< Acts 23 >
1 And Paul, after looking intently at the council, said, Men, brothers, I have been a citizen in all good conscience to God until this day.
sabhAsadlokAn prati paulo'nanyadRSTyA pazyan akathayat, he bhrAtRgaNA adya yAvat saralena sarvvAntaHkaraNenezvarasya sAkSAd AcarAmi|
2 And the high priest Ananias ordered those who stood by him to strike his mouth.
anena hanAnIyanAmA mahAyAjakastaM kapole capeTenAhantuM samIpasthalokAn AdiSTavAn|
3 Then Paul said to him, God is going to smite thee, a whitewashed wall. Thou even sit judging me according to the law, and violating law, thou command me to be struck?
tadA paulastamavadat, he bahiSpariSkRta, IzvarastvAM praharttum udyatosti, yato vyavasthAnusAreNa vicArayitum upavizya vyavasthAM laGghitvA mAM praharttum AjJApayasi|
4 And those who stood by said, Thou revile God's high priest?
tato nikaTasthA lokA akathayan, tvaM kim Izvarasya mahAyAjakaM nindasi?
5 And Paul said, I had not known, brothers, that he is a high priest, for it is written, Thou shall not speak ill of a ruler of thy people.
tataH paulaH pratibhASitavAn he bhrAtRgaNa mahAyAjaka eSa iti na buddhaM mayA tadanyacca svalokAnAm adhipatiM prati durvvAkyaM mA kathaya, etAdRzI lipirasti|
6 But when Paul ascertained that the one part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men, brothers, I am a Pharisee, son of a Pharisee. About the hope and resurrection of the dead I am judged.
anantaraM paulasteSAm arddhaM sidUkilokA arddhaM phirUzilokA iti dRSTvA proccaiH sabhAsthalokAn avadat he bhrAtRgaNa ahaM phirUzimatAvalambI phirUzinaH satnAnazca, mRtalokAnAm utthAne pratyAzAkaraNAd ahamapavAditosmi|
7 And when he said this, there developed a conflict of the Pharisees and Sadducees, and the group was divided.
iti kathAyAM kathitAyAM phirUzisidUkinoH parasparaM bhinnavAkyatvAt sabhAyA madhye dvau saMghau jAtau|
8 For in fact Sadducees say to be no resurrection nor agent nor spirit, but Pharisees acknowledge them all.
yataH sidUkilokA utthAnaM svargIyadUtA AtmAnazca sarvveSAm eteSAM kamapi na manyante, kintu phirUzinaH sarvvam aGgIkurvvanti|
9 And there developed a great clamor. And some of the scholars of the Pharisees part having risen, they argued vehemently, saying, We find nothing wrong in this man. But if a spirit spoke to him, or an agent, we should not fight against God.
tataH parasparam atizayakolAhale samupasthite phirUzinAM pakSIyAH sabhAsthA adhyApakAH pratipakSA uttiSThanto 'kathayan, etasya mAnavasya kamapi doSaM na pazyAmaH; yadi kazcid AtmA vA kazcid dUta enaM pratyAdizat tarhi vayam Izvarasya prAtikUlyena na yotsyAmaH|
10 And a great conflict having developed, the chief captain, having been alarmed lest Paul might be torn apart by them, commanded the soldiers to go down and take him away from the midst of them, and bring him into the fort.
tasmAd atIva bhinnavAkyatve sati te paulaM khaNDaM khaNDaM kariSyantItyAzaGkayA sahasrasenApatiH senAgaNaM tatsthAnaM yAtuM sabhAto balAt paulaM dhRtvA durgaM netaJcAjJApayat|
11 And the following night the Lord, having stood by him, said, Cheer up, Paul, for as thou have testified these things about me at Jerusalem, so thou must testify also at Rome.
rAtro prabhustasya samIpe tiSThan kathitavAn he paula nirbhayo bhava yathA yirUzAlamnagare mayi sAkSyaM dattavAn tathA romAnagarepi tvayA dAtavyam|
12 And when it became day, some of the Jews, having made a conspiracy, put themselves under a curse, saying neither to eat nor to drink until they would kill Paul.
dine samupasthite sati kiyanto yihUdIyalokA ekamantraNAH santaH paulaM na hatvA bhojanapAne kariSyAma iti zapathena svAn abadhnan|
13 And there were more than forty who made this conspiracy,
catvAriMzajjanebhyo'dhikA lokA iti paNam akurvvan|
14 who, having come near to the chief priests and the elders, said, We have put ourselves under a curse, a curse to taste of nothing until we would kill Paul.
te mahAyAjakAnAM prAcInalokAnAJca samIpaM gatvA kathayan, vayaM paulaM na hatvA kimapi na bhokSyAmahe dRDhenAnena zapathena baddhvA abhavAma|
15 Now therefore ye with the council report to the chief captain that tomorrow he may bring him down to you, as though going to inquire more accurately the things about him. And we, before he comes near, are prepared to kill him.
ataeva sAmprataM sabhAsadlokaiH saha vayaM tasmin kaJcid vizeSavicAraM kariSyAmastadarthaM bhavAn zvo 'smAkaM samIpaM tam Anayatviti sahasrasenApataye nivedanaM kuruta tena yuSmAkaM samIpaM upasthiteH pUrvvaM vayaM taM hantu sajjiSyAma|
16 But the son of Paul's sister, having heard of the ambush, having come and entered into the fort, he informed Paul.
tadA paulasya bhAgineyasteSAmiti mantraNAM vijJAya durgaM gatvA tAM vArttAM paulam uktavAn|
17 And Paul, having called one of the centurions, said, Take this young man to the chief captain, for he has something to inform him.
tasmAt paula ekaM zatasenApatim AhUya vAkyamidam bhASitavAn sahasrasenApateH samIpe'sya yuvamanuSyasya kiJcinnivedanam Aste, tasmAt tatsavidham enaM naya|
18 Indeed therefore having taken him, he brought him to the chief captain, and says, Paul the prisoner, having called me, asked me to bring this young man to thee, who has something to say to thee.
tataH sa tamAdAya sahasrasenApateH samIpam upasthAya kathitavAn, bhavataH samIpe'sya kimapi nivedanamAste tasmAt bandiH paulo mAmAhUya bhavataH samIpam enam AnetuM prArthitavAn|
19 And the chief captain having grasped his hand, and having gone in private, he asked him, What is it that thou have to inform me?
tadA sahasrasenApatistasya hastaM dhRtvA nirjanasthAnaM nItvA pRSThavAn tava kiM nivedanaM? tat kathaya|
20 And he said, The Jews have agreed to ask thee that tomorrow thou would bring Paul down to the council, as though going to inquire something more accurately about him.
tataH sokathayat, yihUdIyalAkAH paule kamapi vizeSavicAraM chalaM kRtvA taM sabhAM netuM bhavataH samIpe nivedayituM amantrayan|
21 Therefore thou should not be persuaded by them, for more than forty men of them wait to ambush him, who have put themselves under an oath, neither to eat nor drink until they have killed him. And now they are ready, expecting the promise from thee.
kintu mavatA tanna svIkarttavyaM yatasteSAM madhyevarttinazcatvAriMzajjanebhyo 'dhikalokA ekamantraNA bhUtvA paulaM na hatvA bhojanaM pAnaJca na kariSyAma iti zapathena baddhAH santo ghAtakA iva sajjitA idAnIM kevalaM bhavato 'numatim apekSante|
22 Indeed therefore the chief captain dismissed the young man, having ordered, Tell no man that thou have shown these things to me.
yAmimAM kathAM tvaM niveditavAn tAM kasmaicidapi mA kathayetyuktvA sahasrasenApatistaM yuvAnaM visRSTavAn|
23 And having summoned a certain two of the centurions, he said, Prepare two hundred soldiers that they may go to Caesarea, and seventy horsemen, and two hundred spearmen at the third hour of the night.
anantaraM sahasrasenApati rdvau zatasenApatI AhUyedam Adizat, yuvAM rAtrau praharaikAvaziSTAyAM satyAM kaisariyAnagaraM yAtuM padAtisainyAnAM dve zate ghoTakArohisainyAnAM saptatiM zaktidhArisainyAnAM dve zate ca janAn sajjitAn kurutaM|
24 And provide beasts, so that after mounting Paul, they may bring him safely to Felix the governor,
paulam ArohayituM phIlikSAdhipateH samIpaM nirvvighnaM netuJca vAhanAni samupasthApayataM|
25 after writing a letter containing this form:
aparaM sa patraM likhitvA dattavAn tallikhitametat,
26 Claudius Lysias to the eminent governor Felix, greeting.
mahAmahimazrIyuktaphIlikSAdhipataye klaudiyaluSiyasya namaskAraH|
27 This man who was seized by the Jews, and was going to be killed by them, having stood by with the soldiers, I rescued him, having learned that he is a Roman.
yihUdIyalokAH pUrvvam enaM mAnavaM dhRtvA svahastai rhantum udyatA etasminnantare sasainyohaM tatropasthAya eSa jano romIya iti vijJAya taM rakSitavAn|
28 And wanting to know for what reason they accused him, I brought him down to their council,
kinnimittaM te tamapavadante tajjJAtuM teSA sabhAM tamAnAyitavAn|
29 whom I found accusing about issues of their law, having not one accusation worthy of death or of bonds.
tatasteSAM vyavasthAyA viruddhayA kayAcana kathayA so'pavAdito'bhavat, kintu sa zRGkhalabandhanArho vA prANanAzArho bhavatIdRzaH kopyaparAdho mayAsya na dRSTaH|
30 And when it was reported to me of a plot going to be against the man by the Jews, I immediately sent him to thee, also having commanded the accusers to speak before thee the things against him. Be strong.
tathApi manuSyasyAsya vadhArthaM yihUdIyA ghAtakAiva sajjitA etAM vArttAM zrutvA tatkSaNAt tava samIpamenaM preSitavAn asyApavAdakAMzca tava samIpaM gatvApavaditum AjJApayam| bhavataH kuzalaM bhUyAt|
31 Indeed therefore, the soldiers, according to that which was precisely arranged for them, having taken Paul, they brought him through the night to Antipatris.
sainyagaNa AjJAnusAreNa paulaM gRhItvA tasyAM rajanyAm AntipAtrinagaram Anayat|
32 But on the morrow they returned to the fort, having allowed the horsemen to depart with him,
pare'hani tena saha yAtuM ghoTakArUDhasainyagaNaM sthApayitvA parAvRtya durgaM gatavAn|
33 who, after coming to Caesarea and having delivered the letter to the governor, also presented Paul to him.
tataH pare ghoTakArohisainyagaNaH kaisariyAnagaram upasthAya tatpatram adhipateH kare samarpya tasya samIpe paulam upasthApitavAn|
34 And the governor having read it, and having questioned from what province he was, and having found out that he was from Cilicia,
tadAdhipatistatpatraM paThitvA pRSThavAn eSa kimpradezIyo janaH? sa kilikiyApradezIya eko jana iti jJAtvA kathitavAn,
35 he said, I will hear thee when thine accusers also will arrive. And he commanded him to be kept in the Praetorium of Herod.
tavApavAdakagaNa Agate tava kathAM zroSyAmi| herodrAjagRhe taM sthApayitum AdiSTavAn|