lakṣaṇāni ca darśayitvā tān bahiḥ kṛtvā samānināya|
37 This is the Moses who said to the sons of Israel, The Lord our God will raise up a prophet for you, from your brothers, like me.
prabhuḥ parameśvaro yuṣmākaṁ bhrātṛgaṇasya madhye mādṛśam ekaṁ bhaviṣyadvaktāram utpādayiṣyati tasya kathāyāṁ yūyaṁ mano nidhāsyatha, yo jana isrāyelaḥ santānebhya enāṁ kathāṁ kathayāmāsa sa eṣa mūsāḥ|
38 This is he who became in the congregation in the wilderness with the agent who spoke to him on the mount Sinai, and of our fathers who received living oracles to give to us.
mahāprāntarasthamaṇḍalīmadhye'pi sa eva sīnayaparvvatopari tena sārddhaṁ saṁlāpino dūtasya cāsmatpitṛgaṇasya madhyasthaḥ san asmabhyaṁ dātavyani jīvanadāyakāni vākyāni lebhe|
39 To whom our fathers did not want to become obedient, but they thrust away, and turned back in their heart to Egypt,
asmākaṁ pūrvvapuruṣāstam amānyaṁ katvā svebhyo dūrīkṛtya misaradeśaṁ parāvṛtya gantuṁ manobhirabhilaṣya hāroṇaṁ jagaduḥ,
40 after saying to Aaron, Make gods for us who will lead us. For this Moses, who brought us out of the land of Egypt, we know not what has happened to him.
asmākam agre'gre gantum asmadarthaṁ devagaṇaṁ nirmmāhi yato yo mūsā asmān misaradeśād bahiḥ kṛtvānītavān tasya kiṁ jātaṁ tadasmābhi rna jñāyate|
41 And they made a calf in those days, and offered up sacrifice to the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their hands.
tasmin samaye te govatsākṛtiṁ pratimāṁ nirmmāya tāmuddiśya naivedyamutmṛjya svahastakṛtavastunā ānanditavantaḥ|
42 But God turned, and gave them over to serve the host of heaven, just as it is written in the book of the prophets, Did ye offer to me slain beasts and sacrifices forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?
tasmād īśvarasteṣāṁ prati vimukhaḥ san ākāśasthaṁ jyotirgaṇaṁ pūjayituṁ tebhyo'numatiṁ dadau, yādṛśaṁ bhaviṣyadvādināṁ grantheṣu likhitamāste, yathā, isrāyelīyavaṁśā re catvāriṁśatsamān purā| mahati prāntare saṁsthā yūyantu yāni ca| balihomādikarmmāṇi kṛtavantastu tāni kiṁ| māṁ samuddiśya yuṣmābhiḥ prakṛtānīti naiva ca|
43 And ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, the images that ye made to worship them. And I will deport you beyond Babylon.
kintu vo molakākhyasya devasya dūṣyameva ca| yuṣmākaṁ rimphanākhyāyā devatāyāśca tārakā| etayorubhayo rmūrtī yuṣmābhiḥ paripūjite| ato yuṣmāṁstu bābelaḥ pāraṁ neṣyāmi niścitaṁ|
44 The tabernacle of the testimony was with our fathers in the wilderness, just as he arranged (he who spoke to Moses), to make it according to the pattern that he had seen.
aparañca yannidarśanam apaśyastadanusāreṇa dūṣyaṁ nirmmāhi yasmin īśvaro mūsām etadvākyaṁ babhāṣe tat tasya nirūpitaṁ sākṣyasvarūpaṁ dūṣyam asmākaṁ pūrvvapuruṣaiḥ saha prāntare tasthau|
45 Which also our fathers, having received in succession, brought in with Joshua into the possession of the nations whom God drove out from the presence of our fathers, until the days of David
paścāt yihośūyena sahitaisteṣāṁ vaṁśajātairasmatpūrvvapuruṣaiḥ sveṣāṁ sammukhād īśvareṇa dūrīkṛtānām anyadeśīyānāṁ deśādhikṛtikāle samānītaṁ tad dūṣyaṁ dāyūdodhikāraṁ yāvat tatra sthāna āsīt|
46 who found favor in the sight of God. And he asked to find a habitation for the God of Jacob.
sa dāyūd parameśvarasyānugrahaṁ prāpya yākūb īśvarārtham ekaṁ dūṣyaṁ nirmmātuṁ vavāñcha;
47 But Solomon built him a house.
kintu sulemān tadarthaṁ mandiram ekaṁ nirmmitavān|
48 However the Most High does not dwell in man-made temples, just as the prophet says,
tathāpi yaḥ sarvvoparisthaḥ sa kasmiṁścid hastakṛte mandire nivasatīti nahi, bhaviṣyadvādī kathāmetāṁ kathayati, yathā,
49 The heaven is to me a throne, and the earth a footstool of my feet. What house will ye build for me? says the Lord. Or what is the place of my rest?
pareśo vadati svargo rājasiṁhāsanaṁ mama| madīyaṁ pādapīṭhañca pṛthivī bhavati dhruvaṁ| tarhi yūyaṁ kṛte me kiṁ pranirmmāsyatha mandiraṁ| viśrāmāya madīyaṁ vā sthānaṁ kiṁ vidyate tviha|
50 Did not my hand make all these things?
sarvvāṇyetāni vastūni kiṁ me hastakṛtāni na||
51 Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers, ye also.
he anājñāgrāhakā antaḥkaraṇe śravaṇe cāpavitralokāḥ yūyam anavarataṁ pavitrasyātmanaḥ prātikūlyam ācaratha, yuṣmākaṁ pūrvvapuruṣā yādṛśā yūyamapi tādṛśāḥ|
52 Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who foretold about the coming of the Righteous man, of whom ye now have become betrayers and murderers,
yuṣmākaṁ pūrvvapuruṣāḥ kaṁ bhaviṣyadvādinaṁ nātāḍayan? ye tasya dhārmmikasya janasyāgamanakathāṁ kathitavantastān aghnan yūyam adhūnā viśvāsaghātino bhūtvā taṁ dhārmmikaṁ janam ahata|
53 who received the law at directions of agents, and did not keep it.
yūyaṁ svargīyadūtagaṇena vyavasthāṁ prāpyāpi tāṁ nācaratha|
54 Now when they heard these things, they were split with a saw in their hearts, and they gnashed their teeth against him.
imāṁ kathāṁ śrutvā te manaḥsu biddhāḥ santastaṁ prati dantagharṣaṇam akurvvan|
55 But being full of the Holy Spirit, having gazed into heaven, he saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.
kintu stiphānaḥ pavitreṇātmanā pūrṇo bhūtvā gagaṇaṁ prati sthiradṛṣṭiṁ kṛtvā īśvarasya dakṣiṇe daṇḍāyamānaṁ yīśuñca vilokya kathitavān;
56 And he said, Look, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.
paśya, meghadvāraṁ muktam īśvarasya dakṣiṇe sthitaṁ mānavasutañca paśyāmi|
57 But they, having cried out in a great voice, held their ears shut, and rushed upon him with one accord.
tadā te proccaiḥ śabdaṁ kṛtvā karṇeṣvaṅgulī rnidhāya ekacittībhūya tam ākraman|
58 And having expelled him out of the city, they stoned him. And the witnesses laid down their garments beside the feet of a young man called Saul.
paścāt taṁ nagarād bahiḥ kṛtvā prastarairāghnan sākṣiṇo lākāḥ śaulanāmno yūnaścaraṇasannidhau nijavastrāṇi sthāpitavantaḥ|
59 And they stoned Stephen, who was calling and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
anantaraṁ he prabho yīśe madīyamātmānaṁ gṛhāṇa stiphānasyeti prārthanavākyavadanasamaye te taṁ prastarairāghnan|
60 And having knelt down, he cried out in a great voice, Lord, place not this sin to them. And after saying this, he slept.
tasmāt sa jānunī pātayitvā proccaiḥ śabdaṁ kṛtvā, he prabhe pāpametad eteṣu mā sthāpaya, ityuktvā mahānidrāṁ prāpnot|

< Acts 7 >