< 2 Thessalonians 2 >

1 Now we ask you, brothers, on behalf of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him,
ہے بھْراتَرَح، اَسْماکَں پْرَبھو رْیِیشُکھْرِیشْٹَسْیاگَمَنَں تَسْیَ سَمِیپے سْماکَں سَںسْتھِتِنْچادھِ وَیَں یُشْمانْ اِدَں پْرارْتھَیامَہے،
2 for ye not to be quickly shaken from your mind, nor to be alarmed, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by a letter as by us, as that the day of the Christ has come.
پْرَبھیسْتَدْ دِنَں پْرایینوپَسْتھِتَمْ اِتِ یَدِ کَشْچِدْ آتْمَنا واچا وا پَتْرینَ واسْماکَمْ آدیشَں کَلْپَیَنْ یُشْمانْ گَدَتِ تَرْہِ یُویَں تینَ چَنْچَلَمَنَسَ اُدْوِگْناشْچَ نَ بھَوَتَ۔
3 Let not any man deceive you in any way, because if not, the defection may come first, and he may be revealed-the man of sin, the son of destruction,
کیناپِ پْرَکارینَ کوپِ یُشْمانْ نَ وَنْچَیَتُ یَتَسْتَسْمادْ دِناتْ پُورْوَّں دھَرْمَّلوپینوپَسْیاتَوْیَں،
4 who opposes and exalts himself against all that is called God or an object of worship, so as for him to sit in the temple of God, as God, displaying himself that he is God.
یَشْچَ جَنو وِپَکْشَتاں کُرْوَّنْ سَرْوَّسْمادْ دیواتْ پُوجَنِییَوَسْتُشْچونَّںسْیَتے سْوَمْ اِیشْوَرَمِوَ دَرْشَیَنْ اِیشْوَرَوَدْ اِیشْوَرَسْیَ مَنْدِرَ اُپَویکْشْیَتِ چَ تینَ وِناشَپاتْرینَ پاپَپُرُشینودیتَوْیَں۔
5 Do ye not remember that when I was yet with you I told you these things?
یَداہَں یُشْماکَں سَنِّدھاواسَں تَدانِیمْ ایتَدْ اَکَتھَیَمِتِ یُویَں کِں نَ سْمَرَتھَ؟
6 And now ye know that which restrains, for him to be revealed in his own time.
سامْپْرَتَں سَ یینَ نِوارْیَّتے تَدْ یُویَں جانِیتھَ، کِنْتُ سْوَسَمَیے تینودیتَوْیَں۔
7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already working, only he who restrains it until now will develop from the midst.
وِدھَرْمَّسْیَ نِگُوڈھو گُنَ اِدانِیمَپِ پھَلَتِ کِنْتُ یَسْتَں نِوارَیَتِ سودْیاپِ دُورِیکرِتو نابھَوَتْ۔
8 And then the lawless will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the spirit of his mouth, and will neutralize at the appearance of his coming.
تَسْمِنْ دُورِیکرِتے سَ وِدھَرْمّیُدیشْیَتِ کِنْتُ پْرَبھُ رْیِیشُح سْوَمُکھَپَوَنینَ تَں وِدھْوَںسَیِشْیَتِ نِجوپَسْتھِتیسْتیجَسا وِناشَیِشْیَتِ چَ۔
9 Whose coming is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and marvels of deceit,
شَیَتانَسْیَ شَکْتِپْرَکاشَنادْ وِناشْیَماناناں مَدھْیے سَرْوَّوِدھاح پَراکْرَما بھْرَمِکا آشْچَرْیَّکْرِیا لَکْشَنانْیَدھَرْمَّجاتا سَرْوَّوِدھَپْرَتارَنا چَ تَسْیوپَسْتھِتیح پھَلَں بھَوِشْیَتِ؛
10 and in all deception of unrighteousness in those who are perishing, in return for which, they did not accept the love of the truth in order for them to be saved.
یَتو ہیتوسْتے پَرِتْرانَپْراپْتَیے سَتْیَدھَرْمَّسْیانُراگَں نَ گرِہِیتَوَنْتَسْتَسْماتْ کارَنادْ
11 And because of this God will send them the force of a delusion, for them to believe a lie,
اِیشْوَرینَ تانْ پْرَتِ بھْرانْتِکَرَمایایاں پْریشِتایاں تے مرِشاواکْیے وِشْوَسِشْیَنْتِ۔
12 so that they might be condemned-all those who did not believe the truth, but who delighted in unrighteousness.
یَتو یاوَنْتو مانَواح سَتْیَدھَرْمّے نَ وِشْوَسْیادھَرْمّینَ تُشْیَنْتِ تَیح سَرْوَّے رْدَنْڈَبھاجَنَے رْبھَوِتَوْیَں۔
13 But we are indebted to express thanks to God always about you, brothers, beloved by the Lord, because God chose you from the beginning for salvation, in sanctification of spirit and belief of truth,
ہے پْرَبھوح پْرِیا بھْراتَرَح، یُشْماکَں کرِتَ اِیشْوَرَسْیَ دھَنْیَوادوسْمابھِح سَرْوَّدا کَرْتَّوْیو یَتَ اِیشْوَرَ آ پْرَتھَمادْ آتْمَنَح پاوَنینَ سَتْیَدھَرْمّے وِشْواسینَ چَ پَرِتْرانارْتھَں یُشْمانْ وَرِیتَوانْ
14 for which he called you, through our good news, for an acquired possession of glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
تَدَرْتھَنْچاسْمابھِ رْگھوشِتینَ سُسَںوادینَ یُشْمانْ آہُویاسْماکَں پْرَبھو رْیِیشُکھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ تیجَسودھِکارِنَح کَرِشْیَتِ۔
15 So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that ye were taught, whether by word or by letter from us.
اَتو ہے بھْراتَرَح یُویَمْ اَسْماکَں واکْیَیح پَتْرَیشْچَ یاں شِکْشاں لَبْدھَوَنْتَسْتاں کرِتْسْناں شِکْشاں دھارَیَنْتَح سُسْتھِرا بھَوَتَ۔
16 And may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and our God and Father who loved us and gave eternal encouragement and good hope through grace, (aiōnios g166)
اَسْماکَں پْرَبھُ رْیِیشُکھْرِیشْٹَسْتاتَ اِیشْوَرَشْچارْتھَتو یو یُشْماسُ پْریمَ کرِتَوانْ نِتْیانْچَ سانْتْوَنامْ اَنُگْرَہینوتَّمَپْرَتْیاشانْچَ یُشْمَبھْیَں دَتَّوانْ (aiōnios g166)
17 encourage your hearts and establish you in every good word and work.
سَ سْوَیَں یُشْماکَمْ اَنْتَحکَرَنانِ سانْتْوَیَتُ سَرْوَّسْمِنْ سَدْواکْیے سَتْکَرْمَّنِ چَ سُسْتھِرِیکَروتُ چَ۔

< 2 Thessalonians 2 >